How long do SSRI withdrawal symptoms last?

Synaptic Freedom


This is one of the most common, and hardest to answer, questions about SSRI withdrawal.  Withdrawal from psychiatric medications is still officially a mystery.  According to the manufacturers, SSRI do not cause severe withdrawal.  Instead, symptoms from “discontinuation syndrome” are mild to moderate and last one to three weeks.  This is in direct contrast to some patients that experience prolonged, severe, symptoms.  The disparity between experience and official information causes a lot of confusion for patients.  When we break a bone or pull a muscle, there are long established timelines for recovery.  Individual recoveries can vary in time and intensity.  Overall, most patients follow the timeline and recover close to the time expected.

The lack of information about SSRI may be part of the reason why it is so hard to predict how long withdrawal symptoms will last.  Most studies of SSRI are limited to 8-12 weeks and do not address cessation of the drug.  Manufacturers study their drugs in this manner to gain regulatory approval for sale, not so much to study the effects of the drugs.  Studies of the effects and withdrawal would be more of an academic pursuit and wouldn’t contribute to the commercial application of the medications.  Fewer people would begin prescriptions for SSRI if they knew that there was a chance that they would become dependent on the drug and have to go through an extended withdrawal period when they decide to stop taking it.

From the symptom perspective, it’s very hard to say which patients will experience withdrawal.  Some patients do follow the accepted tapering schedule and are able to stop taking the medication with minimal symptoms, despite taking the drug for a long time.  Other patients experience extended symptoms after taking the drug for a short period.  The underlying predictors of which patients are sensitive to SSRI and which ones aren’t are not well understood.  Without enough knowledge to predict which patients will experience withdrawal, it is even harder to predict how long those symptoms will last.  It becomes a very personal, individual, struggle for each patient.  That being said, there are some ways to gauge progress and predict how long an individual will experience withdrawal.

When a patient first experiences withdrawal symptoms, they can be quite frightening.  Since the mind creates reality in real time, withdrawal can seem like it will become permanent and debilitating.  That is the reality that withdrawal creates, though, not reality as an impartial observer would see it.  We live in a relative state of mind, though, so that’s all we see.  If we could step back from withdrawal symptoms, we would realize that this is a temporary crisis and not a permanent state of mind.  Withdrawal forces the mind to act more on instinct than it normally would.  In normal thought, the intellect regulates instinctual responses, moderating them to match social situations and our own moral beliefs.  Withdrawal disconnects the intellect from its normal regulatory function.  Instead of moderating behavior, anger, fear, and anxiety are allowed to come to the conscious mind.  As an example, take a trip to a supermarket and pay attention to your reactions.  When another shopper blocks an aisle or cuts you off at an intersection, anger is a possible reaction.  Normally, that anger is easily suppressed and you let the incident go without any reaction.  Withdrawal removes that moderating behavior and allows anger to become the acceptable response.  For a person not experiencing withdrawal, it takes a great deal of introspection to even detect the anger that arises from the incident.  It’s almost automatic to suppress the anger because reacting to such a trivial interaction is socially inappropriate.

Reasserting the intellect during withdrawal is the best way to control symptoms and mitigate the power they have.  Being mindful of how you would normally react to a situation and forcing yourself to follow that course of action can help.  It’s easier said than done.  Because of the mental relativism that withdrawal causes, it can be very hard to separate yourself from the immediate symptoms you’re experiencing.  Mindfulness is the process of stepping back from a situation and evaluating the emotions that you are feeling, and then changing your behavior based on what you think rather than your immediate emotions.  Essentially, it’s replacing the automatic moderating behavior that’s suppressed in withdrawal with conscious effort.  It can slow down the flow a conversation quite a bit second guessing every thought, but it’s better than acting out in a way that you might regret later.  It’s not necessary to think your way through every interaction forever, just until the automatic moderating function reestablishes itself.

Taking a longer view of withdrawal can help as well.  It’s very hard to envision how you will feel in two months when you’re living with symptoms minute by minute.  SSRI withdrawal happens in waves and windows.  Those are the names that veterans give to the cycle of withdrawal symptoms.  Waves are periods of time when symptoms are more severe.  Windows are periods when symptoms are not as bad.  As withdrawal progresses, waves come and go.  In the long term, the waves become shorter and milder, while the windows become better and longer.  Eventually, you enter a “window” that doesn’t end.  Mindfulness allows you to see that waves are not permanent and not put too much hope in the permanency of windows.  It sounds fatalistic to acknowledge that windows do not represent a cure, but it’s more realistic.  It’s a delicate balance between hope and pragmatism.  Being aware of how you are feeling during a window is just as important as being aware of your feelings during a wave.  Just as you need to consciously moderate your feelings in a wave, you have to bank the good parts of a window to use when you enter the next wave.  It’s an intrinsic exercise that you can’t really start to practice until you have the experience of a couple cycles behind you.  In the beginning, it’s very hard to see the larger picture because all there is is the immediate symptoms.  Some faith that symptoms will get better is required.  Faith is one of the first things to be shaken in withdrawal.  Family and friends don’t understand, doctors don’t believe it’s withdrawal.  You can’t “suck it up”, either, it doesn’t work like that.  All that can shake anyone’s certainty.  The wave/window pattern is part of withdrawal, though.  Just as you will enter waves during withdrawal, they will also end at some point.

As time goes by and you become accustomed to the cycle of waves and windows, the question becomes less about how long will withdrawal last.  Mindfulness becomes a habit, something that is almost second nature.  It’s something that you can apply to your life after withdrawal.  Most people started taking an SSRI to treat an existing condition.  The decision to stop taking an SSRI usually comes after the drug has lost efficacy or the side effects outweigh the benefits.  That requires some way of dealing with the symptoms of the condition after withdrawal is over.  It’s hard to see the mindfulness that withdrawal forces on you as a benefit of that trauma, but it does give you a good way to handle an existing condition.  In the long term, the goal becomes less about getting off the drug as fast as possible, and more about getting off the drug with as much quality of life as possible.  In a way, a good way, the coping tools you develop during withdrawal will serve you for the rest of your life.  The adage that alcoholics use to describe recovery is apt for people suffering from SSRI withdrawal. “One day at a time” is the best way to approach recovery.

377 Responses to “How long do SSRI withdrawal symptoms last?”

  1. shiraj.ks9 Says:

    nicely said…boosted me from inside…i will defnitely follow this

  2. Ann Kelly Says:

    Very relevant… and a well put together article that really nails the whole fear issues that everyone is up against.

    • joanna Says:

      Thanks so my has Steven

      I cant help thinking its just me though especially negative thoughts Not withdrawals. I feel lost and confused. How can a drug give you such long withdrawals. I understand a month or two but 3 months is madness. Thank u so much for advice.

  3. Joe Says:

    I’m roughly 6 weeks out from Zoloft discontinuation (after a 5-6 year period of 50mg/day usage) and I’ve still been experiencing some pretty heavy bouts of anxiety followed by hopelessness and depression. It’s very uncharacteristic of me, yet when these symptoms arise, they are all too real, and they feel as though they are permanent. I’ve spent the better part of an evening browsing the web, looking for some reassuring words that may help me cultivate a frame of mind that will get me through these tough times, and your words have been the most positive and helpful I’ve found thus far. Thank you! My best to you.

    • npanth Says:

      Thanks. Withdrawal symptoms can be very hard to deal with, sometimes. They’re unpredictable and have such a profound effect on the mind that it closes off everything else. They’re not permanent, though. Even though it feels like it will last forever, it will slowly start to get better. Progress can seem uneven at first, but it does become more steady as time goes by.
      If your symptoms increase over the next couple weeks, you might consider reinstating on Zoloft at a lower dose and tapering slowly from there. For people who are sensitive to these drugs, 10% reductions every 4-6 weeks is a good pace to minimize symptoms. It’s a diminishing schedule. For example, 40mg/day, 36mg/day, 32.4mg/day, 29.2mg/day, etc. It takes a long time to get off the drug on this schedule, but it minimizes symptoms. I hope you feel better soon.

      • LilianG Says:

        Hi. 6 weeks ago I took my last dose of Citalopram. I had a two week taper from 30mg. 1 wk @ 20mg, 1 wk @ 10mg . I was then due to have a washout week before starting Sertraline. However, as I felt more ‘alive’ than I had done for years, I decided to stay off medication.
        I had also done some research on supplements eg omega3, vitamin D, and excercise etc.
        The first 2-3 says were fine.
        The next 10 days were horrendous….night sweats, insomnia, nausea, loose bowels, crying etc
        Then up to 5 weeks I felt really good.
        The last week or so,I feel the withdrawal symptoms are returning…night sweats, nausea, crying.
        But…..are these withdrawal effects or are my anxiety/depression returning.

        Do the waves and windows go on for months??

        Any comments would be appreciated.

    • Says:

      I felt the same way. Best information I have found yet!!

    • Louisa Says:

      Hi James. I’m currently in the same situation that you experienced a few years ago when you wrote this. Would you be interested in contacting me? I’ve never had anxiety until coming off of this drug. It’s been on and off for about 2 months. Would love to get some feedback.

  4. chris Says:

    As a fellow protracted withdrawal sufferer, now nearing three years, I agree with your description that we are somehow disconnected from our brains and this in itself is terrifying, especially if it is prevalent for months and months. I found that I did not fit the protocol of many ‘withdrawal board veterens’ where experience of waves and windows gave at least a glimpse of hope. Improvements were miniscule and not at all noticable on a day to day or month to month basis. I wonder if you know why some people have these and others don’t? I did c/t from 40mg prozac and am wondering if this may be the reason.

    • npanth Says:

      I’ve talked to several people who have had a similar experience with withdrawal. Instead of having windows, they have one long wave that ever so slowly gets better. I’m not sure what the difference is. The only explanation I’ve heard is “Withdrawal in unique to the individual” which isn’t very satisfying. One thing about withdrawal is that it can change over time, too. For the first 8-9 months, I had unremitting symptoms. It didn’t seem like it would ever get better. Then it started to break up into waves and windows. I think there may be another category of withdrawal where the symptoms don’t let up, then largely resolve at once. I think both types of recovery are difficult in their own way. In the wave/window cycle, there’s always the fear of slipping backwards. In the prolonged wave cycle, there’s no letup to provide hope. Recovery has happened for everyone I’ve talked to who has gone through it, though, so I think it will happen for all of us.

    • Aaron Says:

      Hi Chris,

      How are you feeling now? I stopped Lexapro abruptly in 2014 and the syndrome is ridiculous… all of the problems. Did you experience waves and window? Or did it slowly start to get better?



      • Mike F Says:

        It’ll be 4 years since I tapered off of Lexapro in less than 3 weeks. Still having issues,

        • Aaron Says:

          what issues are you still having?

          • Mike F Says:

            These all come & go in wave like fashion. Tight band like headaches, gi issues, yawning, frequent urination, tight muscles, ANXIETY, extreme hunger, and others. Nothing debilitating but annoying just the same. And of course, nobody believes it could be from SSRI Protracted Withdrawal this far out. It is!

          • Sheila Says:

            Can I jump in here? I’m discouraged. I’d taken Lexapro for about10 years. I stopped abruptly… And accidentally. The initial clarity and euphoria were amazing. Then the sweats, sleep disturbances, gi stuff and dysphoria. Worst of all I CANNOT concentrate. At all. I’m a frickin NURSE! I have to be 100% mindful 10″% of the time! I’m at a month or so of cessation. I’m starting to wonder if I’m meant to stay on this crap. Now the hopelessness starts… Am I going to be ok?! I’m so disconnected. Suicide is sounding peaceful

          • Avi Mirchandani Says:

            Hi Sheila,
            I understand your pain and frustration as I too went through it. Unfortunately stopping Cipralex or almost any AD for that matter causes withdrawal symptoms. It needs to be tapered very slowly. I suggest you speak to your doctor and start back on it and stick with it until you feel fine and then taper off the medicine when you are comfortable to do so.

            I tapered with cipralex but too quickly and have to start again and when restarted wasn’t working so well. I have finally found a better doctor who is getting me on track. It does take time and can be so frustrating and disheartening but be strong and you will eventually be fine. All of us who have gone through this know your pain!

            I wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon.
            Best wishes,


          • Margo Monroe Says:

            Sheila, I have been taking Paxil since 2000. Tried to get off 3 times. Twice made it about 5 months. The last time was the absolute worst. I made it about 8 months…of hell. I started having panic attacks, then unrelenting insomnia. Then when I thought I was getting better, nocturnal panic attacks every night and was getting about 1 hour of sleep a night. Finally I had a day of such god awful anxiety that I realized that I would jump off a cliff if I couldn’t get back on Paxil…and what if it didn’t work? Thank god it worked, but I ended up retiring from work because it took several months to recover, but the anxiety stopped immediately. Being on SSRIs for a long time changes your brain. It’s about quality of life in the end. I wish you the best. Suicide should not be an option, when a pill can help you.

          • Avinash Mirchandani Says:

            I think mental illness is the worst thing to have because you feel like you are in your own world. It’s good that people talk about it more these days and treatment is not considered a bad stigma anymore. Taking an antidepressant should be thought of as taking medicine for diabetes or anything else. If you suffer from something and there is a medicine to help or cure you, that should definitely be the choice over suicide.

            Has anyone heard of or tried a drug called Brintillex (Vortioxetine)? I have just started it recently. It’s been quite tough lately with anxiety, feeling low and quite fatigued but just about a week so hopefully it gets better soon.

            Hope everyone is doing better. 😁

        • Byron Says:

          HI Mike. I have been off Zoloft for a year now. Was on low dose for about 2.5 years (tried to get off a few times). And yes I do have windows but still have similar issues to what you are describing. Gastro issues (mainly loose stool to diarrhea and gut spams at times which are highly annoying and feel like my gut has forgotten how to process some foods), and definitely muscle tightness, particularly around the waist. Anxiety is only mild though. I am dealing with it through meditation (every day). and yoga. Still, it feels like it’s never going to end.

  5. Nick Says:

    Thank you James, nicely researched and nicely put together. May I share my exprerience with SSRIs, I was put on SSRIs for 3 months in September, with subsequent tapering for 2 weeks to treat burnout syndrome. I was on Xanax, as breakthrough anxiety treatment for all that time and came out of it gradually end of December. The reason I insisted I came off SSRIs and Xanax was the emotional blunting I experienced throughout treatment which still continues 4 weeks after SSRI discontinuation and 1 week following Xanax withdrawal. Also, depression sets in, to a degree that makes me wonder what is going on, I can realize this is not at all me. It is an interesting state, physicians have a tendency to believe symptoms of depression are coming back, and that it is unlikely for medicines to have created such a confusing state to my body. I have serious doubts though that this is the case, I am a generally very positive and optimistic person, I know my self pretty well, so I am ready to accept that even in short period treatments and small doses withdrawal can be very upsetting. Thus, I was very releived to read your article, I was just wondering whether anybody else had a combined withdrawal period from SSRIs and benzos after such a short period treatment, and, yes(!), if anyone can guess how long it takes for this brain system to get back to normal state!

    • npanth Says:

      My doctor also diagnosed my withdrawal symptoms as a new problem that required Paxil to treat. He had to stretch diagnosis quite a bit to do it. I went to him in the middle of withdrawal. He tried to tell me that I had a latent psychosis, even as he paged through my history of mild social anxiety. By that time, I knew my symptoms couldn’t be what he said. If I had followed his advice, I’d be on a fistful of pills by now. Who knows what state I’d be in. That’s the irony of withdrawal. In order to get off these drugs, patients have to become medically non compliant. Who would have thought that doctors would be the ones trying to keep people on drugs. My life has improved dramatically since getting down to a small dose of Paxil. While I was taking the drug, I was depressed, insular, irritable. Other than the episodic and acute depression I experienced in withdrawal, all of those problems have faded away.
      I’ve talked to several people who have had prolonged withdrawal symptoms after relatively short treatment periods. I’m not sure why it happens. I can understand why long term use would cause long term withdrawal, but not short term use. It may be some kind of sensitivity to the drugs that other people don’t have. It’s possible that you started to taper off the benzo too soon after tapering off the SSRI. It’s hard to say if it would be better to reinstate and try a slower taper. Tapering should usually be shorter than the original treatment period. I hope you start to feel better soon.

      • Pzen Says:

        Hello npath, and thank you for this enlightening article.

        I just have a question: In the above comment you say that you reinstated Paxil and that it alleviated the withdrawal symptoms? But I thought that you stopped the drugs altogether?

      • Carol Says:

        Thanks so much your post has given me lots of hope and really lifted me . I was going to return to raking a new course of different anti d’s tomorrow from recent visit to my doctor as I’m 9 weeks off cipramil and having waves /windows which is a brill description. I have been using anti depressants for 6 years and was hoping things and feelings especially anxiety better.please reply

      • bhaskar0389 Says:

        I am on Paxil for 2+ years with varying antipsychotics. I hv never understood why being put on such drugs on forgetfulness and mild sleep problems if compared….
        But I stopped then they put me on Sertraline and aripipazole which made me restless ?
        I again stopped and off all since 6 months..

        Now main issues are agitation and constant neck pain and fatigue… Nothing worked till now .. no supplement,no Ayurveda, no homeopathy. I developed ulnar neuropathy and just got thru surgery.

        Will there any way to ease off? Sometimes I think of strangling all shrinks to death who made me functional disable … from topper to zero .. to ashes.

        Then I feel this is WD.

  6. Drizzle Says:

    Have never posted on anything like this before but I wanted to ask about my situation. I was on Citalopram (UK name for Celexa) for 5 years, originally at 20mg then increased to 40mg 2 years later. I came off *incredibly* slowly after reading about the withdrawal effects, especially as I got to the lower doses. Even a 5mg drop from 15mg to 10mg gave horrible symptoms so I bought some gem scales off Amazon and gradually cut my 10mg tablets into smaller & smaller pieces to simulate 1mg decreases and spent a month at each level. I came down from the equivalent of 2mg to nothing at the start of January as the shards were getting ridiculously small but suffered some withdrawal symptoms even then! (I had read elsewhere that the last bit can be the most difficult but was amazed this could still happen at this level).
    Anyway – about 3 months ago I started getting digestive problems (mostly diarrhea/looseness which are being investigated to rule out anything ‘sinister’) and was wondering if this could have anything to do with withdrawal? It seems crazy that I’m still suffering withdrawal but I’m still having bouts of crying and waves of anxiety from time to time so maybe it’s possible? It’s just that this hasn’t been a symptom before and only started during the last dregs stage of tapering. But then you read that 90% of serotonin is in the gut and I wondered if that meant that ssri’s have an effect there too?
    Thank you to everyone who has posted here. If I hadn’t found this I’d never have known that ‘prolonged withdrawal symptoms from ssri’s’ were even recognised. Like the US, the doctors here in the UK are hopelessly ignorant of any of this stuff.

    • npanth Says:

      Gastrointestinal problems are very common in SSRI withdrawal. I still have some issues with it now. It was very bad for a long time. I never thought it was possible to have the runs and be constipated at the same time, but it is. Serotonin is produced in the gut, and the migrates to the brain where it is used as a neurotransmitter. The brain isn’t the only place where Serotonin is used as a neurotransmitter. There are neuron like cells in many parts of the body. Those cells aren’t as organized as neurons in the brain, and they serve different purposes, but they operate in similar ways. Changing the way that serotonin is regulated affects them in various ways. In the gut, it disrupts the normal digestive process.
      One of the mistakes that most people make when tapering off an SSRI is to make large tapers too quickly. Indeed, I did it. Tapering should be done in percentage amounts, not static milligram chunks. Going from 15mg/day to 10mg/day is a 33% reduction in dose. Dosage drops should be done 10-15% each time. It’s good that you changed your tapering method to go at a slower rate. I just jumped off the cliff, and had to reinstate two months later. I’m still shaving the pills down at this point, but withdrawal is going much better. After reaching zero, it may take some time for your symptoms to go away. They usually don’t just disappear, they slowly fade over time. The emotional issues will probably come and go in waves and windows until the waves get shorter, and the windows get longer. hang in there. It sounds like you tapered more slowly than most people, and that will help make the symptoms shorter at this point.

      • d Says:

        Thanks so much for that npanth – I didn’t expect such a quick response! So, should I just ride with the digestive symptoms for a while longer (it’s been 3 months so far)? I keep thinking ‘should I change my diet?’; ‘should I take supplements?’ (suggestions? Someone suggested Triphala – anybody have any experience of this?).
        Incidentally, I haven’t had any anger stuff at all, is that common? Was *really* interested to read on someone else’s entry about obsessive thoughts – I had no idea this might be linked to withdrawal – I have this problem too, as well as concentration & short-term memory probs which I hate. You have a conversation with someone and what they’re saying is really interesting and you’re really listening and taking part in the convo but half an hour later you cannot recall many of the details. I’m not *quite* of the age where this would be expected, at least not at this level.
        Anyway, thanks again – it really helps to have found someone out there who has clearly done some in-depth work on this stuff.

        • npanth Says:

          It’s hard to say how long the gastrointestinal symptoms will last. I reinstated on Paxil after about two months off of it. Most of the bigger symptoms dissipated, but I still have GI problems. They’re not as bad as they were before. It seems like the GI problems are a marker for other problems within the body. They’re just more noticeable… we really do live on our stomachs. My digestion is slowly going back to normal. I was almost constantly constipated for 10 years while I was on Paxil, so it figures that it’s going to take a little while for it to reach equilibrium again.

          It took me a long time to associate obsessive thoughts with withdrawal, and recognize them when they came. That kind of introspection isn’t something most people are used to doing. We’re accustomed to having an automatic filter in our minds that shields our conscious mind from the weirder thoughts that are always floating around in there.

          As an example, say someone cuts you off in traffic. Even in normal thought, the whole range of thoughts, from passive to psychotic, go through our minds. Don’t respond, speed up, slow down, cut them off, even ram them from behind. We’re not used to having the more extreme thoughts come to our conscious minds because our personalities usually filter them out before they reach our conscious minds. That filter is disabled in withdrawal. The thoughts that reach the conscious mind are the most powerful, not the most rational.

          Since we’re not accustomed to having to grapple with psychosis, obsession, or rage all the time, we assume that we’re still thinking like we always have and accept those thoughts. They do fade away over time. It can be helpful to pay attention to what you’re thinking and actively select thoughts that you have until the normal filter reasserts itself.

          • Jay Says:

            I went off Lexapro 4 years ago. I stepped down slowly for about 3 months. One month into the step down I began to experience terrible digestive issues. I told my doctor that it seemed like my entire digestive system forgot how to work. She just looked at me, gave me heartburn meds, and told me not to eat tomatoes. I found another doctor. It has been 4 years and my symptoms have improved a lot, but when I wake up my colon rumbles and hurts for about an hour or more in the morning. It took a lot of searching, here are the things that have helped me. Chiropractor, acupuncture( although not too effective for ibs, but great for sleep and anxiety), elimination diet to heal bowel disbyosis, high quality probiotics, Rolfing, physical therapy and visceral manipulation. All this healed a whole host of other problem, pms, migraine, sinus/ear problems and most of my IBS. Can anyone suggest something that will help stop the morning colon spasms? They begin about 2 minutes after I wake up when I am still in bed. I think it has something to do with hormone release.
            Good luck to anyone one suffering from Lexapro withdrawls. I really needed it for postpartum anxiety, but have had withdrawal for longer than I was on it.

          • Lily Says:

            Hi npanth I reinstated to Paxil and I’m still on 20 mg daily it’s been 3 months since I reinstated after 3 years of 20mg although most of the withdrawal symptoms are gone I still have windows and waves my question is how long before they go away I don’t want to taper until they are completely gone or will they go away with continue use sometimes I think I’m better but then waves come hard I’m still on daily 20mg

      • eddie Says:

        Oh boy it’s 22 months’ since I stopped taking Fluoxetine and I’m still in withdrawal. I followed my GP’s instructions on tapering and ended up off Fluoxetine in 6 weeks’ … big mistake! I was on Citalopram for 8.5 years and Fluoxetine for 6 months’. I’m in a wave of withdrawal again with the gastrointestinal problems you describe, not as severe as you have described, but nonetheless rather frustrating and uncomfortable. The other problems I have are chronic, chronic fatigue, which is the worst part of all, periods of crying and uncomfortable joints. The joint problem I believe is something to do with Serotonin being responsible for bone formation.

        I was wondering where you are up to in your withdrawal relationship?? Because mine has gone on for so long I’m pretty fed up!! The worst part of withdrawal is not knowing how long it’s going to last!! I would appreciate your response from a timeframe point of view and any suggestions you may have 🙂

        • Plog Poster Says:

          Dear Eddie,
          I understand your desperation completely. I have been off citalopram for about 6 weeks now and I am always on the brink of falling apart and hardly ever smile. I need help to feel like I can keep going. I am suffering. And it is negatively affecting my relationships, particularly with my grown sons, who do not know what to do with me. I am feeling truly crushed by all this. How are you doing? Is is affecting other people in you life?

          • eddie Says:

            Thanks for your post!
            We are all in the same boat and never asked for these problems, all we ever wanted was to feel well!! I understand why you feel so crushed, you and I both and everyone else caught up in this mess but it does get better.
            Antidepressants ruined my relationships with friends while I was on them, withdrawal has finished what was left but my family are lovely and have been so supportive!! So in answer to your question, yes, AD’s have affected people in my life. And I still feel ****
            And the most annoying thing about this mess … according to my medical records I was never depressed with a slight increase in anxiety but not clinically anxious either so as my local MP asked, “Why were you prescribed antidepressants”? Kick-back springs to mind!!!
            As you used the British name for Citalopram, are you based in the UK? And did you see Panorama on BBC1 @ 8.30 on the 14th Apr? Your feedback would be much appreciated:)
            I hope you start to feel ok soon but if you ever want to let off steam please write again:)

          • Plog Poster Says:

            Hi Eddie, Thanks for your reply (below). I am not in the UK; I am in the US. I have not seen the BBC program to which you referred. I will check it out, but may not have access to it here in America. If I can get it, I’ll let you know what I think.

          • eddie Says:

            The programme I watched is on the BBC’s iplayer so pls google BBC iplayer Panorama “who’s paying your Doctor” and see how you get on. I hope you’re ok today:) and you will get through this!!!
            Take care

  7. Edna Says:

    My affair with ssri’s began in 2006. When I had an episode of depression in my life. I went to therapy, I tried so hard to avoid using an antidepressant. But ultimately, gave in and that’s where Lexapro 10mg/day came into my life. I did ok on it. Then about 3 yrs ago got diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which one of the symptoms is depression symptoms. Makes me wonder if 10 years ago, it was my thyroid acting up and wasn’t caught. Needless to say, Lex and I have been associates for a long time. At this point in my life, I am ready to embrace the “joy of motherhood”. I’m 35, and lets be honest, time is passing by… OBGYN strictly said, should I become pregnant, I would have to get rid of Lex. So I considered getting off before pregnancy even happens. I’m on day 56 since my last dose. ~2.5mg. Went through physical withdrawals. Plus, hot flashes during my “rage” phase (as I call it) which began about 2-3wks after last dose. That lasted about 2wks. Now I’m in the panic/anxiety phase. I’m forgetful, my mind feels foggy. When I realize I’m forgetting things, it feeds my anxiety/panic and makes me think I’m going crazy… It’s a vicious cycle. Personally, I feel this is the ugliest phase. I understand that biologically the brain has to do its thing (I’m a scientist, for cryin’ out loud) but it sure feels like the light @ end of tunnel is no where close. The science in me says its normal, this shall pass, it’s temporary, do not go back to Lex. But the emotional side of me is really making me reconsider… Yikes. I have good days and bad days. Drink teas, practice yoga as often as I can. Thank you for your article. It explains a lot.

    • npanth Says:

      Thanks, Edna. I went through similar phases. Anger, depression, anxiety, insomnia. It sometimes seemed like there was no break between them. It does eventually get better. Hang in there. I hope you feel better soon.

      • Abhishek Gupta Says:

        I have taken Anti depressants(SSRIs) for 2 months and now i feel that i have lost my feelings of love and romance.What can i do now to bring back my feelings of love and romance? And how much time does it take to fade away the Side effects?

    • mama2 Says:

      Just as a side note, I was on ssri’s for my first two babies, and for nursing. I’m now pregnant with my third and trying to get off. You can be on anti-depressants, if necessary while preg and nursing. Some are considered safer than others for this. However, in an attempt to have me on the safest drugs for pregnancy, and then nursing, I was switched around so much, had bad reactions to some (effexor), recently came out that citalopram causes heart problems at the dosage I was at, that I’m just trying to quit. I’ll use MMJ as needed to get to sleep, which is likely a lot safer for the kids.

      I wish you luck!

  8. mama2 Says:

    Thank you so much for this article. Very helpful for me as I try to get off meds. I’ve been on SSRIs for the last 10 years. The last year has been a merry go round of trying different ones, and after too many bad effects, and little good ones, I’m quitting. I’m curious as to whether you know anything about whether being on about 4 different SSRIs in the last year could be part of what is making withdrawal so hard… I tend to be very sensitive to the drugs, and would go through withdrawal with even one missed dose.

    • npanth Says:

      Yes, the drug merry go round can make withdrawal harder. Even though SSRI as a drug class have similar effects, each one has unique aspects and withdrawal symptoms. Rapidly switching, which is common practice, has a tendency to exacerbate the differences between the drugs. You don’t have a chance to consolidate withdrawal from one before you start to withdrawal from the next.
      Usually, the best way to get off the merry go round is to wait until you are very stable on one, then slowly taper off of that one. If you’re taking more than one drug, slowly taper off one before trying to get off the next.

  9. laurie Says:

    I was put on 10mg of lexapro in November 2004 when I was pregnant with my son (found out September 1) by my PCP. I can’t take birth control pills because the excess of hormones doesn’t mentally go over well. So now pregnant with raging hormones my anxiety was out of control…especially with self harm intrusive thoughts. The lexapro did help me. I was supposed to come off of it 6 months post partum but surprise….I found out I was pregnant again in November 2005 so the Dr had me stay on it just in case. I was supposed to come off at 6 months post partum. Well I had post partum depression with my daughter so I was told to stay on the lexapro with xanax. In 2006 I found out I have pcos and spoke to my Dr about coming off of lexapro. Out of nowhere he said I think you should stay on it being that you have GAD. Wtf??? I was so confused as to where that came from because i don’t meet the criteria for that, but I trusted the medical professional and stayed on it. Fast forward to last year still on the lexapro ranging from 10-20mg. I had gone to the emergency room because i had a massive anxiety attack in February to the point that I couldn’t breathe. After that i switched to a psychiatrist because obviously they should know these drugs better. My anxiety went through the roof in the winter of last year!!! It was as if my body was all of a sudden rejecting the lexapro.(started to feel overstimulated on both 10 or 20mg) So now over 7 years older I started to think for myself and requested to be taken off. My pdoc wanted me to stay on it because I was still having anxiety. Now getting diagnosed with ocd…no rituals just obsessive thinking. Wtf again??? I started to wean myself…went from 10mg to 5mg. After about a week I called my pdoc and told him I was on 5mg and ready to take the steps necessary to come off. He told me to drop it to 2.5mg for a week and stop and I won’t suffer withdrawal at all. Holy FML because I felt awful. Intrusive thoughts, anger, no patience, anxiety….just to name a few. I changed pdocs again and this Dr put me on a mood stabilizer 150mg of trileptal (anti-convulsant typically given to bipolar patients)(75mg in morning and at night) to help with withdrawal. I was off the 2.5mg within 3 days of taking the trileptal and the Dr was aware. I felt good on this for about a week and downhill I went. I was to wean off of the trileptal a month after starting it and I did try. Started feeling massive anxiety again and I went back to see the pdoc. She told me a month was long enough for the lexapro to be out of my system which seems odd considering I was on it for 8.5 years. She has now upped the trileptal to 300mg. I am not bipolar and don’t fit the criteria but supposedly trileptal helps with anxiety also. I feel crappy even on this new dosage and am wondering if the withdrawals could be breaking through even though I should be withdrawal free at this point. I don’t know what to believe anymore because all of my research differentiates from what the Dr said. Any thoughts? Sorry so long. I am sensitive to medications. The lexapro did help effectively for years but being diagnosed for these things is so strange. Fine I had intrusive thoughts in the past but not this strong and more hormonal based. After 8.5 years of usage and being off for a month I’m wondering if my brain has seriously stabilized by now??? I have an appointment with a new psychologist tomorrow.

    • laurie Says:

      My symptoms now are anxiety, trouble sleeping, depression, etc. Worse then I have ever felt. I have 3 beautiful children and a great husband….I know I need better coping skills and positive thinking but it’s hard when you want to curl up in a ball. Socially I am having issues which is so funny to me because I majored in public relations in college. I love people….well not now. In hope you can shed some bright light on this!

      • npanth Says:

        You’ll get yourself back. Anxiety, social withdrawal, anger, and insomnia are all very common withdrawal symptoms. It’s hard to believe, but you will get better. There will be some tough times, feeling better happens slowly and in frustrating ups and downs, but it does happen. And! You have not permanently damaged your brain! That thought comes to dominate thought at times in withdrawal. Hang in there 🙂

        • Joanne warren Says:

          I know this post is over a year old but I just wanted to say that this post in particular saved me from reaching for citalapram again. It will be 6 weeks Monday since I stopped after being on them for 16 years and last couple of days I have felt just what you have described. Now I know it’s withdrawal I have gained strength and reassurance to continue discontinuation thank you

          • Anna Says:

            I am so happy I found this site.
            I am on week 3 of being off of Cipralex (Canada) and I am feeling awful.
            I made the mistake in March to stop it cold turkey because I ran out of pills (and I was feeling great-so why not see if I don’t need them) and within 5 days I was not in good shape. I started taking it again (20mg) and felt good initially, but then started suffering from agitation, major anxiety and tremors. Long story short, I have reduced Cipralex from 20mg to 0mg since June 2014.
            I have had tingling in my feet and hands, weakness, GI upset, anger fits and major crying episodes. It feels hopeless right now, and I have been sent to a neurologist to rule out MS etc…
            Has anyone out there suffered the tingling and numbness, muscle weakness/fatigue while discontinuing AD?
            I hope somebody sees this post.

          • Liz Says:

            I just wanted to tell you that you’re not alone. I’m assuming that the drug you were taking was Lexapro, same as me. (If not they are all similar). I experienced all of those symptoms when I stopped. I bumped back up to 1.25 mg (a 5 mg pill cut 2 ways in a pill splitter.) That took care of the physical symptoms and some of the moods. It’s now 5 months later and I’m doing okay. For now just staying on that crumb. Eventually I will probably drop that too but the experience has me spooked! This is powerful stuff.

          • Anna Says:

            Liz, thank you for responding to my question.
            I am really worried because I start a new job on this coming Monday, yet I fear I won’t be able to make it due to how sick I am feeling. I have had a lot of stress in the last year and half (my marriage fell apart) so I wonder if the stress exacerbates the symptoms? Just a thought. Thanks so much again…I don’t feel so alone anymore.

      • cray Says:

        Hi Laurie, Don’t give up – I also felt like this but it does pass. Just take break each day down into manageable chunks. I was in 5 mins increments at one stage – now can go days and look back each month and am amazed how much better I am (all relative though). Last month couldn’t get out of bed some days. This month although I can still feel crap I also am not at that point. Stay strong and have lots of cuddles with your kids – even if you don’t feel like it something still seems ot pass to you. Best of luckxx

        • kelly Says:

          I was on Lexapro for 8 years! I tried unsuccessfully for the last 3 years (or more) to get off but the withdrawal symptoms were unbearable, and so was I, to be around. My doctor even put me on wellbutrin to help with the withdrawal symptoms from lexapro….this was awful. I felt like someone pumped lead into my body and I slept all day! After I dropped the kids off at school I fell asleep until about 2:00! That was the last day I took wellbutrin and I continued on with the lexapro. I was tired of going back to the doctor and I wasn’t willing to take anymore drugs. About 4 months ago I finally stopped taking the Lexapro-cold turkey! I used vitamins (mood boost) and it helped with the withdrawal symptoms. This worked better than weaning off the medication and in the past I was down to 2mg a day with awful withdrawal symptoms! I now take tranquility, vitamin B, and Vitamin D. The vitamin supplements work much better than any prescription!! I still have ringing in my ears (that I hope is not permanent) I’m lethargic, can’t sleep at night, I’m not very sociably or motivated to do as much as I use to. I do, however, have more good days than I have in the past….so I am holding out hope. I have 3 kids so it can be rather frustrating. I’m angry that my doctor ever put me on this in the first place. I had some anxiety after my second child was born and she was worried it would escalate and get worse. The anxiety that I did have paled in comparison to the “wrath of lexapro” and its withdrawal symptoms. I feel like they should offer “Lexapro Anonymous” classes for spouses! But the good news is that I no longer have anxiety and I do have days where I feel like my old self again. It’s scary how doctors don’t think twice about writing prescriptions for these medications. I would love to know how many people actually need to be on them and how many people would benefit from vitamins, diet changes and exercise?

    • npanth Says:

      The conventional wisdom is that SSRI, anticonvulsants, and stabilizers do not cause tolerance. I reached Paxil tolerance after about 5 years, but stayed at my full dose for another 5. My doctor tried to diagnose me as psychotic while I was in withdrawal. He gave me a couple new prescriptions. If his diagnosis was correct, my symptoms would have gotten worse as my Paxil dose went down. The opposite has been true. I feel better as my dose goes down. I am really hesitant to tell people to ignore their doctor’s advice. The only way I got off the psych drug spiral was to become medically non compliant, though. It’s a huge catch-22. My symptoms would have progressed, my doctor would have prescribed more drugs, my symptoms would have progressed, and so on. I had to get off somewhere.
      Most doctors prescribe more of the current drug, or new drugs, when the efficacy of the first drug starts to wear off. That in itself points to tolerance. I’m still not sure why the belief that psych drugs don’t cause dependence or tolerance is still the majority view.
      Usually, the best way to get off a string of psych meds is to wait until you reach a stable place on your current one, then slowly wean off that drug. If you’ve switched drugs recently, you should go back to the last drug, get stable, then wean. I think your best bet would be to get as stable as you can on Lexapro, then wean off from there. You might want to paste this post to or There are folks at those sites who are much more knowledgable about the interactions of multiple drugs. They also have more experience weaning off of multiple drugs. I hope you feel better soon… It sounds like you’ve started to research withdrawal before you got too far into the drug spiral, which is a really good thing.

      • laurie Says:

        I started the weaning process with the trileptal. The doctor explained how on Monday when in saw her if in the event I decided to go to back to lexapro. I reinstated 5mg of lexapro last night. I was sweating…couldn’t sleep, heart was racing, etc. I know reinstating takes takes time and once I stabilize I will hang on that does for a little while before I begin to wean again. I’m so exhausted I think from the toll all of this crap has put me through. My heart hurts but I am sure its stress induced from the emotional rollercoaster. I still feel on my own but low and behold the pharmacist from my local pharmacy talked to me for an hour and was more informative and caring then any of the pdocs I have seen. I got to the point where I needed to involve impartial people because the doctors were confusing me. I also spoke to my PCP. She was helpful but the pharmacist was amazing. Finally someone who understood my troubles and even went as far as to tell me about a family members experience on being on paxil and coming off to go back on and wean more slowly. She totally got it! Such a shame that we are not properly guided through these processes but more given pills hand over fists. My only issue right now is my taking xanax for breakthrough. I am by no means a pill popper…hence really wanting off this stuff, but it seems to be an unnecessary evil being that I have children to care for and need clarity. I feel a little better coming off of last night except for the chest issues but hopefully that will pass soon. I also took my lexapro this morning instead of at night being that maybe I will sleep better. Do you think there is a huge difference between generic and name brand SSRIs?

        • laurie Says:

          Don’t get me wrong the anxiety is still prevalent but I’m hoping this will be the start of setting it straight. Do you think reinstating after almost 5 weeks off will be rough?

          • npanth Says:

            I reinstated after two months. I know some people who have gone several months before reinstating. It’s an individual thing. Don’t decide if reinstating has worked for a while. When you first start taking an SSRI, it takes about 6-8 weeks before you start to see effects. In that time, you can get some startup symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc. I had to plow though some of those things before I started to feel stable. Reinstating is a strange experience. Some of the symptoms go away within a couple days. Others linger for a while, and some remain throughout.
            The overwhelming anxiety and severe depression went away within a couple days. The irritability took a month or two to subside. The brain fog lasted a lot longer. Cognitive slowness is a common side effect of the drug, so it makes sense that it would remain while I was on a higher dose of the drug. It’s strange. I can feel the fog lifting ever so slowly as my dose goes down. Little by little, my brain is starting to come back to me. Man, how I’ve missed it 🙂

        • npanth Says:

          I’ve run into something similar. SSRI seem to be at that weird phase of knowledge where nurses and pharmacists are more knowledgable than the doctors. I think it is because they interact with patients more, and can see past the literature more easily than doctors. I don’t trust them more than doctors because they say what I want, but because they say what I’ve experienced. My doctor has been so wrong about withdrawal and what I can expect from SSRI, that it is eroding my confidence in him in other areas.
          The pounding heartbeat could be related to the drug. I had irregular and pounding heartbeats while I was on Paxil. SSRI have effects on the cardiac muscle and the regulatory system that controls heart pace. I’m not very familiar with the cardio system, but I did experience something similar to what you describe. I’ve talked to other people who have had it, too. It may be worth having it checked. From the anecdotal conversations I’ve had with people who’ve had it, it doesn’t seem to be a detectable problem with the heart. They have all said that their heart tests have come back normal, despite having racing heartbeats. Honestly, I don’t really understand why that would be.
          I’m not sure about generics. Laws prescribe how much active ingredient is in each pill and how that ingredient is distributed within the tablet. The things that the manufacturers can change are mostly in the fillers they use. Other than being “inert” they have a lot of latitude in what they use.
          It’s a little fuzzy at this point, but I did reach tolerance for Paxil around the time that I switched to the generic version of Paxil. I can’t say that the generic was the cause, just that it happened around the same time. The price difference between the generic and the patent med is so great that I couldn’t afford to go back to patent Paxil even if I wanted to. I’m having success tapering off generic Paroxetine, so I’m not going to rock the boat at this time. I’ve talked to some people who couldn’t tolerate generics, but that hasn’t been my experience. I think the price difference is worth the effort and the risk of a temporary setback.

      • Plog Poster Says:

        Dear James,
        I don’t know if you are still checking in on this thread, but your posts have been extremely helpful as I and many others are suffering with this process. I am very grateful to and hope you are better. Please let us know.

  10. laurie Says:

    Do you think 2.5mg or 5mg would be a better reinstatement of the lexapro?

    • npanth Says:

      The best way to calculate a reinstatement dose is to take the last dose you were on, the lower that by 10% each month Neil you get to the present.
      You could probably start at 2.5 mg. stay at that dose for a couple weeks and see how you are doing. If you are still having bad symptoms, go up to 5 mg. it’s usually best to taper up while reinstating. I hope reinstating does the trick for you

  11. laurie Says:

    I can’t get over also that the doctors wanted me to reinstate at 10mg…the dosage I was on. I didn’t think that was a great idea.

    • npanth Says:

      Doctors have been conditioned to view psych drugs as infallible and without side effects. Most of the doctors I’ve spoken to are genuinely surprised when I say that I feel better as my dose goes down. It feels like I just told them that gravity points up, not down.

  12. fireweedfarm Says:

    Today I was at the doc, and my pulse was 59. Which, I believe is quite low for me. Also, my blood pressure seemed off. I didn’t think at the time to have them compare this to my past numbers. I’m thinking that this could be related to the fatigue and weird chest feelings I’ve been having since my last decrease in dose (From 10mg to 5mg of lexapro). I’ve been digging around on internet (we have a super slow connection) and haven’t been able to find much. And suggestions? Thanks!

    • npanth Says:

      Going from 10mg to 5mg is a big jump. Usually, it’s best to taper 10% each time. That minimizes the symptoms.
      Usually, a big taper will create faster and irregular heartbeats, but slower beats can happen, too. Low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fatigue. If the symptoms correspond with your last taper, that’s a strong indication that they are related. You might consider inching up your dose a bit, then tapering more slowly from there. Tapering at 10%, your next dose would be 9mg. The slow taper decreases as you go. It’s 10% of your last dose. So, the schedule would be 9, 8.1, 7.3, 6.6, 5.9, 4.8, 4.3, etc.
      It takes a while to finish tapering like this, but it does minimize symptoms. I hope you feel better soon.

  13. Anxiety_only Says:

    This is a pretty Impressive Blog..
    After 6 years of Zoloft at 125 mg a day, for anxiety (OCD) I weaned off in 6 weeks at a reduction of 25mg a week
    The side effects of weaning off were the Vivid dreams, and Jaw clenching, teeth grinding. That ended at 25 mg, 2 months ago… after two months of No meds.

    I didn’t know what they were,,, brain zaps I’ve had a million of them and still have them. The spontaneous Loss of balance, vertigo, dizziness, and lightheaded episodes are amazing! it’s like Immediate temporary amnesia your just gone then back. The fatigue is horrible enough to make you a hypochondriac and think you have cancer! I now have Irritable bowel syndrome.. My colon hates me… a lack of Serotonin is just as hard on your tummy! Mentally I’m irritable, twitchy, and nervous again, I’m on my third respiratory infection in 6 weeks? I never get sick (and it could be a coincidence) but my immune system seems to be suddenly a little low.

    After speaking with my Physician about all of this we decided to reinstate the med.
    I am on my fifth day of 50mg and will be going back to a minimum of 75mg or even 125 (full dosage).
    I understand fully the insight of understanding your mental health and issues, but seriously… I was happy with my Zoloft!
    I actually don’t recommend the happily medicated ever try this.. Ever ever ever ever!

    • npanth Says:

      The time has to right in your life to taper off a psych med. don’t worry if you feel that you need to stay on Zoloft. It was the right time for me to come off Paxil. I felt like the drug was doing more harm than good.
      I had a lot of the same symptoms. That one where you just “disappear” mentally for a few minutes is really annoying. It can happen at any moment. I did it once in the middle of a job interview. I came back and realized that they had asked me a question, and I had no idea what they had been saying for the last couple sentences. The good news in withdrawal is that cognition does come back. I haven’t had one of those brain fades in a long time.
      Hang in there. If you decide to taper at a later date, the withdrawal community on the web is growing and improving all the time. You may even get a realistic tapering schedule from your doctor next time 🙂

      • Anxiety_only Says:

        After the past weekend most of my blank spots and head zaps are gone. I can think pretty clearly again and i’m waking up. You are so right about the right time and the realistic tapering schedule.
        i believe that i will follow this site … It has alot of good personal info and i think its a realistic site with alot of thought behind it.

        • npanth Says:

          Thank you! I try not to push tapering on everyone. The biggest mistake I mad was rushing to get off Paxil. Going slowly and deliberately really is the best way to get off SSRI, and it’s very hard to keep at it for so long until you want to do it.

  14. paul s. Says:

    I was on Effexor for 4 years and was diagnosed with bipolar while in the midst of an opiates and benzos addiction, so I feel I was misdiagnosed obviously. I decided to taper off the effexor against my doctor’s advice after a rage incident where I smashed up my entire house and was Baker acted. I tapered fairly quickly because the Dr said it was okay and was highly of did it in about 3 months. within 6 weeks I had horrible withdrawal and read online about the Prozac bridge

    • paul s. Says:

      *Part 2 Of my comment* after the 20 milligram prozac bridge attempt for about 6 months I discontinued the Prozac. I felt more good windows then bad for the next 6-8 months with some 3-5 day periods where the waves were long. I I was dealing with a divorce new job relocation and many other circumstances that contributed to what I was struggling with but I truly believe I was going to get better. about a month and a half ago I went into a deep depression or waive that I could not get out of. I was so desperate I wanted to a walk in clinic and got 20 milligrams of Prozac and have been taking that for the past three weeks with no relief whatsoever. I’m getting counseling and the people that are in my life giving me advice are telling me it’s just the depression and anxiety returning which I disagree with. the pattern of being sick all morning and have today

      • paul s. Says:

        And half the day not have the day, is the pattern I am in now. it’s funny because I remember this exactly a year ago during my withdrawals the first time this pattern. I thought I was getting better. I have not had effexor in almost a year and a half. any input or advice that you can give me or doctor that I can see that deals with SSRI discontinuation syndrome would be appreciated.

        • paul s. Says:

          I feel generally so much better other than the wave I’m stuck in where I can’t eat I am sick to my stomach constantly and feel as though I’m never get better which is generally a classified as a wave. I really feel as though I’ve lost it and my chemical imbalance will never be normal again. please help

          • npanth Says:

            The symptoms you describe do sound like withdrawal. The morning to evening cycle of anxiety and depression is very common in withdrawal. Withdrawal can behave very differently for people. Some people have their symptoms right away, others get them after a delay.
            Three weeks is about the time when you should start to see some traction after reinstating. A lot of symptoms should go away within a few days of reinstatement, but some people take about 4-6 weeks before they start to get some symptom relief. It may take some more time to get stable enough to start tapering again. Try to have patience with it. I know it’s hard to be patient when the symptoms are so immediate.
            Gut problems are very common in withdrawal. That’s an indication that your other symptoms are probably withdrawal related. SSRI affect the gut in profound ways. While I was tapering too fast, I couldn’t eat more than a few crackers or toast most days. It gets better. Hang in there the best you can, hopefully, it will start improving soon.

  15. Daniel Says:

    I do not know if your “speciality” has more to do with ssri or benzodiazepines. Anyway, I have been following your excellent posts and I appreciate the information. I have taken xanax for 17 years. Last September I was hospitalized for detoxification (cold turkey). I was there for 40 days. I left the clinic in October. I turned eight months, having had a withdrawal, difficult but bearable. My main problem has been to deal with stressful situations. That´s the reason I’ve been practically confined to home, but working through the computer. Now, in the last days of June my parents are coming to visit me (they live in another country) and my situation became completely untenable. I am having very frequent obsessive thoughts, and that I can not deal with this situation. I know it’s a personal question, but … should I consider to reinstate, after 8 months? Or should pass this phase and continue? Thank you

    • npanth Says:

      8 months is a long interval for reinstating. I reinstated after two months off Paxil. it still took about 4 months before I felt stable again. The interval between reinstating and stability isn’t linear, but it does get longer as the time before reinstating gets longer.
      I know the feeling, though. It can be very hard to deal with the circular thoughts and irrational anger. Those are very common symptoms. It feels like a trap in a way. Reinstating may or may not help, but the symptoms still press on you with the same intensity. The difficulty with anger and obsessive thoughts is that the normal mental filter that keeps us from sensing the, is removed for a while in withdrawal. We have to use conscious control instead of relying on that innate filter.
      I tried to use distractions to keep the obsessive thoughts at bay. I kept telling myself that the thought that I was a bad person or incessant memory was not a normal thought for me. Watching tv or concentrating on a video game helped sometimes. There are times when they overcome those efforts. Those are the times when I just had to endure it until it became more manageable again.
      One of the best things to keep telling yourself is that it will get better in time. I’m not unique, or even very special, when it comes to withdrawal. The biological imperative is towards recovery. It will happen for you, too.
      If you do try reinstating, pay close attention to your symptoms for the first week or so. The larger symptoms should dissipate. If you start to feel new symptoms, or your symptoms get worse, you still have an opportunity to stop before you become too committed to reinstating. The toughest spot to be in is when you’ve invested significant time into reinstating, but haven’t found relief.
      Good luck with the visit. Those can be very stressful during withdrawal. I hope you hit a window before they come.

    • Anxiety_Only Says:

      Daniel… Before reinstating you should talk to a professional about this… Obsessive thoughts, stress, anxiety and closing yourself off from the outside world are manageable. Making your decision without counsel may not be the best for you.
      Benzodiazepines and ssri’s are different drugs by nature and mechanism. I urge you to talk to a professional and if attempting reinstatement make sure someone objectively helps find all the pros and cons of your decision.

      • Anxiety_Only Says:

        Obsessive thoughts, stress, anxiety and closing yourself off from the outside world are manageable.
        A little more detail would be that I used to suffer exactly like you it took mental tricks taught to me by a psychologist to actually break these. The meds were a relief but the only way to survive was the mental picture of a stop sign when i started obsessing, I have probably 7 or 8 different tricks that immediately reinforce my irrational behaviors
        This is the counseling portion of therapy and without making any drug decisions. I always make sure I have a small arsenal of simple devices that I can use to relax. It took a couple years to acquire them all but if quality of life is what its about you should make sure you have been given the correct tools by people who call themselves care providers.

        • Daniel Says:

          Thanks a lot for your answers. Very interesting. I was thinking and I decided not to reinstate.
          But what discourages me most is the feeling or sensation that there are functions of the brain that seems to return to normal, while there are others who just simply do not seem to improve. It can be possible? It scares me the functions associated with the ability to cope with stressful situations seem just stopped, with no change in time . Or I need more time to see changes? Thanks in advance

          • npanth Says:

            It can take a while for coping skills to come back. For a long time, going to the market was hard for me. Now, I’m able to work a full day, even in some stressful situations, and still go back the next day. You’ll get there. Like you said, it comes back haphazardly and not all at once, but it does get there.

  16. SLJen Says:

    This is one of the most useful SSRI posts I have ever read, thank you. I’m mid withdrawal right now, fortunately I’ve got over most of the emotional and panic symptoms and now am feeling mostly like I’m on a boat (seeing as everything suddenly pitches back and forth, nausea, headaches etc…I may as well be at sea!) and the irritability and anger – yes! I am glad to hear that’s a normal symptom, I feel exactly as you described – the bit of me that holds back has gone and I’m working really hard to remember not to snap at people. I feel annoyed that I should have tapered more slowly, I’ve dropped down in 5mgs from 20mg whilst changing to bupropion in the course of about a month. I finished the last 5mg 5 days ago…but now that’s been done, do you think it’s worth riding out the horrible ‘boat trip’ now? You’ve reminded me that it has actually only been days – and if it does abate in 2 weeks, that’s only some more days…but it feels like forever at this point. Thanks so much for this, and thank you to the others for sharing their stories – I feel like we’re all getting there together.

    • npanth Says:

      The anger was one of the most surprising symptoms for me. Absolutely everything pissed me off. I’d get furious at someone pausing in the market aisle, and have to hide in the organic aisle for five minutes until I calmed down. I’m a pretty easy going person, so that was very out of character.
      I had to take over the role of conscience while I was in withdrawal. Normally, I intrinsically suppress and expand emotions based on my past experiences. Wen I was in the anger phase, I didn’t have that built in filter anymore. I had to think about everything I said and did, no matter how trivial. It made me sound like an idiot when I paused to think about how to answer “how you doing?” The good news is the anger phase does go away, and that intrinsic filter returns.
      Switching to another drug during a taper complicates things a little bit. Wellbutrin may be affecting different neurotransmitters than your previous drug. Wellbutrin affects norepinephrine and dopamine. Paxil, for instance, mostly affects Serotonin. All three affect mood and cognition, but in different ways. Even the researchers aren’t sure what the division of “labor” is for neurotransmitters and emotions. You might be experiencing withdrawal symptoms and startup symptoms. It takes a while for the brain to get used to a new SSRI. The anger sounds like withdrawal. The dizziness could be a withdrawal or startup symptom. Both kind of come and go, and slowly fade away. I hope you feel better soon. I’m sorry I don’t have more concrete advice. It’s frustrating that the best remedy for withdrawal symptoms is time.

      • Garrett Feldhake Says:

        Can U Die From antidepressant withdrawal So Worried

      • SLJen Says:

        Thanks so much for your reply, sorry it took a while to answer to you. In the end I restarted back at 5mg and am tapering again, so now back in irritable phase (lost my rag last night when I bumped into a shelf!) but with less sicky physical symptoms at least. It’s so frustrating feeling like I’m an experiment – I do understand that the doctors are prescribing things trial and error, but this experience has just been horrible and protracted and ultimately I don’t know what is affecting what at the moment. I am really looking forward to getting off citalopram just to finally see how i’m feeling with wellbutrin, although i imagine that will be another few months time once all the withdrawal effects are gone. Thanks for sharing your experiences with anger. I grew up with a volatile father, and it scares me that I’m like that at the moment, as in general I’m not. I was scared that that was actually ‘who i am’ and removing the drugs was revealing that, but now at least i feel reassured that it’s not me, and i can be stronger than the angry urges to never take it out on other people. it’s horrifying seeing such a characteristic in yourself. I would love to get to a point where I take nothing, but i just have no faith that i am capable of that – i have had these problems since i was a teenager and spent years without drugs so feel like i’ve learnt my capabilities of (not) coping. it’s so depressing! (at least i still have irony)

        • npanth Says:

          Be patient with yourself. It takes a while for things to settle down in withdrawal. The anger is a tough symptom. Don’t get angry that you’re getting angry, if that makes sense. Try your best to keep an even keel, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up every now and then. The fact that you’re concerned about your anger proves that it isn’t your true nature that is emerging. It also proves that you have taken you previous experiences with others’ anger to heart, and are determined to be different.
          One of the meta symptoms of withdrawal is the sense that your “true nature” is being revealed. A lot of people feel that way. I certainly did. I thought that Paxil was the only keeping me from becoming the nasty, angry person I really was. Turns out, I’m not nearly as bad a guy as I thought. Neither are you. It’s frustrating to wait for the anger to subside, but it will happen. Hang in there.

      • SLJen Says:

        sorry that was a very self focused reply i posted! i just want to say I am really very grateful for the time you’ve spent responding to me and others on this site, having that little bit of extra support is a massive boost 🙂 sending you huge amounts of good karma!!

      • sophia Says:

        I absolutely love this thread. It is so incredibly helpful. Good advice and knowing that I am not alone. I do have one concern… if anyone can answer this… it seems that people who quit cold turkey AND people who wean slowly off these drugs (SSRI’s) all report a terrible withdrawal. I have tried both, cold turkey and a fast wean and both have been excruciating for me. High emotions, tons of anger, uncontrollable crying spells, etc… I am starting to think that a cold turkey approach might be better and just lock myself in my room for a few days. ?? Any thoughts?

  17. Joan Hogben Says:

    Hi, I have been off Paxil for 9 weeks. The initial withdrawal lasted about 3 weeks……head and body zaps, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. \I had reduced from 40mg over a 6 month period. The last 10mg was hell. The past 3 weeks or so I have had hideous panic attacks. These were one of the reasons I was put on Paxil to start with. I am wondering whether this huge surge of panic and general anxiety are still withdrawal effects? I have started taking Omega 3,Vit D3, Vit B complex and magnesium to try to help.
    I am VERY reluctant to go back on any SSRI as I am on Sotalol for paroxysmal SVT, and now I know that ANY ssri can interact with it and potentially cause fatal arrhythmias. (my cardiologist said recently my ECG?EKG would have to be monitored).
    I am a Nurse Practitioner, and understand how horrid SSRI withdrawal can be, but I was not expecting the anxiety/panic to kick in this late.

    • npanth Says:

      Panic attacks are one of the most common symptoms of Paxil withdrawal. It’s very hard to separate the panic that comes from withdrawal and existing panic. They both feel the same, it’s just the cause that’s different.
      SSRI have a delayed reaction that I wasn’t really prepared for when I was doing my first taper. I found that I was getting waves a couple weeks after a taper. I did an experiment with my last taper. I went from 6mg to 5 mg/day. It was a larger than normal taper. I’ve been at 5 for 4 months. The waves came and went for the first 6 weeks or so. Then I had milder waves for about a month. The last one and a half months have had extremely light waves. Lately, I think I’ve only noticed the waves because I’ve become very sensitive to the symptoms. So, I’d say that it’s possible to experience waves up to 2 or 3 months after a taper, longer if the taper is bigger than 15%

  18. Chantelle Says:

    Hi! I’m a nineteen year old who’d been suffering from shyness and anxiety during social occasions from the minute i’d left school. This was causing me to get a job very difficult and I thought enough was enough and decided to go to the doctors to get help. My doctor’s first option was Citalopram. I asked him if it’d help and he didn’t hesitate to say yes. I started taking them, I didn’t see the problem and I was pretty excited at the idea of taking the meds and getting a certificate allowing me not to work. The day after taking them I experienced my first ever panic attack. I seriously thought I was gonna die, you see I have a fear of hospitals so the idea that i’d have to go to hospital was stuck in my mind too. From that day on I was experiencing hell. My mind was constantly telling me I was gonna die, my whole body ached, I was on the brink of an anxiety attack every second of the day and if I wasn’t crying to my parents, I was stuck in my room fearing for my life. I dealt with this all for a month and decided the best option for me was to stop taking them, my dad told me that I should and it’d be the best thing for me. I wasn’t told about tappering off till a few days after stopping and I was feeling much better at the time so I didn’t feel the need. I thought that it was all over. Now i’m suffering with discontinuation withdrawals and I have been for 2, coming up 3, months. I deal with anxiety daily and it seems I’ve developed hypochondria too which means I don’t go a day without thinking that I have an underlying issue, I currently think I’ve got a brain tumor because of my constant headaches and fatigue, as well as thinking I have leukemia due to strands of my hair falling out more often than usual and bruising a little more easily. I do see the withdrawal effects slowly getting milder, but something inside me is telling me that i’ve been dealing with this for far too long and that something is seriously wrong with me. Any sort of advice you could give me would make me so happy. Is this normal? is dealing with withdrawals for 3 months normal?

    • SLJen Says:

      Hey just thought I’d write a note to you because I also developed anxiety at a similar age when i started uni. In my (non-medically trained) opinion it is probably not citalopram withdrawal now so much as a worsening of you anxiety, which could have been triggered by the on/off citalopram. try and get some CBT for anxiety, this helped me a lot and can genuinely help you never have a panic attack ever again. I also read a book that really helped me called ´the happiness trap´, which essentially is a CBT course in a book. try and see a psychiatrist as GPs have not been hugely useful in my experience. don’t worry about underlying conditions, get the GP to run some tests for tiredness such as aneamia, thyroid problems etc. most likely the tests will come back all fine – worrying about underlying causes is a symptom of anxiety. my hair used to fall out too from the stress, and constant fatigue from the worrying and poor sleep, but ultimately there was nothing wrong, just good old fashioned anxiety distorting my perspective on everything – from the dangers of going outside (very small!), what people were thinking of me (actually nothing malicious!) and my health status (not dying!). good luck and have faith that you will get better.

    • npanth Says:

      Withdrawal can be extended, especially after a bad reaction. I had similar symptoms in withdrawal. Headaches, hair growing in some places, falling out in others.
      Chances are, it’s not a tumor. I had many similar feelings. The pain was so intense and prolonged that I didn’t think it could be anything as “temporary” as withdrawal. If you want to help put your mind at ease, try getting an MRI. imaging the problem should come back normal, which should help alleviate the anxiety.
      Hypochondria is a common symptom, too. Withdrawal disrupts the body in a lot of ways. It can feel like a lot of different illnesses.
      Hang in there. Your course of treatment was short enough that you should start to pull out of withdrawal in a while. I know the waiting part is very hard. It’s a good sign that you have noticed some improvement. That’s one of the big hurdles to overcome. As weird as it sounds, it’s easy to become accustomed to withdrawal symptoms, and look for them everywhere. When good things start to happen, it’s easy to ignore or dismiss them.

  19. Daniel Says:

    Thank you for this wonderful blog. It is fantastic. Reassure wisely and without drama. I hope to do that when I heal. I wrote a while back (June 2013) to tell about the visit of my parents. Well, they came. There was a stressful experience. The good news is that I survived.
    I have been on alprazolam for more than 10 years. I am on a phase of withdrawal (recovery is much better)…almost 10 months after Cold Turkey.
    In this new phase concerns me especially the issue of anger and relationships with people. I’m in therapy and I find it difficult to explain to the world, and my therapist what really happens. Nobody understand. Everyone I required me to have a normal social life. When I know I will have a little social contact, my mood changes completely. It´s clear for me: must be isolated to feel minimally well.
    And this causes me great wear. People believe I’m exaggerating. They think I have something like shyness …. some of my personality … How have you deal with this issue? Again, thank you very much …

    • npanth Says:

      It’s very hard to explain the anger that comes with withdrawal. It’s a compulsion more than an emotion. The best you can do is try to keep reminding them how it feels, even though that increases frustration. Frustration leads to anger. It’s a really har spiral that feeds on itself. It does get better. Try to be mindful of your frustration and anger. Try to temper those emotions by imagining what the “normal” you would do. Eventually, it gets better, and you don’t have to keep such a tight lid on yourself.

  20. Sandra. Says:

    Hi, i have been on citalopram for 8 months, and now of of them for 3 weeks, never felt good on them so taperd down for 20 to 5 mg in 5 weeks, al the tapering was terrible, when i took 5 mg i got the flu, or something like that, felt sick. The first week of nothing was not so bad, but the it started , i don,t care about anything, not happy anymore , don,t smile, still have those vivid dreams and my jaw is stiff al the time, dry mounth, don,t wanna do anything, hate this feeling, it,s so not me. The mornings are the wurst, and when i get tired, wake up really early in the morning. Been tru the crying over nothing and scary thought,s , think i,am really sensitieve , because when i started at 20 mg i was sick for 2 weeks, really sick, so took 10 in the morning and 10 at night. 8 weeks later my doctor told me to take 20 at once , and again i could not get out of bed for 2 days, i hope you can tell me i,am in withdrawal, my doctor doesn,t really believe,s in withdrawal so it,s hard to talk to someone, don,t ever wanna go back on, so i just ride it out , i guess. Can you tell my if it sounds like withdrawal, i,am just depressed and i was not to begin with. ( forgive me my english, i,am from Holland so it,s not easy ) Thanks Sandra .

  21. Sandra. Says:

    Forgot to tell that i had al the things people are talking about but not the brainzaps , but it,s been like a rollercoster , sometimes i have a moment of feeling myself, 6 weeks before i taperd down the citalopram , i kicked a 4 month use of oxazepam , at 40 mg a day. So i must be a lot for my brain to deal with. That wasn,t easy to. The things i,am left with now is no feelings, anger, jittering jaws when i wake up, strange eye sight, snapping jaw and thight ,i feel it al the way down my ears, feel like i have to puke in the morning but don,t. Just feel like a shadow of me……vivid dreams…..still a lot i guess. This must be wd, what else could it be? What do you think ? X Sandra .

    • npanth Says:

      Your symptoms are all consistent with withdrawal. Stiff muscles/joints, emotional numbness/outbursts, nightmares. Those are all very common. You tapered very quickly. It might be a good idea to stay at your current dose, or even increase it a bit. Wait until your symptoms become more manageable before tapering again. The goal for tapering is to keep the symptoms as mild as possible. That’s just as important as lowering our dose. I had a similar schedule when I started tapering off Paxil. I thought I was being conservative because my schedule was so much longer than my doctor’s. turns out my schedule was too fast, and his was unrealistic.

      I hope you feel better soon. It’s really hard to deal with symptoms that feel out of control. It should get better as your body catches up with the last couple tapers.

  22. Sandra. Says:

    Thank you, going back on is not a option, feld so bad on the meds, they made me wurst than i was but my doctor told me to just keep taking them, i was on oxazepam also, and that made me crazy, had a terrible time, was like a zombie, feeling nothing , didn,t wanna do anything, spend my days on the sofa, looking at the wall, didn,t wanna go out of the house and got scared of everything, this was so not me. I,am now 5 weeks of, en the whole day are wave,s of feeling a bit better and feeling strange, sometimes,s some strange thought,s but know it isn,t me, the dreams are still there and my jaw is still stif, when i wake up i can,t keep them still, my eyes are also still strange, like i can,t see verry well, and the headace, feels like migraine,s , hope this wil go away soon, gained a few pounds hope that wil go away to, the use and the reverse reaction,s of oxazepam and citalopram must have been a lot for my brain to handle,and than the taper of 4 month oxazepam at 40 mg in 4 weeks , than the citalopram, hope there is no damage , find myself laughing sometimes, and i am aware of that, it,s a strange feeling, i,am gonna pull tru, proud of myself for coming this far, it,s been hell, pure hell, glad you respond to me, really … helps to talk someone who know how it is, whising everyone a save journey coming of these meds from hell…….take care and thank you! Sandra. X

  23. Sandra. Says:

    The thing that is making it hard now, is feeling better for a few moment,s a day, and then it starts again, out of nothing i get a strange feeling in my head, my jaw get,s stif, my eyes are strange , and get a terrible headache, i get so tired can,t keep my eyes open. That,s when i think i wil never get better, somethings wrong with my brain……totally hate that feeling…….x Sandra

  24. arnold Says:

    Sandra, I know what you mean about “my eyes are strange”. It’s hard to describe to someone but that’s how it feels for me too. I wanted to get off the SSRI roller coaster for some time. I finally took the plunge and talked to my Dr about it. She recommended that I taper down the 10 mg dose of Lexapro that I had taken for the last several years by beginning bupropion 150 mg and taking the 10 mg Lexapro every other day for a week. I did lose count of when I took that last Lexapro though and believe that I only took it twice in that week. I have been completely off Lexapro and taking bupropion only for the last week and the withdrawal symptoms started almost immediately. In addition, I began training in a new job about a month ago and the instructor is less than kind and usually insulting. For the last week, I find that I am very sensitive to loud noises, have tinnitus, get very irritable and anxious, am feeling very low and want to cry at the drop of a hat. (Actually last Friday I did just that in front of a co-worker) I’m in the health care industry and know a little about withdrawal symptoms so I associated some of this to withdrawal and some of it to mental exhaustion from the stress of dealing with a critical trainer. The thing that bothers me the most is the “wave-like” feeling of my brain going in and out. Someone said it feels like your brain is being “squeezed” for about a second and that it keeps doing this every few seconds or so and the associated dizziness. I generally feel depressed and stressed most of the time now. I have spent a great deal of time on the internet trying to find out how long Lexapro stays in your system but have not found any really good answers. I don’t want to think that I’ll have to go through this for months. If that’s the case I may as well go back on it again. I’m glad that I found your site and am heartened to see that there are others out there like me who experience withdrawal symptoms from getting off SSRIs. I’m going to call my Dr on Monday to see if maybe I should go back to the tapering thing again. This is just the worst!

  25. Dawn Berrie. Please feel free to call me if you would like I'm at 908-835-0225 Says:

    Hi James. I am suffering acutely from what seems to be an SSRI withdrawal. I won’t go into the details but I’m actually fairly famous. I don’t mean that narcissistically. But I’m obviously fairly intelligent. I have been a CEO for While I was recovering from RSD. I was on very high levels of Percocet. I was also on Cymbalta at the same time. Once I reduced the Percocet to a very low level symptoms of dyskinesia appeared. So was obvious that I was allergic to Cymbalta.

    Although I had to connect the dots my previous doctors did not. Once I pulled off of the Cymbalta, which unfortunately I had been on for over two years. All of my symptoms dissipated.

    Another Dr. put me on Lexapro. Dyskinesia reappeared I stopped immediately and all symptoms dissipated. This same thing happened with gabapentin. All symptoms dissipated within 3 to 5 days.

    Another pain Dr. eight months ago suggested Lyrica. At this point I still was not familiar with what an SSRI was. I feel so stupid. But what I did is I called Pfizer five days in a row and asked if dyskinesia was attached to that particular drug Lyrica. Each time they told me no.

    So I finally took the drug. The first day was my first pain-free day in years. The second day I couldn’t even get out of bed. My head was going to blow. So my Dr. said to taper down which I did. Within a week and a half I had dyskinesia again. So I pulled off the drug immediately.

    I’m currently in my eighth month of unbelievable suffering. I’m a workoutaholic. I’m forcing myself to try and work out. But it’s brutal. I have no energy severe depression (which by the way, I have lived my whole life laughing and loving life) I cry uncontrollably shake have severe gastroenterology problems, I sweat profusely every single night. I have insomnia the list as you know just goes on and on similar to everybody else.

    After already recovering from RSD which is the suicide disease. My plan was to write a book. Even just my name will sell a book. My ex is also a very famous director who is ready to make a film on it. He is one five Oscars.

    Throughout this eight-month time. For some reason I started to feel better and I got back out in the game of life. Once again this is going to sound narcissistic but I’m also now dating an extremely famous musician. If I mention the name everybody would know who it is.

    I have the ability to get on to the Dr. Oz show. But I can’t even do that because I’m a brand and I feel stupid. Stress bothers me the most. I’m finally in love for the first time. And although my boyfriend understands what’s going on. Sometimes I go in uncontrollable either jealousy or rants that are so against my personality that now I’m afraid I may lose him as well. Even though I know that he loves me.

    I met my last wits end, I’ve been to every neurologist, pain Dr. etc. first off, my pain Dr. that put me on Lyrica does not believe me for one second. I know he thinks I’m being a drama queen and he almost wants to drop me. I can’t look for another pain Dr. at this point. I’ve been through so many.

    I’m trying to figure out if enzymes would work for me. I just picked up five HTP for the first time. Do you have any other suggestions?

    Thank you so much if you can help in any way.



    • npanth Says:

      I didn’t have a lot of success with supplements during withdrawal. Some people here have had success with them, though. 5HTP has a mixed reputation for relieving SSRI withdrawal symptoms. The effect is somewhat similar to the SSRI. The mechanism is a bit different, but the effect is similar. It tries to increase the amount of available Serotonin in the inter neural gap.
      The best supplement I found was just a simple multivitamin. It didn’t do a lot to directly affect withdrawal symptoms, but it did improve my overall health. I think that did indirectly help.
      The anger and anxiety are really hard to deal with, sometimes. The emotions can be overpowering. To me, it felt like that built in emotional filter had been turned off. I would just act out, then feel guilty about it later. The best thing I found was to pay close attention when I was starting to feel angry. I had to consciously moderate my emotions. It was very tiring to have to keep on top of everything I thought. For a while, I spoke very slowly because I was examining every response that I thought of. Like a lot of other things, it becomes easier and more natural over time.
      Be very up front and honest about the emotional problems that withdrawal create. The anger and jealousy can sour relationships. Emphasize that it’s not part of your normal emotional state. That may seem obvious, but it can be hard to remember after a fight over something neither one of you consider important. In a weird way, the person in withdrawal has to comfort and reassure the caregiver, sometimes.
      Keep trying to exercise. You may have to dial back the level to match your capabilities. It’s not a permanent retreat, just an accommodation for withdrawal. I tried to take walks and do light exercise in the living room when I was having a lot of trouble. I was able to slowly do more as time went on. That’s the best, and most frustrating part, of withdrawal. Progress happens over time, and it feels like it happens so very slowly. Hang in there. I hope you feel better soon.

  26. Molly Says:

    Thank you for this comforting post. I’m transitioning from Lexapro to Wellbutrin and since I quit the Lexapro I’ve had all of the side effects from serotonin withdrawal syndrome. So I’m riding it out with flu symptoms and a tiny but of auditory hallucinations (no voices). I definitely feel the windows and waves. Early in the morning I can’t eat or I’ll throw up but I feel fine mentally. As the day goes on I can eat but then the shocks come back. But that might change tomorrow so I just have to be prepared for the worst. I have saltines, club soda and sprite ready for the times I feel sick.

    This is all worth it for me. Yes, big pharma is a for-profit industry. Yes, there are bad psychiatrists. But I have a mood disorder and my medications keep me moving forward with my life. The way I used to live is indistinguishable from who I am today.

  27. Stealth Angel Says:

    I was on Cilift 20mg for approximately 5 years for depression, and recently made a decision to start getting healthy both body and mind. I did not want to be the person to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life, so i opted to started eating healthy, and go as natural as possible. With this in mind, i went “cold turkey”. That was about 9-10 days ago. The withdrawal symptoms have been debilitating. I constantly have this dizziness; whenever i lift my head to look at something i get this incredible dizziness like i am about to fall over. I went through the flu-like symptoms, have terrible fatigue, am very forgetful and confused, my short term memory has deteriorated, and the mood swings were hectic. I would find myself crying at the drop of a hat; not only that but i sometimes get aggressive, and more times than not i am irritable and short tempered. I feel very despondent because i don’t know how long this is going to continue for.. i have no wish to return to any sort of medication so it will be a case of riding the proverbial wave. But it really does make you question a lot of things. If i had known back then what i know now, i would have found alternatives to deal with my depression.. and the doctors sure as heck don’t tell you about the side effects OR the withdrawals do they? Why would they when they see you as a returning client who pays their consultation fee each time you come back, refills their script that the big Pharma’s pay them to fill out for a condition that in all honesty, has no shred of scientific proof of even existing! More than anything i am angry at the medical profession for not divulging the truth to people before they get them addicted to these poisons! 😦

  28. Cathy Says:

    Hi James :
    Thank you for your posts … This withdrawal journey is the biggest challenge I have had to face
    My story in Coles notes .. I stopped low dose nortriptyline cold turkey in feb really not knowing that this was not advisable
    My symptoms have been headache chills and most relentless is daily nausea that nothing appears to help . I have tried accupuncture / reflexology .. Osteopath probiotics / fish oil and clearly I cannot get relief . I have had three different “windows” which were heavenly but unfortunately did not last long .. My FEARS are through the roof of not recovering as I have not heard of many who have nausea for so long?
    If you know of others please let me know as there is comfort in knowing
    You are not alone .. And can get better. . If you have any further words of wisdom or encouragement I would be grateful .. I feel that I am wearing down from this physically and mentally I am exhausted .
    Thank you for your intelligent view on this matter
    Ps I am tired of the horror stories and anti med doctors who claim you may never recover. !! Shame on them its hard enough going through this we could do without the fear factor.

    Take good care
    I assume you are recovered !! Hope so


    • npanth Says:

      I am still tapering off Paxil. I’ve made it down to 4mg per day (I started at 40 mg per day). I haven’t had a bad wave in about 9 months. It’s hard to find people who recover and talk a lot about it. I’m not sure why, but people seem to shrink away from those discussions once they’ve made it past the crisis of withdrawal. It could be a reluctance to relive the experience, or a desire to move on. My unscientific measure of it says that most people recover without any long term effects. The time it takes to recover seems to vary from individual to individual. I just know that I went from a non functional state to a pretty normal one. The transition was difficult, but worthwhile. I think I’m in a better place than I was before I started taking Paxil, which is a big change from the way I felt while in withdrawal. I’m definitely better off than I was while taking the drug. Hang in there!

      • Cathy Says:

        Thank you for your reply wish you well and keep writing …its matter of fact and reassuring . If you come across any relief for nausea would appreciate the info
        In the meantime I will try to keep my spirits up and hope to recover soon

        • cray Says:

          Hi Cathy, I am not sure whether it will help or not but I find that when I am having a bad wave that I just have to keep telling my self that it is just my brain recovering – not a relapse. It is really hard when you are in the midst of a bad wave to think clearly and rationally. I have been off Effexor for 9 months now (stupidly went cold turkey which was hell) however I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Not to say I don’t have my bad waves however they are now down to hours not days and weeks. I now just tell myself that it is my brain playing tricks and trying to recover, not what I am really feeling and that helps. It also helps when you start to have some windows of feeling normal that you can hang on to. All I can say is take it slowly and do what you need to do to get through it. In the early stages I found the brain zaps and nausea/diarrhoea completely debilitating. I found that vitamin B and fish oil capsules helped – whether it was psychological or not I don’t know but I figured they helped me and got me through it. Best of luck – all I can say is hang in there. IT DOES GET BETTER.

          • Cathy Says:

            Dear Cray
            Thank you so much for your reply and I am pleased you are recovering .I will take your advice and try to think waves are recovery .. So hard at times . … to believe this can last so long . My waves don,t seem to be getting shorter or lighter for that matter .. I guess that’s what worries me .
            How long did your nausea last ? This is the worst symptom thus far.
            I am on fish oil / accupuncture ( not helping) .
            Again ty for taking time to reply and healing thoughts sent your way !

          • cray Says:

            Hi Cathy, The nausea, in it’s chronic form lasted about 3-4 months. I found ginger and camomile tea a little helpful, and exercise fantastic. (The plus side is I have lost the 25 kg I put on whilst on the meds, and I am fitter and healthier now than I have been since my teens!). I still have days where I feel off colour and don’t feel like eating but these are getting rarer the longer I go on. I also found the other thing that was really bad was the inability to sleep past about 4am every morning and then have a horrid sense of overwhelming dread whilst lying in bed – very hard ot explain. That has also passed and I can actually enjoy a lie in til 8 on the weekends. Just remember it will pass – you just need to stay strong when you are having a wave as I have felt like giving in on lots of occasions however I just have to look back to where I had a window and tell myself that I will give myself to the end of the day/week/month before I will change anything and invariably I would have a window or improvement to give myself some reprieve. Good luck and stay strong – keep a journal of how you are feeling so you have something concrete to look back on to see when you actually felt better/worse etc. This helps you stay objective.

          • Cathy Says:

            Hi Cray
            Thank you again for your reply. .. As I am in quite a nasty wave its so good to hear from someone who has been there … I am on month 7 and the nausea is so persistent it’s really hard to accept . I find when I don,t have a break from the symptoms the fear and what ifs consume me .
            Guess don,t have much choice but to carry on. .. I walk as much as I can but often feel so worn out however I am happy to exercise more based on your comment .. I think I would try anything at this point .
            I occasionally take a gravol .. But does nothing but knock me out and next day I feel like I have a hangover !
            It is always comforting to hear it will get better … Thanks for taking the time it’s appreciated

            Take care. ,

      • Stealth Says:

        I can attest to the fact that this is a difficult transition, BUT if you can hang in there and not give up it does get better. It has been 1 month of having gone cold-turkey off cilift. The first 2 weeks were absolute hell, i will not lie. The physical symptoms i think were the worst to deal with. I also tried everything to try and get through them, but you literally have to ride the storm. Some days are better than others. I have found now that all my physical symptoms have resolved nicely and the only ones i am still dealing with are the occasional irritability and moodiness; the emotional symptoms are taking a bit longer to go away, but it is definitely how you deal with them. I would recommend, from a personal point of view,the following:

        1. Rest – if it means you need to sleep 20 hours a day then do that. It is so important to give your body and mind time to adjust
        2. Exercise – i have found going out for a walk every day has helped lift my mood plus you get fresh air and sunshine which are all boosters for alleviating depression
        3. Eat healthy – i am now eating completely organic veggies and fruits, and only free range meat. The less toxins you are putting in your body and the more nutritious food you are consuming the better
        4. I take high dose Vitamin C, Calcium/Magnesium supplements as well as Omega 3 Fatty Acids. All excellent for managing depression
        5. You should look into taking a Niacin (Vit B3) supplement. This has been proved to be very beneficial for depression
        6. If you want to go natural, look at 5HTP at your local health shop. It helps boost serotonin in your brain, but be careful not to take it if you are still on antidepressants as you can get Serotonin Syndrome.

        Talking about it does help. Surround yourself with people who are willing to listen; we gain hope that things will get better when we see that others have come through this.

        Wishing you a very speedy recovery 🙂

        • sophia Says:

          Hi there, Can you tell me how long you had been taking it and at what dose? I am taking citaplam at 20 mg and I think I would like to go cold turkey.

          • Evans Says:

            Sophia, how long have you been on these drugs?

          • sophia Says:

            I have been on these drugs about six months.

          • Evans Says:

            I was on the drugs for 4 months and stopped it cold turkey….had terrible withdrawal symptoms, been 4 months now off the drugs….but recovering slowly….I would say, even now the symptoms are there….but definitely mild and a lot better..I kept myself busy all the day, focussed on learning to cook….so was able to cope up with the symptoms…

            But a lot of ppl told me that if only I had not stopped it cold turkey, the symptoms would have been milder….my advise from my personal experience is, go for a gradual tapper

      • Cathy Luca Says:

        James : I have read your info on waves and windows again as I am in a wave .. Can you explain the coping mechanism using mindfulness further . I am not sure I understand the approach .
        I am growing weary of this withdrawal and trying most anything that might help
        Keep well sending healing thoughts to all suffering through this

        • npanth Says:

          I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your question.
          It’s hard to get started with mindfulness. In the beginning, it doesn’t seem to do much good. It does eventually help with symptoms, though. Essentially, we’re all used to having a built in emotional filter that keeps us acting according to our innate beliefs. We don’t shout at random people because we don’t believe it’s right. We don’t have to remind ourselves not to shout at people, it just happens. In withdrawal, that automatic filter is muted. It’s much easier to get angry or depressed, sometimes without reason.
          Mindfulness is trying to assert conscious control instead of relying on an internal filter that may not be working in withdrawal. It’s hard to put the brakes on withdrawal anger/depression and realize that it’s not your normal behavior. That’s the goal in being mindful, though. I hope that helps, I sometimes have trouble articulating what’s involved.

  29. Chanel Says:

    Hey everyone, I have been prescribed Prozac and have been on it for a year, 20 mgs at night. One day I abruptly discontinued use, because I thought I was “better”, (and I feel like a dummy on my behalf, because it wasn’t that I was better, it was the medication that was helping me feel better.) Well, after a few weeks I noticed I felt manic, headaches, fatigue, anger, anxiety, and I non-stop sweat (even if it’s a cooler day outside.) Well, I promptly started taking my medication again at 20 mgs at night for about 5 days now. I still feel the withdrawal symptoms. And, I’m curious if these are normal symptoms to feel, and how long it should start to go away after starting my medication again. I am a suffer of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and depression. I’m sorry if this post seems stupid, I just feel very anxious and agoraphobic and it frightens me.

  30. Cristi Says:

    I was prescribed Prozac in 1992 for chronic pain, which I now know was due to a mix of late disseminated (untreated) Lyme Disease and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It was a very low dose, but I stayed on it until 2000. I became aware that not only was it not helping my pain, it was causing cognitive dysfunction, mental problems, and making driving dangerous. I weaned myself off of it according to the best known procedures of the time. Restless leg syndrome, night sweats, and colossal fatigue continued for some time after I quit; “brain shocks,” chills, fatigue, and emotional/psychological damage, however, lasted for another 10 years. I am better today but still experience hyperacusis, hypersensitivity to smells, and a completely destroyed sex life.

  31. Dandy Says:

    I have a question. My dr had put me on buspar. I was on it for 9 days and stopped because of the side effects. My dr stopped me cold turkey and I had some bad side effects, crying, etc. both my dr and therapist said it wasn’t withdrawal and suggested I start a ssri. (I never went to a therapist before and did just to make sure i was covering all basis). I have been off citalopram for 4 months now. I had taken it for a rapid heartbeat and difficulty sleeping. As soon as I started taking it, I had increased anxiety towards my baby and things in general. The biggest thing for me is the fact that I now have crazy thoughts of hurting myself or others. I had taken the medicine for 6 months and it took almost the whole time for me to actually feel good and the crazy thoughts to go away. I weaned going down from 20 to 10 mg and crashed hard 2.5 days later, crying for now good reason. My dr put me back on 20 mg and the crazy thoughts came back. I weaned 2.5 mg about every two weeks which was probably way too fast. After stopping I wasn’t too bad for a couple weeks. Now I still have lots of side effects I never had before. I have terrible insomnia, still have brain zaps, I get head tingles when my son hits me (he is 1.5 years d and loves to slap), I am always dizzy, feels like vertigo, feel drunk without drinking. I think I am so sensitive to these medicines and my brain is taking for ever to heal. Anyone have a story like this? James, can you comment? You by far have published the best information by far. Thanks! Sorry it goes back and forth with the timeline.

  32. Linda Says:

    James – THANK YOU SO MUCH for this post!!!! I have read the entire thread and am SO relieved about the anger issues!!! Your words: ” I thought that Paxil was the only keeping me from becoming the nasty, angry person I really was.” sounded JUST LIKE ME! You have really helped me to understand why I’m feeling the way I am, where NO ONE else has been able to with these withdrawals!

    I was on Cymbalta 60mg for 5 yrs for fibromyalgia. Decided it was time to get off it because I felt like it was “making me stupid” if you can understand what that means… On my third attempt, I taught myself through much research and trial & error how to successfully decrease the dose all the way down to 5mg. At that point with no side effects, I decided when I ran out of the Rx, I would go “cold turkey” from there. Well, maybe that was a little hasty but I just wanted off of it already! Was decreasing by 10 mg every month so it was already 6mths at that point. The nausea and lightheadedness are mild and tolerable BUT the emotional rollercoaster is NASTY!!! I ripped my poor husband’s head off because he bought the wrong dogfood and opened the bag so it couldn’t be returned! Then, after the anger hits and I rip everyone’s faces off, I end up crying for a couple of hours! Wastes my entire day. This goes on all morning and progressively eases up by the afternoon. I literally thought that this was the new me and I was hating who I have become!

    I can’t thank you enough for your explanation of the wave and window, and how this is NOT ME and will eventually get better! Learning how to stop my snake tongue is going to be tough but I must find a way, as I have young kids that don’t deserve it! If anyone has any other good suggestions beyone just stopping yourself before you lash out, I would appreciate it! I’m having a very hard time with this and am going to lose friends and family over this!!!
    Thanks so much!

  33. Robert Says:

    My history is of taking Paxil for about 13 years at between 20-30 mg/day. I have tried to get off it many times, and have gone through the meanness and excitability stuff to a reasonable calm after a period of time on several occasion. What gets me back onto Paxil each time has been what I call paresthesia, or more specifically an extreme sensitivity to vibration. There is also, to a lesser extent, accompanying headaches (feels like sand in the head), and some sensitivity to light and sound (having to shout over a loud TV makes me crazy). My pharmacologist has me tapering on fluoxetine and lyrica (for the paresthesia). My moods are OK, though the Lyrica puts me into a dream-like state, but the paresthesia is still present, though reduced a bit. My question is, have others experienced this sensitivity to vibration, and if so, how long did they last? Many thanks to you for this excellent blog. I thought I had read them all until I found this thread. Good luck to anyone trying to get off of these nasty drugs!

  34. christie Says:

    Thank you very much for this information, this is the only place I’ve been able to find anything so informative on this subject. I’d like your opinion on the possibily of having withdrawals when you only on an SSRI (Lexapro) for 24 days. I’ve been on it in the past and have horrible start-up side effects with increased depression and anxiety (very bad). Usually I adjust after 2 weeks. In this instance I was not leveling out and stopped 12 days ago (24 days on and 12 days off). I’ve felt have horrible (increased) depression and anxeity for over a month. Basically the start-up and the stopping symthoms are the same. Have you heard of this before? Even though it seem impossible to be going through withdrawals on something you never adjusted to, I’m hoping this is whats happening as I want to feel better and hope to follow the pattern you’ve outlined. I’m experiencing the waves and windows you decribed and hopeing I’ll get better. It’s so hard to stay postive during the waves.

    • Stealth Says:

      Hey christie,

      When you start taking antidepressants, you get side effects. When you stop taking them, you get withdrawals. More times than not, the side effects are similar to the withdrawals. I was fortunate that i never experienced any side effects when i started Cilift; however i experienced the withdrawals in full glaring detail, and they are pretty much all the ones you read about having if you start the medication.

      You will get better, just hang in there. I went cold turkey, which is the worst way to stop but if you can make it through the initial horrible phase, you will be fine 🙂

      • cathy luca Says:

        I stopped low dose nortriptyine in February .. after taking it for 2+ years for pain. I have had withdrawal symptoms ever since headaches and nausea mainly the other things I can deal with.. I am almost overwhelmed by the fact that I am not getting better and afraid this will not end… I have tried every natural approach for some relief..however, I have had small breaks in between when the symptoms are better but the windows are not getting longer as most suggest.
        ANy advice and or support


        • Stealth Says:

          Hi cathy,

          What natural treatments have you tried? I mentioned in another post on this thread a few things that worked for me. Vitamin C in high doses, Calcium/Magnesium and Omega 3 Fish Oils, Niacin (Vit B3) are all very beneficial. I would also recommend perhaps seeing a naturopath who might be able to advise you on what else you could take naturally to help overcome the symptoms. The body is an amazing machine; for some people it takes less time than others to get over because it is such an individual experience. Perhaps even try some alternative therapies such as acupuncture?

          Let me know how it goes?

          • cathy luca Says:

            thank you for your reply…. I have tried accupunture on a few occasions and will see a naturpath .. just frustrating for sure.
            I the patterns of windows and waves exist ..they just don’t seem to be getting better.
            I am on fish oil and vit d so far. can try the other vits suggested and certainly appreciate your point of view.

          • cathy luca Says:

            ONe more question .. anything for headache pain… regular pain relievers tylenol and aleve actually make in worse. … ?

        • Siyi Says:

          I definitely recommend natural path and acupuncture. Herbal medicine and acupuncture are what helped me to get thru the nasty symtops. They help your body speed up detoxification and adjust your metabolism back to normal. Those methods helped with my depression and anxiety so much. My acupuncturist is a MD as well as expert in Chinese traditional medicine. And I wasn’t the first one she treated who try to quit antidepressants.

      • christie Says:

        Thanks Stealth – I appreciate the reassurance. I am very slowing having better days, but it’s still freighenting and I worry I won’t be myself again.

        • Stealth Says:

          Don’t worry.. i sat with that issue as well especially where it concerned the physical symptoms, especially the dizziness. I thought i would be this unbalanced individual for ever… but the dizziness has passed. It’s more of a gradual thing; it wasn’t like one day i woke up and wasn’t dizzy again. It was more like each day the feeling wasn’t as bad as before, until eventually i hardly noticed i was dizzy. I am still struggling a bit with the emotional side; i tend to get angry, irritable and moody very quickly so i have to learn to just stop, take a deep breath and think before i act. I guess that is part of the rewiring and reconditioning process; of being able to cope in a new way without meds. Just hang in there, it does get better… i can personally vouch for that 🙂

  35. Marie Says:

    I stopped Citalopram suddenly by mistake when I forgot to get my tablets. It’d been 5 days and I noticed my anxiety, one of the reasons I was put on 40mg in the first place, had literally pretty much vanished. 3 years and they made me worse. My GP told me to ride out the withdrawal now as it had been 5 days and put me on 50mg of Sertraline instead. I have to pick them up tomorrow. It’s been 8 days and I feel terrible. Head and body shocks, nausea, restlessness, crying but only when I try to go to sleep. I feel very scared but I have no idea why. My question is, when I do start my Sertraline, will they cancel out the withdrawal effects from Citalopram? Any help would be much appreciated.

  36. Evans Says:

    Hi Everyone,

    Until I read this blog, I never knew what I was undergoing. Many thanks to James and everyone for a detailed thread on this subject. I actually started to take antidepressants in Mid July and took them over for 8 weeks. I was suffering from Religious OCD (a form of anxiety disorder) and I was unable to bear those intrusive thoughts and finally decided to consult a doc to get rid of that disorder. He put me on the following medicnes for 8 weeks and also gave me some intravenous medication two weeks once in that 8 weeks of overall treatment. Anxnil 2.5 (half tablet) along with Ciplar 10mg daily morning and afternoon. At 7 o clock every evening, Nildep and at nights Lorezpam. Initially after taking these tablets and that IV, I used to sleep like hell and my anxiety levels would be at peak. And after every IV, I was getting totally strange experience, which I couldnt express in words. I did start feeling better and by that time the doc said he would taper my medicines and the only taper he did was in the I V. But I didnt find any difference in the no of bottles I was dripped. But he said he had tapered my dose and asked me to stay on the same tablets for 10 days from the last drip therapy and he also gave another tablet oline (dont know the spelling exactly) and asked me to stop the tablets after 10 days. And after a week I was on a rollercoaster ride of anxiety and I had no clue on what was happenin to me. Jus surfed through the net to get some light on this subjetc and landed here in this blog and it really really has helped a lot to understand what I was undergoing. I too have the waves and windows and lot of other withdrawal symptms listed here. If I had known these dreadly effects of the ADs I would have agreed for the therapy in 1st place. I understood from the posts that stopping it cold turkey will be very harmful and I guess my doc has exactly asked me to do. Wondering why a doctor in such a critical role, isnt aware of things and put his patients into situations like this!!!!!!! Can somebody please tel me how long I will have these withdrawal effects. I am married and I am worried If I get pregnant during this period, whether it will affect the baby or not. I really dont want my baby undergo all of this. Such a terrible feeling it is!!!! Its been exactly a month and 10 days since I have stopped the tablets. But feeling a lot better than few horrible days back….Will I ever gt rid of this thing!!!! Please advise.

  37. Evans Says:

    Hi Everyone,

    Until I read this blog, I never knew what I was undergoing. Many thanks to James and everyone for a detailed thread on this subject. I actually started to take antidepressants in Mid July and took them over for 8 weeks. I was suffering from Religious OCD (a form of anxiety disorder) and I was unable to bear those intrusive thoughts and finally decided to consult a doc to get rid of that disorder. He put me on the following medicnes for 8 weeks and also gave me some intravenous medication two weeks once in that 8 weeks of overall treatment. Anxnil 2.5 (half tablet) along with Ciplar 10mg daily morning and afternoon. At 7 o clock every evening, Nildep and at nights Lorezpam. Initially after taking these tablets and that IV, I used to sleep like hell and my anxiety levels would be at peak. And after every IV, I was getting totally strange experience, which I couldnt express in words. I did start feeling better and by that time the doc said he would taper my medicines and the only taper he did was in the I V. But I didnt find any difference in the no of bottles I was dripped. But he said he had tapered my dose and asked me to stay on the same tablets for 10 days from the last drip therapy and he also gave another tablet oline (dont know the spelling exactly) and asked me to stop the tablets after 10 days. And after a week I was on a rollercoaster ride of anxiety and I had no clue on what was happenin to me. Jus surfed through the net to get some light on this subjetc and landed here in this blog and it really really has helped a lot to understand what I was undergoing. I too have the waves and windows and lot of other withdrawal symptms listed here. If I had known these dreadly effects of the ADs I wouldnt have agreed for the therapy in 1st place. I understood from the posts that stopping it cold turkey will be very harmful and I guess my doc has exactly asked me to do so. Wondering why a doctor in such a critical role, isnt aware of things and puts his patients into situations like this!!!!!!! Can somebody please tel me how long I will have these withdrawal effects. I am married and I am worried If I get pregnant during this period, the baby will be affected with anxiety. I really dont want my baby undergo all of this. Such a terrible feeling it is!!!! Its been exactly a month and 10 days since I have stopped the tablets. But feeling a lot better than few horrible days back….Will I ever gt rid of this thing!!!! Please advise.

    • Marie Says:

      I’ve spoken to my doctor and she said there are NO dangerous side effects, just the unpleasant body shocks, twitches, sickness etc. I did read online it was dangerous stopping cold turkey, as in dangerous to your physical health, and that set me off a lot. Anxiety kicked in. I spoke to my Doctor and was told not to believe everything I read online Xx

  38. Siyi Says:

    Just wanna say thanks so much for this article. I’m glad to know I’m not alone!

  39. Dandy Says:

    Does anyone have a success story of someone who finally beat their symptoms. I was on citalopram 20 mg for six months. Tapered over 3 months and now off completely for 4.5 months and still having lots of waves. Any positive stories would be refreshing.

    • Marie Says:

      Yes, I’ve been off them about 3 weeks and I feel better. I have no more withdrawal symptoms after being on 40mg daily for 3 years. They made my anxiety worse! Only realised after stopping them. I’d see your doctor as that’s a log time of withdrawal symptoms. Hope you feel better soon x

      • Kara Says:

        Marie I am in your boat! The Doctor continually tried to up my dose of Citalopram and each time he did my anxiety was worsened! The less I took the better I felt and my anxiety (why I took it to begin with) is GONE! I do feel withdrawal symptoms in waves and windows 5 weeks into my withdrawal – but it is getting easier and I have to keep believing it will end and my body can heal itself. I do Garden of Life’s B Supplement and I take Superior Krill Oil – it has saved me!

    • npanth Says:

      There are many success stories. The thing about success is that it means recovery from symptoms. For the most part, people want to move on with their lives. I think that a lot of people don’t continue to write about their experiences. I’m not sure if they don’t want to relive it, or withdrawal has lost the overwhelming grip on their minds that it had before.
      For a long time, I couldn’t think of much past withdrawal. That obsession has kind of faded away as my symptoms have diminished. I don’t know if I’m a success story, I’m still taking 4mg of Paxil each day. My symptoms are pretty light, though. I hope your symptoms fade soon.

      • Evans Says:

        James, can you please advise on my post please

        Until I read this blog, I never knew what I was undergoing. Many thanks to James and everyone for a detailed thread on this subject. I actually started to take antidepressants in Mid July and took them over for 8 weeks. I was suffering from Religious OCD (a form of anxiety disorder) and I was unable to bear those intrusive thoughts and finally decided to consult a doc to get rid of that disorder. He put me on the following medicnes for 8 weeks and also gave me some intravenous medication two weeks once in that 8 weeks of overall treatment. Anxnil 2.5 (half tablet) along with Ciplar 10mg daily morning and afternoon. At 7 o clock every evening, Nildep and at nights Lorezpam. Initially after taking these tablets and that IV, I used to sleep like hell and my anxiety levels would be at peak. And after every IV, I was getting totally strange experience, which I couldnt express in words. I did start feeling better and by that time the doc said he would taper my medicines and the only taper he did was in the I V. But I didnt find any difference in the no of bottles I was dripped. But he said he had tapered my dose and asked me to stay on the same tablets for 10 days from the last drip therapy and he also gave another tablet oline (dont know the spelling exactly) and asked me to stop the tablets after 10 days. And after a week I was on a rollercoaster ride of anxiety and I had no clue on what was happenin to me. Jus surfed through the net to get some light on this subjetc and landed here in this blog and it really really has helped a lot to understand what I was undergoing. I too have the waves and windows and lot of other withdrawal symptms listed here. If I had known these dreadly effects of the ADs I wouldnt have agreed for the therapy in 1st place. I understood from the posts that stopping it cold turkey will be very harmful and I guess my doc has exactly asked me to do so. Wondering why a doctor in such a critical role, isnt aware of things and puts his patients into situations like this!!!!!!! Can somebody please tel me how long I will have these withdrawal effects. I am married and I am worried If I get pregnant during this period, the baby will be affected with anxiety. I really dont want my baby undergo all of this. Such a terrible feeling it is!!!! Its been exactly a month and 10 days since I have stopped the tablets. But feeling a lot better than few horrible days back….Will I ever gt rid of this thing!!!! Please advise.

    • cray Says:

      I have now been 9 months off Effexor (after 6 years on it for Post natal depression). The first 3-4 months were hell. I am slowly having less and less of the waves and more windows and now (finally) have periods where I “forget” about the withdrawal I am going through and only when I stop and think about it do I realise how well and “normal” I am feeling. All I can say is if you are having a bad time – just roll with it and tell yourself it is just your brain adjusting. I found keeping a diary (very basic with just basic feeling for the day) very helpful as it allowed me to look back when I was in a wave and see how long since I had a window – to basically reassure myself that I had been feeling good – it isn’t a permanent thing just something that takes time and varies for everyone unfortunately. Just hang in there. It does get better.

      • Dandy Says:

        Thanks for your insights! I appreciate the reassurance. What a roller coaster we have all been on.

      • Cathy Luca Says:

        Dear Cray
        I reach out this am as I have been waking up at 4 ish last two weeks and cannot get back to sleep .. The dreaded what ifs start to swirl and I pray for the sunrise which brings some consolation .
        I am at the 8 month mark and starting to see some break up of symptoms but it’s still a daily stuggle .
        If you could provide your protocol for healing and any further patterns that might be encouraging I would be very grateful .
        I started accupunture again yesterday ( tried 2 other sessions) but this individual seems more skilled / taking omega 3 / vit d / gluten free diet 4 weeks now / see an osteopath weekly / and some cardio daily .. I could not have thought of it 2 months ago .
        Still suffer with nausea .. This “knot in my stomach” occasional headaches and this creepy feeling in my upper arms .. Not numbness but something ?.
        I am encouraged by your progress so if you have any further words of wisdom I am so willing to try .
        Ps : I do not have a Dr who will acknowledge these symptoms as withdrawal so on my own to carry on.
        Take care, will not continue to post but your story resonates more so with my experience thus far so its personally meaningful ( I had not come across many who suffered from the nausea for so long. ! )
        For now

        Sincerely Cathy ..

        • cray Says:

          Hi Cathy,
          Hang in there – I also used to wake in the morning early lying there listening to the quiet feeling that awful sense of dread that it was another day. I can’t tell you the last time it occurred. I know wake in the morning feeling rested and ready for the day. All I can say is just take it each day at the time. If you feel better when the daylight comes take heed that you are feeling better. Small steps. I also still feel nausea and yukky in my tummy but it is no where near as frequently. I am now getting pleasure out of life rather than going through the motions. I still have days where I just have to focus on keeping busy and going from one task to the next to just keep going howeever they are becoming fewer and fewer. Just keep yourself going and moving. That is the most important thing I find. I find I don’t realise I am having a great day and in a window until the next wave hits and you realise you had been doing well. That is why I find my “feeling” journal is important. I also find my waves and windows are tied very closely to my cycle. I have just recently gone on a long acting pill to try and “smooth” these out. Too early to see if it is working.

          Hope you start to feel better soon,

          • cathy luca Says:

            Hi there

            thanks for your reply…. I will take more notice of the good/ bad pattern. appreciate your impute and encouragement … wishing you continued healing and drop a line if anything changes or works for you I am open.


    • stealthangel Says:

      Hey Dandy,

      I’ve been off Cilift for going on 2 months now after going cold turkey. The first 2 weeks were sheer hell, but slowly the grey cloud lifted and i have been physical symptom free. I find now that i am not numbed by the antidepressants, i tend to experience emotions more intensely, so i have to keep reminding myself that i am finding a new way to cope now without the meds, and that i need to stop and think about what i am feeling before i react. Hang in there, it does get better…:)

  40. Cathy Luca Says:

    Hi there
    I had a break from symptoms for a few weeks and thought its over .. Then suddenly I was hit with all of it again !!
    I know it’s coming as I get freezing cold .. Then headache nausea all over again . The fact that this was the longest window in 7 months .. Could it mean I may be closer to recovery ? Its so hard to take this once you had a break ..
    I have asked before but if anyone has had relief for nausea and chronic
    Headaches please let me know. .
    I will start accupuncture again next week ..
    Cray if you are out there hope you are continuing to do well ..
    I believe you were at the 9 month mark
    Thank you for all who post and sending everyone the courage and strength to hang in there !!


    • cray Says:

      Hi Cathy – yes I am out there and still hanging in there. Certainly having longer and longer windows but the waves still do come. As you said, I know when they are coming as I get freezing cold and can’t get warm and then it starts. Certainly getting better each week. I can know look in days and weeks and plan ahead unlike in the beginning when I had to take it minutes at a time. I can happily plan events for weeks and months in advance and know it will be okay. This is certainly a nice change. Just keep telling yourself that it will get better. We just have to hang in there.

      • Cathy luca Says:

        Great to hear you are moving forward … And certainly appreciate your response . I am so comforted that others are having similar experiences . ..its hard to cope with the roller coaster symptoms .Not at a point where I can plan much but seeing the light . When did you start to feel the bigger breaks ?
        Take good care and continued healing

  41. Evans Says:

    Can We take fish oils as supplements to cope up with withdrawal symptoms….or again will there be any withdrawal associated when we discontinue the fish oil supp tablets..!!!

  42. Lesley Says:

    I have taken Omega 3 fishoil for a number of years and now that I’m starting my 6th month of terrible withdrawal, the one thing I have not had is brain zaps. I think this is because of the fish oil.

  43. Lesley Says:

    I meant my 6th month of withdrawal from paroxtine. Fish Oil definately helped with symptoms.

  44. Lesley Says:

    Also Blackmores travel calm ginger helps with nausea.

  45. Sue Says:

    This seems one of the best sites I have found so far on SSRI withdrawal problems….
    Just wondering if anyone has any advice about when to start next taper.
    I am trying a 4th attempt to stop Lexapro 20mg and am v sesnstive to dropping levels as even taking tab a little late makes me v spaced all day so I knew it would be v hard to come off.
    This time I started with a 5% taper and am now in week 9- headches better, but brain fog & fatigue, though improving still there.Have 4 teenagers, a husband who works away and I am a GP so find all the head symptoms make it extra hard to manage (rest assured, I don’t start patients on these meds readily- can’t believe in the UK they are the first line treatment still. Must admit I avoided any meds for many yaers til finally succumbed….)
    Do I wait ’til things fully settled or plough on as will be many years at this rate to even reach normal ‘safe’levels of 10mg?

    Best wishes to everyone stuck with this nightmare


    • Dandy Says:

      My advise is once you start, just keep going when you think it’s time. Like you I am super sensative to the ssri meds. I weaned off of citalopram 20 mg in 2.5 months which I’m sure was too Fast. I only took the meds for about 7 months and am now 6 months complexly off and still ave the waves with terrible brain zaps, cloudiness and intrusive thought. This has been a nightmare but there is an end in sight. Just tell yourself that you will get off this medicine and don’t give up. You will go thru periods of depression, anger and anxiety. Don’t give up. This has been the worst experience of my life, but hopefully will be over soon. Take care!

  46. Sue Says:

    Thanks Dandy-it’s really good to have some encouragement from a fellow sufferer. Head a bit clearer today so hopefully will try another 5% drop in New year-or maybe even 2%….this is going to be a very long job but I am determined to make it this time!
    Glad to hear you are winning – it really helps to keep me motivated to know that eventually each stage improves
    Can I just ask-did you ever try any of the supplements omega 3/ multi vits esp vit B/ The Road Home formulary things??
    I am half heartedly trying various but not really convinced so far…..

    Thanks and take care


    • Dandy Says:

      The only supplements I have taken and still do are fish oil, vitamin b complex, vitamin d and and a multi vitamin. Hang in there. People who are super sensative have a rough road ahead of them.

  47. Cathy luca Says:

    Dearest Sue
    Good luck with your journey … As far as supplements try one at a time as I was soo sensitive to everything .. Omega is the one I have stuck with. .. Get a good high potency one . Tried magnesium Vit d and C but they do not always agree with me. Accupunture is helping now but initially did not impact .
    I went cold turkey stopping a tricylic antidepressant – OMG what a challenge but sticking it out and progressing slowly .
    Wish you well …
    Take care

  48. Cathryn A Says:

    Dear cray
    How are you doing. ? Hope this email finds you recovered. !
    Still struggling here .. Nausea continues. .. Seem to suffer from acid ( reflux no heartburn but found inflammation in esophagus Never had any issues with my gut prior to this journey
    Trying to control with diet as do not want to take drugs / tried pepcid ac and had such a reaction .
    In a bad wave -again … Hoping for a break soon .
    Healing thoughts to all !!
    Ps : if anyone has suggestions to nausea relief please provide .. I think I have tried anything and everything ..


    • Dandy Says:

      Feel free to try omeprazol for your heartburn. I use it all the time. Like you, I go thru waves of bad heartburn.

      • Cathy Says:

        Thanks Dandy dr gave me rx for nexium .. Took a few but my system is so sensitive to anything. .. However , will give omeprazol a try . Does it help with nausea ?
        Ty again

    • Jay Says:

      After 5 years of digestive discomfort after going off Lexapro, I went to a chiropractor that does visceral manipulation. I have had 7 sessions and am feeling about 80% better. Rolfing was helpful too. Good luck in your search to feel better.

    • cray Says:

      Hi Cathy,
      Recovered I am not sure is the right word but lots more good windows and less and less waves. Like you I too have been having a lot of gastro type problems, acid burning and diarrhoea – have had a scope and apparently very inflamed but no obvious cause of the problems – I am convinced it is just yet another withdrawal symptom I have to work through. I am at this stage trying to control it through diet.

      I must say though that I am now happily planning future holidays/evens and looking forward to them and can get through the week without really having to think too much. Much nicer place than where I was. I have just hit the 12 month mark. I still find when my period is due that I feel lousy (certainly more pronounced than it ever used to be pre withdrawal) however I started depoprovero injections to try and balance that out and have decided to stop them as it is yet another drug in my system and I don’t know if it is exacerbating the problem or helping.

      Just hang in there. We just have to be strong.

      • Cathryn A Says:

        Dear Cray
        So glad to have heard from you and pleased to know that your windows are more pronounced . I was shocked to hear of my acid reflux but as you it is apparent its withdrawal . I am gluten and acid free diet no caffine and or alcohol ( miss my glass of wine once in awhile ) I don,t mind the sacrifice but nothing seems to have made a big difference.
        I am going to start taking a zinc annd carnosine (75ml) supplement . The studies are quite encouraging for gastro relief .. Try to look it up . I will certainly update you if it helps. I am also very pleased you stopped the shots ( the synthetics cannot be good ) Are you taking any supplements .I was taking Omega but read that it can cause acid reflux so stopped a week ago?? So overwhelmed on what to do or not ?
        On feb 12th it will be my one year as well .. So I am hoping for a turning point soon.
        Take good care let me know how you are doing … Sending positive healing your way !


    • Janelle Owings Says:

      I’ve gotten some relief from raw apple cider vinegar–2 tbs. 2 times a day. Then I switched to ginger tincture and it works about the same. One dropper full in about 1 once water. Neither tastes good. Follow immediately by glass of water and crackers to kill taste.

  49. Sean Says:

    Hey James,
    Great article very informative. I was on 20mg citalopram for around 10 months and slowly came of them as instructed by my doctor, he said there would be mild withdrawal symptoms but nothing to be concerned about. When I started to come off them my personality disappeared I felt totally depressed which is something I’ve never felt before, hopeless and out of control. It’s now nearly 10 months on and it is better but I’m still feeling ‘disconnected’ and not myself. I’ve looked for advice everywhere and yours seems to be the most genuine and close to the truth. My question is do you know how much longer it will be till I can be back to my old self? Everyone tells me it should be out of my system but i know it’s still affecting me even this long since coming off them.

  50. Rafael Says:

    i just started Zoloft and Xanax to treat my ocd and got scared with the withdrawal reports. Maybe i should stop right now and try a natural alternative (exercises, meditation, sunlight, yoga)? It is strange to start a treatment knowing that you will get worse when quitting. Please, i’d appreciate any comments. Thanks a lot.

  51. sophia Says:

    Rafael, I do not understand the issues with OCD at all. I am not a doctor or even very knowledgeable but I truly despise the grouping of drugs called SSRI’s of which Zoloft is one. They are almost impossible to come off of and you never really learn how to live with the side affects or how to deal with problems outside of the dullness of the drugs. I am celexa free now for four days, 23 hours, and 43 minutes and things are starting to clear up for me. I can focus at work more and just overall see things so clearly both literally and figuratively.

    Paxil ruined my marriage. My wonderful husband of 23 years began taking paxil two years ago and his wonderful beautiful personality changed when taking this drug. He went from being father of the year to not wanting anything to do with his kids. It is really a sad but quite common story.

  52. LilianG Says:

    Hi. 6 weeks ago I took my last dose of Citalopram. I had a two week taper from 30mg. 1 wk @ 20mg, 1 wk @ 10mg . I was then due to have a washout week before starting Sertraline. However, as I felt more ‘alive’ than I had done for years, I decided to stay off medication.
    I had also done some research on supplements eg omega3, vitamin D, and excercise etc.
    The first 2-3 says were fine.
    The next 10 days were horrendous….night sweats, insomnia, nausea, loose bowels, crying etc
    Then up to 5 weeks I felt really good.
    The last week or so,I feel the withdrawal symptoms are returning…night sweats, nausea, crying.
    But…..are these withdrawal effects or are my anxiety/depression returning.

    Do the waves and windows go on for months??

    Any comments would be appreciated.

  53. Julie Says:

    I have just stopped taking citalopram after 18 months on 40mg.
    My Dr said to go from 40mg to 20mg for 10 days and then stop completely which I have done.
    The drop from 40 to 20 was hard but bearable – my anxiety and anger went off the scale but I was coping. 4 days ago I stopped taking citalopram completely.
    I feel awful – bit like I’ve got flu. A headache that won’t go and dizziness. I am getting awful dreams and night sweats and totally lack energy. The irritation has morphed into a kind of depression or despair interspersed with panic attacks and irritation/anger.
    I am having to watch everything I do or say- a kind of internal censor – as I don’t trust myself to react appropriately.
    Unfortunately I have no choice but to persevere as I was told that the citalopram is wrong for me and was making things worse. All I want to do is lay down with a blanket indoors and sleep – I’ve no energy or get up and go. I am just hoping and praying this passes.

  54. emusic review click here Says:

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  55. Cathy Says:

    I was prescribed Zoloft – 50mg per day for anxiety . I was also prescribed amytriptiline 25 mg per day for nerve pain from my back. I only took the zoloft for 6 weeks and had been on the amytriptiline for 10 days when I developed seratonin symdrome and had to go to hospital for 2 days for observation as my heart rate was increased, low blood pressure and muscle spasms in my legs. As a result of this I had to stop all medications cold turkey. I was fine for 2 weeks and then withdrawel started exactly 2 weeks after I stopped, The only way to describe it is tremors inside my body in my arms, shoulders and across my chest and can be difficult to sleep as a result of these tremors. I also have random muscle twitches in any given place in my body – usually my legs and my face. It is now 5 weeks since these symptoms started and there is no let up or no pattern.. It is very hard to describe this to a doctor as I think they aren’t taking me seriously and that it’s all in my head.
    Has anyone experienced these tremors and any idea of how long more they will last ?Thank you and just to say that this is an extremely helpful website and I don’t feel so alone.

  56. Val D Says:

    Hi everyone. I was on Cipralex (Escitalopram) for just over a year. Started taking 10MG a day and that’s where I stayed for almost a year, then dropped to half a pill (5MG) a day for about 3 months until I decided to stop altogether. It didn’t really do anything for my Social Anxiety and it made me gain about 15 pounds. I stopped taking the pills exactly a week ago and it’s been very strange to say the least. It seems like I’m in a sort of dream state almost all the time, I am a bit dizzy all the time, my head hurts especially when I turn my head sharply and I feel nauseous sometimes. I strongly believe that everything will eventually get back to normal and my brain will resume it’s normal functions. I’ve been taking Omega-3 and Vitamin D for the past year and I’ve added vitamin B-50 to the regimen. I also started to run again about an hour a day and will try to stay on this path for the foreseeable future. I think that these symptoms are to be expected after pumping these chemicals into my body for the past year, however I believe that everything will get back to normal eventually and I just have to power through. I know that it’s easier said than done, however I always remind myself that if this is how I feel after stopping just one year on a relatively small dosage of this stuff, it most certainly cannot be good for me. Your most powerful weapon is your brain and even though throwing chemicals at it might be a short term fix, it will not solve the root problems most of us have for being on these drugs in the first place. The most important thing you can do when you get hit with some of the withdrawal symptoms is to acknowledge the fact that it’s normal for your body to react that way and that these are just temporary waves that will eventually go away no matter what. Try to be calm, breathe slowly and focus your attention on something else. Regular exercise will bring more oxygen to your brain and speed up the “healing” process. I wish you all a fast recovery and know that you will most definitely get there eventually!

  57. Sara Flower Kjeldsen Says:

    As strange as these withdrawal symptoms are, I am happy to be off of the SSRI’s. I don’t like the lack of research put into them, and they didn’t help me combat depression. It turned out to be an expensive mistake that gave me a lot of nausea.

  58. Julia K Says:

    Hi Everybody and thank you James for this blog. By reading this and all the posts, I have a newfound hope that I might survive this ordeal. I have been on meds for 15 years and I am entering my 3 rd month of withdrawal. It has been pure torture mentally and physically. I am unable to complete small tasks and I cannot work. I was wondering if anyone else is incapacitated to the point where they can’t work ? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I wish continued healing to all. What a monster we have all been dealing with.

    • Plog Poster Says:

      Hi Julia,
      I am suffering the same way. I am praying for you and so many others in this thread. We are contending with a monster, you’re right. My incapacitation comes in blocks of a few hours, during which time I cannot function at all, and can barely hold on. I take Valerian and benedryl, which work together to help settle me. But these episodes always set me back and it is very difficult to share the struggle with any one.
      Stay strong and pray.

      • Julia K Says:

        Thank you very much for your prayers. I know how hard it is when you are feeling ok and then the episode comes and you go back to the beginning. It’s hard to try to explain what is happening to other people who are not going through this and that is why I find so much comfort on this blog where everyone understands the struggle. I hope you feel better soon and I thank you again for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, I will do the same. Please write to me if you need to talk about it with someone who understands exactly what you’re going through.
        Take care,

        • Plog Poster Says:

          Dear Julia,
          Thank you for your kind reply. And thank you too for being open and accessible. I am thankful to have someone out there to turn to when I am in the throes of this battle. I will write you again when I need some help and encouragement. You can be assured of my prayers for you and I am very thankful for yours for me. Many, many thanks.

          • Julia K Says:

            I look forward to discussing, helping, encouraging 🙂

          • Plog Poster Says:

            HI Julia,
            Today has been a hard day for me. I woke up feeling out of whack and haven’t found my bearing. Right now I live far away from my 3 grown (2 married) sons, in a temporary sub-let situation near some of my siblings. I feel rootless and, in an odd way, homeless. I want to be near my family because I am divorced and have nothing left. My siblings care for me but in a way that makes me feel like the “mentally ill” sister. Sometimes I feel so full of fear I can’t see straight. I also feel very alone. No human is meant to live out this life alone. Thank you for your prayers. These dark times are killing me.

          • Julia K Says:

            Sorry to hear that you’re having a hard day. I’m sure your children miss you as much as you miss them. However, you should allow yourself time to heal before working on your living situation, one day at a time. I know it’s hard to feel like a burden but don’t lose sight of the fact that you have siblings who care enough to take care of you! I have come to appreciate every little thing because I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to do or enjoy anything again. There might be alot you can’t do right now but try to focus on what you can do, however small that might be. Focus on how you have some family around you at a time like this. Focus on all the little things you’re doing that you weren’t able to do 1 minute, hour or day ago.
            The fear I have experienced in recent months is unparalleled. I’ve turned into this scared, subdued person but I tell myself that it’s the result of waking up every single morning and not knowing what to expect. I open my eyes and I’m afraid to move because I don’t know if I’ll be dizzy, nauseous or what. The day starts with fear. The good news is that the more you have good moments and good days, the less there is to be afraid of. For the moment, be aware that the fear is all in your mind. Your mind and your body are stronger than they appear to be at this moment. After all, you are surviving this ordeal even though it doesn’t feel like it.

          • Plog Poster Says:

            Hi Julia,
            Thank you for your kind and helpful words. I wonder how you, yourself are? I so deeply appreciate your concern and kindness.
            My first name is Wendy.

          • Julia K Says:

            Hi Wendy,
            I hope today was better for you. Thank you for your concern about me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get out of bed as I was hit by a wave. I fell into the trap and I thought (hoped!) that it might be over, that the window I was in would last forever. This is so discouraging but I’m thankful that I can turn to you! I’m grateful for the days this week when I was able to enjoy life and I know they will come again but, as you know, it’s hard to see past this. How about you? How are you feeling? Hopefully my prayers reached you. Thanks for being there Wendy.

          • Julia K Says:

            Hi Wendy,
            I would like to leave my e-mail so you can write anytime. Kornerj@

          • Julia K Says:

            Oops! Make that kornerj@

          • Plog Poster Says:

            Dear Julia,
            I’m so sorry to hear that you have been felled by another “wave.” The darkness is very dark when that happens. Do you live alone? Or is there anyone who you can turn to? Isolation is by far the most desperate aspect of all this.

            I had a very hard day on Saturday, but the fog lifted and Sunday wasn’t too bad. However I did come down with a terrible bronchial cold and have been in bed all day as a result. If I am not better tomorrow I will go to the doctor since it is in my chest.

            I remember thinking as I went to sleep last night that — as uncomfortable as it is to feel so sick physically — I preferred that to the pain associated with discontinuation that can torment my mind.

            Thanks for your email address. I’ll probably drop you a note at some point.

            What are you doing nutritionally to help get yourself through this?
            Stay well,

  59. LilianG Says:

    I too was on meds for 15+ years. I’ve now been off them for almost 4 months. It has been a roller coaster ride to say the least.
    I am fortunate that I work part time and have the option of flexible working. If I feel so bad that I can’t work, then I go in on a different day. Up to now I am coping. I am so glad to be out of the ‘fog’ that I was in whilst on meds. I used to sleep all night and day. My sleep now is very interrupted though and I have really bad night sweats.
    Mentally, although I am not depressed I do get anxious. I also cry at the slightest thing…for no reason.
    I am taking Omega 3 and vitamin D3, plus I use a light box in the mornings. I think that these are helping me along the journey.
    You are quite right Julia….what a monster!!

    • Jay Says:

      Acupuncture has been helpful to me for anxiousness and insomnia. I hope you feel better soon.

    • Julia K Says:

      Hi Lilian,
      I’m glad for your sake that you have a flexible work situation. I’m seeing my doc on Wednesday and I think he might not sign my insurance paper. If that’s the case and I can’t work, I will lose my job. All of us here take meds because we have to deal with things that other people don’t. It seems so unfair that we have to go through this as well. I wasn’t sleeping at all for a while and that resolved on it’s own, so be strong. Thanks for the tips and I hope you feel better soon.

  60. Christy Says:

    I don’t know what to do!!! I am on day 8 without Zoloft after 15 years of fluctuating between 200 and 150 mg. I am constantly dizzy and nauseous. I have not been able to leave the house as I am constantly feeling I am a moment away of having a seizure. I can not function at all. I can’t even drive! I have been out of work for 5 days now and can’t see an end to this feeling. I can’t even run to the store or even cook a simple meal. I feel as if my brain is throbbing and pulsing. I am on edge with bouts of anger and emotions. Please tell me this goes away!!! I don’t want to have come this far to just take the easy way out and start back up on my meds. I can deal with uncomfortable for the greater good if I can see an end in sight but right now I am non functional and that does not work when you have a a family to take care of. Anything anyone can share I would be ever so grateful!

    • Julia K Says:

      Hi Christy,
      I know exactly what you’re going through. It gets better. I can’t tell you how long it will last, but I can tell you that it does become less intense, the very beginning is the worst. I couldn’t imagine driving ever again and I have. Try to give yourself time to heal, not easy with people to take care of, but it does get better. Hang in there and if you need to talk about it, write to me.

      • Samantha Says:

        Found this very helpful! My Journey started 5months ago I was 7 months pregnant with mild depression so l was given Prozac. I was on it for 8 days. and had an adverse reaction and I had a suicide attempt. They made me stop cold turkey and I ended up having terrible withdrawals! I felt lost and cloudy but the worst was panic attacks along with anxiety and fear of everything. So 3 days being off of Prozac they put me on Buspar and hydroxyzine. 3weeks on that had another adverse reaction so went off immediately had horrible withdrawals and decided no more meds. 2months later still having anxiety I had my baby and

        • Samantha Says:

          Was worried about ppa since i was already having anxiety so was given sertraline 3days into it I had another adverse reaction (suicidal thoughts) and so Istopped my Psychiatrist said it was probably serotonin syndrome. so we tried a maoi Wellbutrin. Ifelt great after a week and then 3 weeks in I started having frequent anxiety attacks everday so I started to taper but my dr said Ishouldnt have withdrawals from Wellbutrin so the 4th week of being on it Istopped and of course its been 3weeks later and having constant anxiety hot flashes chills dizziness always scared and having trouble seeing all with a newborn and 3 school aged boys…. I’m scared and been on every google site for this any feedback would be great, thanks

    • Plog Poster Says:

      Sorry to hear about your suffering. I am on week 7 after 11 years on SSRIs (most recent being citalopram) and I could not have imagined the heartache and suffering involved with discontinuation. It is private and yet affects so many people. I have been taking Valerian tincture and this has had a calming effect. I can’t imagine getting through these really rough stretches without it. Sometimes I take Valerian with 1 or 2 benedryl capsules. It does help. Also, I pray.
      So sorry for your suffering.
      May God help us!

  61. Samantha Says:

    Is it normal to have waves of different symptoms being added to the mix? Its always the anxiety with me but one week ill have flu like symptoms and the next its constipation and dizziness nausea… And the next week just constant anxiety attacks and hot flashes just crazy how much we endure going off medications

  62. Julia K Says:

    Hi Samantha,
    Yes, it’s normal to have an influx of different symptoms. It’s so hard because you never know what to expect when you wake up! Also, many doctors will say that these are unrelated to withdrawal, that these symptoms are due to an ‘underlying cause’. This may be the case but they are definitely related to stopping the meds. They do become less intense over time so hang in there! All the best to you,

    • Samantha Says:

      Yes I’ve had drs say it isn’t withdrawals and some say it is and that can be so discouraging especially when its all new and I’ve been through med after med and never doing better on and after the medications and never had anxiety before the medications so I’ve been on many websites just looking for answers just to get some insight to all this cause it is scary. I truly feel for everybody on here especially those of you who are trying to get off medications after being on them for many months and years I’m lucky to only have 5 months on and off these horrible drugs! But still years, months, or weeks its still a hard process to get through and I just came here looking for some guidance and knowledge to understand all this because it truly is terrifying and when nobody believes you or understands that makes it harder. I’m almost 24 with 4 kids and waking up wanting to die every morning is just not an option so thanks to everybody on this forum I’ve enjoyed reading everybodys experiences and hope you all get through, GOD BLESS

  63. Samantha Says:

    Hey there everybody! I’m having a really hard time with these withdrawals it’s something new everyday and today I’m so out of it and keep having this overwhelming fear hanging over me I feel like this is forever I just had a baby and i have other kidds so its just really hard on me… I was wondering if any of u have withdrawals with more than one medication? I’ve had bad reactions to 5 different meds in 5 months and with each I’ve withdrawled from this med (wellbutrin) I was on for a month only and its been the worst other than the Prozac and the Prozac i was only on for 8 days both turning me into a suicidal manic. So with the drug I’m withdrawing on now its been 3weeks off it and the first two weeks weren’t so bad but the past week has been hell i have constant anxiety flu symptoms hot flashes chills shaking i feel like I’m dying and i don’t like my kids for a split second then I’m hugging them crying and feel horrible for even feeling that way please give me hope that’s all i wish i hope this will end soon

    • Jay Says:

      Samantha, I can’t comment on med withdrawals, but I had post partum anxiety and it was so difficult. I had a baby and a two year old to take care of. Do you have a good support system in place? It took me about 3 months to begin to feel like myself again. YOU WILL GET BETTER. Get plenty of sleep and enjoy your kids when you feel good. Try to be in the moment when you are feeling good. I had a great support system and that is what got me through it. I hope you can find people to help you and the kids. I found that lots of people had PPD and they were very willing to help me out. One thing that helped me when I began to feel better was to make a list of six dinner meals and just make those in the same order. That way I had one less decision to make. A good tip from my mom was to smile at my baby even if I did not feel like it so that he would think that I was bonding with him. I felt a lot of comfort from reading other peoples’ stories who had PPD. It gave me hope to know that I would get better. I wish I had known about melatonin and acupuncture for sleep then, they help me now. Good luck! My boys are 8 and 11 and all the anxiety is a distant blurry memory.

      • Samantha Says:

        That’s good to know because i have been worried about postpartum especially if these feelings continued after the withdrawals i know some of this is from stopping the meds especially the chills and hot flashes and shaking. So with ur postpartum did u have to take meds for it to get better because meds s

        • Samantha Says:

          Seem to make things worse for me which scares me if i end up do needing them

          • Jay Says:


            I got terrible panic attacks out of the blue when my son was 5 weeks old. I felt crazy for a few days. I took Zoloft and Xanax for about 2 weeks, but it did not help. My doc then gave me Lexapro and short term with atavan. The Lexapro worked well and I did not have any side effects until I went off (then I got stomach problems). I could feel myself getting better every week. I stayed on it for a long time, just to make sure. There may be other treatments available now. Some women I know just stayed on meds for 6-9 months. Do you have people to help you with the kids? I hope you begin to feel better soon.

          • Samantha Says:

            I’ve tried Prozac Buspar Zoloft and now Wellbutrin and they all made suicidal and have panic attacks so i had to stop cold turkey. So of course I’m scared to try anything else especially since I’ve had terrible withdrawals from them. all and the longest i took any was only a month. I do have my husband who does all the work when he’s home and i feel terrible for putting it all on him

          • Jay Says:

            Samantha, What does your doctor say about going cold turkey. I saw a psychiatrist and felt that they understand meds the best. The doc told me that any med takes about 6 weeks to take affect, but of course you don’t want to be on something that is making you feel worse. Could you take benzodiazapines short term to help with the anxiety while your brain gets back to normal? Not sure what he doctor would say since they can be addicting. I am glad that you have a husband who is helpful. My husband was great, but it was hard on him. Now, he feels great that he rose to the occasion. He worked full-time and got up at night with the baby and did most of the housework and took care of the kids. Tell your husband that it won’t be forever, that you will get better, and that it is great that he is there for you. Do you have a church or mother’s group or some sort of community that can come in and help you. I just did not want to be alone with my kids for over a month. Once I told people how I was feeling I found that so many moms had felt the same way or had a relative that had PPD. Some of the best moms that I know too.

            I am sorry if my messages get jumpy. I am just trying to remember what helped me the most to get better. Feel free to keep messaging me if this is helping you.

          • Samantha Says:

            I go to church every Sunday i see a counselor to help with different techniques to try and help I am seeing a new psychiatrist different from the one that was prescribing me med after med. the new one doesn’t want to give me anything til I’m done breastfeeding and I’ve tried xanax and ativan when I was coming off Zoloft and to me it made things worse. its weird even a sip of alcohol sends me into a panic attack so it seems when the withdrawals and meds kinda wear off i feel better like I’m me then my old psychiatrist will give me a different prescription and i do fine til they kick in so I’m not sure what’s wrong… To be honest your the first person I’ve had to talk to about all this i don’t really have a support group or any friends

          • Jay Says:


            I am glad that we are able to chat on this blog. It sounds like you are on your way to getting better by seeing a counselor and a good psychiatrist. I wish I knew more about meds to give you advice. I take fish oil and that seems to have a calming affect. How long have you been feeling sick? How old are your kids. I know that you will make it through this bad time because I can tell that you really want to get better and are trying lots of options. Maybe your husband can make some calls to someone in your church to help you find a support system. Are your parents or siblings able to help? I was lucky that my mom had some counseling experience. At the time, it felt like I would be sick forever. I just lost interest in most stuff (reading, tv ,friends, kids) and then I would feel fine for a couple of hours. The panic attacks were really scary for me. I would just try to remember that I got through the last one. Sometimes I would time them so I would know that this one would be over soon. I had them a lot less when people were around. I was not alone for almost a whole month.

            I hope that your evening goes well and that you are able to enjoy your cute kids and get a good night’s sleep.

            Feel free to reply to me again.

          • Samantha Says:

            It does help talking to you you’re the first person I’ve been able to talk to about this since its been happening so its kinda a relief. I’ve been going through all for 5 months I was 7 months pregnant and had some mild depression never had panic attacks and my OB put me on Prozac for the depression and that’s when things got out of control. I was on it for 8days when I had like a manic episode and was suicidal even had to go to the ER and they gave me benadryl which helped and after that it was panic attacks everyday i wanted to kill myself all the time so I was put on buspar and hydroxyzine to help with the withdrawals and it did for 3 weeks until I started feeling suicidal again so I stopped those. and started to feel fine by January all this happened in November 2013 so I was med free til I had my baby February 2014 and still had a little anxiety so I wanted to be put on something in case of postpartum and that’s when I was put on Zoloft felt fine until 3days in and that’s when I had never-ending panic attacks and felt suicidal again so I stopped immediately and went to my psychiatrist and she said it was probably the serotonin in the meds and I had serotonin syndrome so i was given xanax and ativan to help with that and it took 4days til I felt better and waas given wellbutrin because it don’t work on serotonin felt awesome for 3 weeks and bam anxiety everyday almost constantly so i started tapering and went to another psychiatrist and he told me wellbutrin had no withdrawal effects and I just stopped cause it was bothering me so badly. Now I’m here hot flashes chills flu symptoms and constant anxiety worse than before i have no control that’s why i thought it was withdrawals.. I have 4 kids 2 months, 2yrs, 6&7 year old. if u want my email so we can communicate better its hope its not too forward

          • Jay Says:

            Samantha, I tried to send you an email, but it bounced back. Mine is

  64. Em Says:

    Samantha, I couldn’t read and not reply. Your experience is very similar to mine. I am generally a happy, healthy and pretty confident, level person. My son got ill last year and had to have a couple of operations. He’s absolutely fine now but, having held it together all the while I think I started to process it once it was all over and I noticed that I was worrying excessively about him. I was concerned that, if left unchecked, my issues would smother him and exclude my daughter so, when it spiked around the time he started school I decided to see someone about it. At this point I had never had a panic attack or anything even close to it, a few intrusive thoughts about my son’s health that I felt were gaining a bit too much traction for a couple of weeks but was generally still enjoying life and getting on with my days. The day before I saw the psych I went to the movies with my girlfriends and had a lovely time.

    I spent 15 minutes with a psychologist who diagnosed me with GAD and did a real number on me about how sick I was and how I would never get better without medication, which I was reluctant to take. She phoned the female GP at my practice and told her that I needed meds but would resist. The GP scared the crap out of me, telling me the next stage is psychosis and I would be hospitalised if I left it untreated, did I want to be away from my children for a month if that happened, etc, etc. None of it stacked up against my own experience of myself and my husband didn’t get it either but these people were the experts, they should know, right?

    Anyway, I took pristiq and ativan for three days and everything just fell apart. Within hours of taking it I was being hit by wave after wave of panic attack, then came the hallucinations, suicidal and violent thoughts, agoraphobia, it just kept on giving. I was convinced I couldn’t be trusted around people, let alone my children. It was a living nightmare so I stopped taking them. The withdrawals were terrible, vomiting, watery diarrhoea, dizziness, headaches and just fear like I’d never known. I was determined not to go back on them and in hindsight should have just continued through it. Instead I went to see a naturopath who gave me a fairly hefty dose of St Johns Wort. I was worried about taking it so soon after discontinuing the pristiq but he assured me I would be fine. I wasn’t. It was awful but I stuck with it for several weeks. Worried about another set of withdrawals, my psych dismissing all symptoms as not possibly related to the meds or herbs (which she practically laughed at) and mistrusting doctors I had totally lost sight of who I normally was. I tapered off it as fast as I could – all the usual, though less pronounced physical withdrawals, increased anxiety and a very strange dysphoria – like someone else jumped into my mind, thought a load of random, truly awful negative stuff that I would never normal think and then hopped back out again leaving me muddled and anxious.

    Eventually I went to see my own doctor, who has been treating me and my family for the past ten years. I told him what was going on and he told me that he had seen similar in people who are really sensitive to psychotropic drugs and that I had probably suffered serotonin syndrome and to ride it out. He pointed out that worrying about your kids, particularly after times of stress, isn’t a mental illness and that the hand pain I was experiencing (the psych told me these were a symptom of my anxiety, as my heart was pumping blood faster and I didn’t even realise it was happening) was more likely referred pain from a whiplash injury the month before. A chat with a neuropsych confirmed this and I have been formally ‘undiagnosed’. In a follow up appointment my GP asked how I the anxiety was and did I feel it was manageable or did I want to do something about it. That one question was a revelation; it was the first time anyone had asked how I felt about the issue, rather than constantly telling me how I was!

    So here I am, over two months after the meds, 2.5 weeks after the last SJW, through the worst of it (I hope) – and I truly sympathise – the worst of it was too awful to even contemplate – still with the waves and the windows, which don’t seem to have much bearing on what I’m actually doing. I had a job interview to go back to work after 2 years, nervous but fine (although I did have a dizzy spell in there), did my first dive in eight years including all the refresher exercises I hated then and still do, nervous but fine. But, most recently, I was at the zoo with the kids one day and I thought how many animals there were in the world that I’d never seen, that was it, that sensation of losing altitude, the world rolling backwards and feeling totally bereft, like there was no point in anything, life may as well be over. BANG. The other thing I am getting every now and then is periods where I keep freezing/tensing, like someone has jumped out on me, my flight/fight response going into hyperdrive. I spend a lot of time worrying that it’s a relapse but surely I can’t be relapsing to a position that I never was in before?

    It is up to you Samantha but you are clearly very sensitive to these types of drugs and I would avoid them like the plague if at all possible. I know how hard it is. In the worst of it I longed for something to put me to sleep until it was all over…or worse. You will get better. Give it time. If you do decide to try something new, please demand to be heavily monitored. It isn’t right that they just hand sensitive types like us the drugs and tell us to go home and look after the kids, it will be fine. It wasn’t and isn’t and leaves us pretty much grappling for our lives.

    Thank you so much for your post James. It has been so good to read something that actually correlates with my experience, rather than how various people say it should be. I’m fed up of being told everything will be long out of my system now. I don’t care whether it’s misfired neuro-connections that need time to drop or whatever but it isn’t just a simple case of once the drug clears the problems simply stop. As sorry as I am that others are going through this, I’m also so relieved to know I’m not the only one still having protracted issues, especially after such a short time on them. The second I read your ‘waves and windows’ statement I knew that was what is happening to me. It’s hard to keep the faith that this isn’t just what you are going to be left with. I will read this post daily through the waves.

    • Samantha Says:

      Thanks for responding to my post its been hard thinking I’m the only person this sensitive to meds! I’m terribly sorry tto hear what you’re going through it is a struggle to go through it when nobody understands and they think its you and it could not possibly be the drug! I’ve tried many different over the counter meds like fish oils and multi vitamins. andmelatonin to help me. sleep but during the day its still a fight all I can do is reassure myself its withdrawals and not me! I have to let my body and brain re adjust it will get better even though its so hard at the moment that’s all i can do!!but if u need to talk more u can email. me that’s always helped me:) good luck in your journey and know I’m there with you…. melot

      • Samantha Says:

        Hey Em I was just wondering if u could tell me how long u were on the medications.. For me its only a month of being on Bupropion and its almost been a month off stil having waves and Windows

        • Em Says:

          Just three days on the pristiq and ativan then 6 weeks on the SJW. It’s been nearly three weeks since the last SJW.

          Of course you are stymied when you tell anyone else that. They raise an eyebrow and think (or say) ‘but you must have been bonkers in the first place to be on them’. It’s a fair point but I wasn’t ever like this – both in scale or type of symptoms.

          We *shouldn’t* be still withdrawing but I’m almost certain that I am. People may be sceptical (particularly about the SJW) but just because we don’t fit the median – serotonin syndrome is real -and there’s always that 0.01%, which looks like it’s us. I’m taking heart that there are windows and each wave is getting more manageable.

          How are you feeling today?

          • Samantha Says:

            Today has been easier I’ve had longer Windows and felt myself most of the day! It was nice to smile and laugh with my kids. Its been so long it seems like and even my husband for a while hasn’t believed me but I do jhave hope and especially after having a good day most of today… How are you feeling? It is really hard to message on here so if you want you can repy to my email

  65. Pzen Says:

    I have been off Sertraline (Zoloft) for about 80 days now and am still experiencing withdrawal (like everyone here it seems). I´ve been through periods of anxiety (worse in the beginning), a short period of depression (passed), nausea and flu-like symtoms (they passed after 3 waves, so hopefully I wont get them back), feeling like crying (comes and goes). Of course, I have had, and still have, a lot of other symtoms, but they are not major.

    But the thing I feel most of all right now is my sore muscles and my inability to concentrate, feelings of brain fog and a bit of vertigo. It really gets me down because I have always been a person that was able to think quickly and now that feeling is gone….

    Any of you guys that have hade the brain fog period? Did it pass?

    Kind regards and hugs to you all!

  66. Reality Check Says:

    Thanks for this great blog. So much of value here, it really “normalizes” an experience that most people do not understand. I did a one-month taper from lexapro 7.5 mg and after two hellish weeks at zero, I found the site (which led me here.). I have decided, with the help of this community, to reinstate at 1 mg until I stabilize. Also adding magnesium supplement, fish oil and coQ10 in a small dose. I vastly underestimated the power of this drug and its long-term effect on my brain. Previous discontinuations have not been so difficult as this one. Really glad to have the support. Any suggestions welcome.

  67. ihatepills Says:

    Hey.Im in the middle of my wenties, took 9 years of ssri antidepressants for anxiety, tappered them VERY SLOWLY, didnt felt very bad because as I sad I did it slowly.Its been 7 months since the last pill and im having a huge depression, i cry so much and so intense that i almost faint.NEVER had depression.Could it still be withdrawal ?

  68. ihatepills Says:

    *as i said.sorry
    and forgot to say, ALOT of rage, i had an episode like this today and i destroyed a part of my room.I was the calmest man on earth(except anxiety) before i took this pills 9 years ago and i hate violence.

  69. cray Says:

    I have now been off Effexor for 19 months. I stopped abruptly from 150 mg in January last year. I went through hell and back the last 15 months but hung in there. I am now finding though, although I am feeling generally better that I am still having regular waves where i can’t seem to see out of it. I am having suicidal thoughts and horrible imagery (all of which I had previously during withdrawal but was feeling so crap in general that they weren’t so bad) now though this is the main thing and it is horrible. Has anyone else still experienced symptoms this far on into withdrawal or is it an underlying illness (I was originally prescribed the ssri for PND but had never had suicidal thoughts before).

    • Plog Poster Says:

      Dear Cray,
      I made the very difficult decision to reinstate at lower dose because of this kind of torment. I could not measure the benefit of being off meds against the unrelenting mental torment that was afflicting me. I too felt suicidal. I called my doctor on a very bad day and she reinstated me. The terrible dark, tortured feelings have subsided, though I can tell I am still adjusting. I’m not happy about it, but I had to choose between basic functioning and total breaking down. I hope you are getting through this. I really don’t know the best answer.

      • cray Says:

        Has anyone else held out or should I reinstate?

        • john Says:

          After 1 year of withdrawal from paxil I am still suffering from symptoms.I can’t go to workshop to get my car repaired.I can’t do the shopping. Can’t do routine things like care of my family.I tried to reinstate after 10 months but with even 2.5 mg paxil , I would have very severe low mood.I tried many SSRI to cope withdrawal but even lowest doses caused me low mood.without SSRI I felt better.I tried lamotrigine but it even didn’t work after 10 started to gave me low mood after 10 days.without drugs I can’t function and on drugs they cause me very severe low mood.some people discourage drugs but to get quality of life u would have to be on them otherwise u can be having suicidal thoughts.has anybody used any thing which would help easing withdrawal syndrome when u r not able to reinstate.even drug like lyrics causes me low mood in one dose 75 mg.any person hypersensitive to psychotropic drugs tell me how they are reacting

        • Kirsten Says:

          I’m on week 14 I think from stopping citalophram. Started taking it October 2012 after going on holiday. Prior to the holiday I felt anxious in trains/cinema/lecture halls places I felt I couldn’t get out of easily. Therefore when I sat on a plane for 5 hours I was bad, although not bad enough to have a panic attack, instead I used alcohol to cope. Which I did the whole holiday and the constant hangover made me worse. All in all I came back a quivering wreck and went on meds. Anyway came off them (20mg) did a week of 10mg then a week of 10mg nothing 10mg nothing then a week of 10 nothing nothing 10 nothing nothing. Not much of a taper when I researched afterwards.

          Anyway, I understand waves and windows, and the lack of research on withdrawal is horrendous. I’ve booked a 4 day trip to Gibralter, my friend lives there and I’m petrified. I know it’s association between now and my last holiday which was negative. I have windows of positivity that it will be great then I’m a wreck the next wave. I’d love to think I’m withdrawing still, it would be so comforting. I go Gibralter on 9/6/14 🙂 eeeeeek but I will get through it. It’s only a feeling and feelings don’t kill you. Sending love and hope you all get happiness xx

  70. Lesley Says:

    Hi Kirsten, sorry you are going through withdrawal, it really sucks. Like you, I had anxiety sitting in the cinema, meetings, etc and also I went on a two week holiday to Australia last year and was filled with terrible anxiety which ruined my holiday. I have been off Paroxatine (Paxil) for eleven months and still feel awful. I also have windows of positivity and then next minute feel sick and anxious so it was interesting to read of someone else feeling the same. I hope you have a wonderful time in Gibralter, I know you will get through it! You are right, our feelings are only feelings and won’t kill us, just make us feel damned uncomfortable! Hang in there, my thoughts are with you.

  71. Matt Says:

    Thanks so much for this thread. I recently stopped taking Lexapro and your description of how to cope during this transition from withdrawal back to a normative state is spot on, not to mention hopeful. I’ve had a very difficult time maintaining a consistent response to all manner of daily occurrences (particularly in irritating situations – kids screaming, wife nagging, etc.) and I’ve found – just as you so eloquently described – that its only through intense introspection and often intentional pausing (counting to ten) that you can gain the proper perspective and control over what’s happening. In other words, having an adult response to life (something I was never very good at in the past). Thanks!

  72. Debi Hardin Says:

    This blog makes me feel like I am not alone, and that my weird array of symptoms can be explained by Lexapro withdrawal, but also scares me that this process might take a long time! Thanks so much for everyone’s comments. I have been on one SSRI or another for over 20 years. I recently weaned pretty quickly off Lexapro (30 mg, to 20 to 10 to 5, about 1-2 weeks per decrease) while taking Wellbutrin concurrently. I am very pleased that I am no longer emotionally “numb”. The withdrawal, however, is nasty: electric shocks, loss of appetite, insomnia, sweating/chilling, leg and back spasms, depersonalization, etc. etc. I almost had a car accident last night on an interstate, and I wonder if the withdrawal is making me less attentive. My doctor is monitoring me pretty closely, and I am eager to report these symptoms to her for her future reference in prescribing. It has been my experience that doctors have no idea how potent and “permanent” these drugs are. I have felt bad enough to consider going back on the drug, but I am determined to ride this out. Thanks again for the lifeline!!

  73. amanda Says:

    Hi there,
    this thread has been very uplifting…..just hearing from other peoples experiences…. im 1 month off Lustral (ssri)…. was taking 50mg for 8 years….after 2 unsuccessful attempts to wean-off i have finally stuck it out….very slowly I tappered my dose down over a period of 4 months in an attempt to make the adjustment as easy as possible. in the last 2 wks ive gone through some horrible depression and anxiety with erratic mood swings….not wanting to be around people or socialise. But in the last few days im finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel….and im really starting to get my focus and motivation back….. although there has been very little research done in this area of withdrawal…. but i really feel that the symptoms im going through are gonna run its course….. So just remember folks that your not alone here….. and i cant lie, its not an easy process….but by applying some healthy changes to your lifestyle….your giving yourself a fighting chance at recovery…..personally i have found lots of exercising helpful…..eating a healthy diet rich in b vitamins and omega oils along with some mindfulness meditation……also a book id recommend in dealing with anxiety is ‘the happiness trap’ by Russ Harris.
    Best of luck to everyone during this transitional period.
    Peace out!!

  74. Alex Says:

    I have been taking Celexa(Citalopram) for 8 years following a deployment to Afghanistan and a subsequent extreme anxiety after some flashbacks. I was always on a very low dose 10 mg, and tried getting off after 5 years cold turkey. After a few months, I started having panic attacks(maybe not attacks since they were prolonged, lasting hours) where I would feel like I couldn’t breath – basically like asthma attacks without ever having asthma. It got so bad that I returned onto the medication at the same does 10 mg(lowest dose prescribed). I am at year 8 and have been off the SSRIs for 2 months, tapering off this time, and I am dealing with some very unpleasant withdrawal effects. Irritability, to the point where I can control my self and have to go punch a wall somewhere, terrible memory issues, lack of motivation to do anything, hypertension, seats not to mention PE which was never a problem for me in my youth. I have a high level of stress right now, a 1.5 year old will do that, but I feel like if I don’t get off now(I am almost 30), I never will. Just be careful, if you think 10 mg is tempering off, because even at such a low does and prolonged use, there are some serious withdrawal symptoms. It’s really messing up my family life right now, and I hope with some help from a psychologist and some understanding from my wife(it’s so hard for anyone who has never dealt with or researched this to understand that I simply control as much as I can, and when I loose it I am still trying my best). I don’t know what is worse, my lashing out at my wife, my kid and my coworkers or the extreme guilt I feel for doing so. I am going to do the best I can, I’ll get help, i’ll change my life style and the way I deal with stress, I just hope I can do it before I loose the love of my life. I wish you all better luck than I have been having so far, and I hope we can all be strong enough to see this through and hopefully educate some other people considering using these types of drugs.


  75. susan Says:

    Thank you! Those two words seem so inadequate. I have never posted a comment on ANY website (cliche sounding but true) but I have to express my appreciation. I am in the midst of ending my long term romance with luvox. Your words are helping me tremendously. Thank you again.

  76. Suffering so bad :( Says:

    Help me.
    Ive been off effexor for iver a month now (went off it cold turkey. Was taking 150 mg). Had terrible headaches because of it. That had stopped one week from the last pill! I suffered horrible withdrawl symptomps – nausea, dizzines, vomiting, brain zaps and also back pain and stomach pain which seems to come together and at the same spot front and back. The last symptom is the only one that is lingering . Simply refusing to go away and stop ruining my life. I wake up from the pain and start popping advils and other pills for pains till the night comes and i fall asleep.
    Im worried its not to do with the withdrawl but maybe a serious gastro issue, maybe pancriatitis or something.
    What do you think? Im supposed to travel abroad in two weeks and am seriously considring canceling the trip

    • Jay Says:

      I had bad gastro issues after going off Lexapro. I told my doctor that is was like my stomach and intestines just forgot how to work right. PPI helped a bit. The best treatment I found was going to a chiropractor and massage therapist. The gastro discomfort was from problems with the functioning of the vagus nerve. It took a long time to get better, but I waited a while to try the alternative treatments. Find a chiropractor that does visceral massage and knows how to work with muscles and not just a back cracker. Rolfing helped too. Good luck. Probiotics were useful.

    • cray Says:

      HI Jay – Hang in there it does get better. I too was on Effexor at 150 for a couple of years and went off it cold turkey(not ideal but I had run out of my script whilst on holiday and had no choice and by the time I returned home I was already in the withdrawals clutches) last January (2013) so I am now just over 18months free from it. I can finally say that life is great. I still have waves however they are fewer and fewer and less and less severe. The gastro side of it was the worst for me too. I couldn’t keep anything down and lost over 30kg during the process (a lot of it the weight that I had put on due to the meds) however I finally succumbed and saw a gastroenterologist who did various tests and found everything very inflamed but “no cause”. It was a relief that there was nothing serious physically wrong. My body just needed time to recover. Give yourself time – take things very easy, do what you feel up to doing and DONT push yourself. I would start to feel better and then try and get straight back into my normal life and bam I would be back at square one. I have learnt to pace myself and listen to my body. Just don’t give up. We are stronger than we think and can beat these meds. Good luck. x

      • Suffering so bad :( Says:

        Hello cray,
        How did was the inflammation treated and what tests did they run?

        • Suffering so bad :( Says:

          How was *

        • cray Says:

          They finally did gastroscopy and colonoscopy – I was treated with nexum and somac plus diet changes I made. I feel the diet changes made the most difference. Avoided and still do bread and pasta and too much milk. I tried a heap of different supplements – zinc, fish oil (for brain zaps initially), plus numerous others. Now just take a daily multi B vitamin. As I said I am now feeling fantastic – still have to be careful though what I eat. The gastric issues are the most persistent of all the withdrawal symptoms but they are definitely improving. Good luck – hang in there.

  77. V M Says:

    i took prozac and had almost every listed side effect. Six months later after taking 20mg for only six weeks i still have a tremor mostly hands but whole body at times, muscle weakness and excessive night sweating. I feel misled and misadvised and exceptionally disappointed that without knowing all the risks i took prozac.

  78. James Says:

    It’s now been five months off drugs (after 13 years of being on anti-depressants) and I haven’t been able to take even a very low dose of an SSRI or serotonin-related drug without having a bad reaction. Every time I do, I feel overloaded with some chemical still in me from all of those years of trying many different SSRI’s and other drugs. I also experience vision disturbances where I see strange, hazy lights every day in my vision, although I hope and pray it will all get better or resolve in time. If I could go back, I never would have been on these awful drugs for so long. I would have taken breaks or stuck with very, very low doses. BIG MISTAKE!

  79. Rachel Says:

    I’m writing this because I don’t know what to do it where to go. I’m 27 years old and have been on Prozac for OCD for 10 years. Last year my husband and I wanted to start a family. So I went to my GP who told me to get off Prozac (I was on 40 mg). I got off in within two weeks. I felt fine for about five weeks and then the OCD started to return but even more so then before. About a week later, anxiety and depression entered. I was crying and could not perform everyday functions. Then phobias entered. I became afraid of sharp objects and of hurting myself and others. That’s when I went to my Psychiatrist who put me back on my Prozac and Xanax on an as needed basis . It took me about eight weeks to returm to some normalcy. Fast forward to June of this year. I found out that I’m pregnant. I went to my obstetrician who told me to get off Prozac and to do it within two weeks. Again after being off five weeks the symptoms from prior discontinuation returned but this time with a vengeance. I went to a new Psychiatrist recommended to me by my obstetrician who put me back on 20 mg Prozac but things seemed to get worse. I developed a fear of falling and then the fear of sharp objects returned. I called my old Psychiatrist who upped my dose of Prozac to 30 mg and if needed to go up to 40mg. She also prescribed Xanax on an as needed basis. I’m not as anxious but the phobia of sharp objects is increasing to the point that I cannot be left alone. I have cut down on my working because I’m a hairstylist and I am afraid if scissors. I feel lost and feel I can’t go on. All the so called “professionals” I talk to have never heard of SSRI discontinuation or withdrawal and have offered no solutions. There are numerous sites and blogs addressing this, but it seems the professionals are all turning a blind eye to this serious issue. I’m anxious and afraid for my baby and me. Where can one go to get real help?

    • Dandy Says:

      I feel for you. I had the same reactions to coming off the drugs. It’s been a year and 3 months of hell but it does get better. I still have a lot of symptoms but they are easing and not as hard to endure. A lot of people have the intrusive thoughts which( I had the same thoughts with sharp objects). These are all side effects to withdrawing. I had the OCD, depression more anxiety etc. it’s all withdrawal and I have to tell yourself that. The drs tried to Medicarte me more and I told them no! You have to work through it and not takes forever. I am doing much better but still have a way to go. And by the way I never had any if these before the meds.

  80. Says:

    Will I ever be normal again? Should I give it up and get back on something? I’ve been tapering off Paxilfor a month. Having terrible physical and mental symptoms.

  81. Anna Says:

    I am 4 weeks off of Cipralex (and have been slowly coming off of it since the summer) and I have terrible symptoms, too. I swing between numbness/tingling/weakness in my extremities, GI upset, bowel issues, loss of appetite and then days of crying at everything, feeling hopeless, extremely anxious and doubting my sanity and feeling like I won’t make it. I have been told that if in the next 2 weeks (so it would be 6 weeks without Cipralex) the symptoms haven’t eased, then I will have to try something like Zoloft to ease the symptoms. Honestly, I am petrified to try another drug (considering I am still taking 300mg of Wellbutrin). It is a very disconcerting process. The neurologist is sending me for tests to rule out other things to make sure it isn’t MS or something to that effect. I am pretty certain its the withdrawal. I was on Cipralex for 5 years. Obviously, a very slow taper would have been better, but I am this far off of it, so right now as I sit here, my present state of mind says to hold on and not give up yet. It is hard to stay present when you have so many other physical symptoms happening.
    You are not alone. Hang in there. Keep in touch with your doctors and counsellors and let them know how you are going. Good Luck! :o)

  82. Says:

    I am so happy to have found this site. James you explained here exactly what I am going through. Now I know I am not going insane and won’t permanently be like this. I’m down now to 1 mg from 40 of Paxil. Ugh it’s been horrible. I’m a recovering addict and heroine or methadone weren’t even close to this. The one thing that disturbs me most is the hot flashes but ice cold hands that feel kinda number. Anyone experienced this?

  83. laura Says:

    I want to add my story too. I was on citalopram20 for 3m mart april may. I stopped it one week 10 and then nothing. I stopped it becoz of side effects and feeling numb. I also lost my bf. In june I started feeling i get my mind back, i could cry like normal people. July and august I had nausea,flu like and many other effects it’ll take a page to discribe. In september i could say i was ok, I thought the nightmare is over. Meanwhile i noticed my face changed and look numb too, my posture and my hands are clumsy too, i thought i had many diseases. The last week i cry from the smallest and i thought i have the flu. Not exaclty flu, but feeling like flu. Sinus pressure, nausea, gastro problems…i lost weight and i look like a ghost. I still think i have some disease. But then it must be combination of different diseases…. So i really believe this drug damaged my brain and body. I dont feel like normal human for now 7months. I m not working now and i dont know when i ll feel normal again. I wish i could disappear somewhere and sleep all day. Drinking water helps the nausea, but i feel like zombie too. I dont know what to do…

  84. Anna Says:

    @Laura: I am sorry to hear of how you are feeling, and about losing your boyfriend. Laura, are you being followed by a psychiatrist, GP or have you been sent to a neurologist? Please see your doctor, and do not leave it too long.

    I am now 6 weeks off of Cipralex after being on if for 5 years. I am still having neurological symptoms (too many list) and I am going to have a MRI on Monday. The purpose is to rule out MS or similar diseases due to the numbness, tremors and tingling I have been having in my body.
    6 weeks off of it, and I am still having other symptoms (nausea, quick to tears, insomnia, anxiety, GI upset, weight loss, fatigue, lack of appetite, metallic taste in my mouth, hypersensitive to certain smells (eg. gasoline exhaust, onions) etc…, BUT, it very very slowly seems to be improving. It really has been hellish.
    I am worried about what the MRI will show, but hopefully, the symptoms are from “Discontinuation Syndrome” or “Withdrawal Syndrome” (despite the fact that I still take Wellbutrin 300mg daily and Zopiclone to sleep at night).
    I am followed by a GP and psychiatrist and I also see a counsellor regularly.

    I personally know its really hard to reach out for help when you feel so terrible, but please try to do so. Once you get help, things will start to seem brighter. Take care.

  85. Erik Says:

    I was in a bicycle accident 2 years ago. I was taken to the hospital and looked ok until an hour or two later the doctor saw a blood clot growing and said that is not normal, and simply went into the skull and drained the blood out. I seemed ok until about 2 months later i realized my AC joint was separated and I scheduled to have surgery on it. I freaked out right before surgery at the thought of being put under and i bailed. About a month later I had a panic attack for almost no reason, i didnt know what it was at the time, and i spiraled into a terrible bout of anxiety and depression. I lost all joy in activities and was completely miserable, i literally thought i was dying. I felt the brain fog as if my reactions and mind were slower and I just kept wondering, is this because of the accident? I just want to be normal and the old me again, why did this happen. My doctor finally put me on lexapro 5mg. I took this for a little over 9 months and was feeling good. I got to the point where i was partaking in regular activities that i used to before the depression (hanging out with friends, going to dinner, going to sporting events). So I got to the point of “i dont even know what this drug is doing, i feel ok again”. I continued to take it for a couple more months and then decided to try and stop. My doctor told me to wean down and i went to 2.5mg for about 3 weeks before stopping. I stopped taking it altogether about 3 months ago. It felt good just to be off it and knowing I didnt have to take any more drugs. My passion and joy seemed normal again and I still want to eventually get surgery even though its really not necessary, just more for myself. I had the brain zaps for a few weeks and a little of the brain fog but told myself that would pass. The last week or so the brain fog has been annoying as i wake i just wonder when it will subside. A couple of days ago, out of no where though, I couldnt sleep and the next morning i awoke i felt jittery and the anxious feeling. It felt like it was happening all over again but i didnt know why. Ive been feeling a little anxious, irritable, problems sleeping, foggy in the head and just wishing to be normal, im really stuck right now. I was debating if i should go back on the lexapro because it made me feel more normal the first time when i thought there was no hope and when i was experiencing similar symptoms as the ones i have been having for the last couple days. Whats really hard is ive already been through this so i know what to expect with the feelings of: not wanting to do anything, not caring about what others are saying, wondering why im like this, etc. etc. and i do not want to go through that again. Any advice is greatly appreciated and thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

  86. Mike Says:

    Erik -Lex is a super powerful drug. You probably should have tappered longer. But, hang in there. It’ll take awhile. Go to You’ll get a lot of great info there.


    • Taylor Says:

      Just wanted to add (for anyone reading these comments later looking for answers themselves) that on Dec. 17, 2014, paxilprogress closed permanently. I don’t know why, maybe it was discussed in a post prior to closing. None of the content is even available to view, which is very upsetting since it’s been around so long (I think over a decade) and helped countless people on psychiatric meds, coming off of them, and those who wound up with protracted withdrawal, not to mention some of their family members.

      I think many of the PP users switched to, though, so some of the same helpful info should be available there now.

  87. Taylor Says:

    Just wanted to add my story to the comment thread, for anyone interested!

    I was prescribed Abilify for off-label use (to treat trichotillomania, or chronic compulsive hair-pulling) 3 years ago. No mood disorders or mental illness–just the hair-pulling. I didn’t research the drug at all; I was 21, sick of having no eyelashes or eyebrows and thinning hair, and I happily took those pills for a little over 2 months. They didn’t seem to help the pulling, so my doctor told me I could just stop cold-turkey (I was at 2.5 or 5 mg a day, “as needed”). Obviously, this doctor was seriously misinformed.

    A week after quitting, I experienced an intense four-day episode (what I later learned to be a “wave”) of crippling anxiety, depression, depersonalization–in which everything I saw and did felt “unreal,” like being in a dream–loss of appetite, racing heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and what I now know are called “brain zaps,” instances when it felt like electrical fires were tearing through my brain. Literally. I’ve never been so scared in my life; I thought I was going insane. Then, as quickly and arbitrarily as it began, the episode ended. I was back to normal.

    A couple weeks later, it happened again. And again. And again.

    This went on for two years. The windows changed–sometimes they were a couple weeks, sometimes a few days; sometimes they were wonderful, almost manic; sometimes they were simply a grim “easing up” from symptoms. The waves varied in length and intensity, but overall, lasted a week and almost always derailed my normal life activities.

    I was pregnant during part of those two years, and during the pregnancy I felt “stable,” but not normal–like my brain knew I had to stay well for the baby, so it kept me just below my baseline/normal self. Still healing, but slowly, like a very long mild wave. Truthfully, I remember very little of the pregnancy–it was like that entire nine months was a dream, and not in a good way.

    After my daughter, the pattern started again. I could barely function some days; it was all I could do to keep my baby fed and diapered. We didn’t leave the house much, or even the bed. My fiance didn’t know how to help, but God bless the man, he tried. He stuck with me through everything, and I couldn’t ask for a better support system than the one I found in him.

    Anyway. Two years of crap. Then, I turned a corner–big time. Maybe it was coincidence, but I suddenly saw huge gains when I began exercising (p90x3, at my own slow-as-a-snail pace, then gradually upping it as my physical pain subsided), focused on eating better, started a new vitamin regimen (described next), and prayed my ass off. I never push people–by all means, find what works for you and that includes religion or lack thereof–but turning my recovery over to God, actually accepting that this was happening and I couldn’t make it “un-happen,” gave me immense hope and brought healing immediately.

    (Okay, just in case anyone’s interested–if not, that’s cool too, though I REALLY believe this, by the grace of God, is what brought me from 10% recovered to 95% or more–the regimen I take is 30 mL Amino Fuel, 1 tsp l-glutamine powder in water, and 200-400 mg magnesium every day on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Theoretically, based on other forums where I’ve seen the regimen suggested, as well as research on amino acid therapy, it gives the body all the “raw materials” needed to produce more neurotransmitters to rebalance the brain, and taking a blend of all the aminos made me feel SO much better than individual ones since I wasn’t sure what I needed, and this way my body could “pick and choose” from lower doses.)

    I’m nearing my three-year mark of quitting Abilify cold-turkey. I’d say my healing is 99%–the only think keeping it from 100% is that occasionally, I still get waves of anxiety, stomach issues, and depression/feeling down. But I swear, the symptoms are so mild now, I barely notice them and often mistake them for some minor PMS! The anxiety has gone from earth-shattering, inexplicable fear, to feeling “off” and jittery. The depression is more like some mild blues, like you might get on a rainy day. Stomach issues: some aches and gas, then it’s over. On my “wave days,” if I notice the symptoms at all, it’s only in the morning and very brief. Occasionally, I get little “twinges” of them in the evening, but again, I barely notice them and can easily distract myself.

    Interesting to note: the waves’ duration is the same (about a week) but as I’ve said, the intensity is WAY, WAY down. And my windows are complete normalcy now (i.e. not just “easing up” from symptoms, nor manic happiness–just ME, the way I was before I ever touched Abilify) and last much longer. This year I’ve seen anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months between waves!

    Sorry to ramble. Just wanted to share my experience and tell anyone suffering: You WILL heal. It can take time, but it’s worth it. And no one knows how long that time will be–you might need another year, or you might be healed in an instant tomorrow. Everyone is different. Personally, I don’t believe my recovery would have taken this long had I not cold-turkeyed, fallen pregnant, and endured a very long list of huge life changes in Year 1, like engagement, moving THREE times, and losing many family members, among other stressful things.

    But even then, I’d like to point out that I was not miserable the entire time. Many wonderful events occurred during those years, and in my windows and even in some waves, I could enjoy them. And I was getting better, albeit far more slowly than I’d have liked, the whole time. Every few months, I’d see enormous gains, and now it’s strange to look back at my journal entries from that time…I don’t even recognize that girl.

    Of course I’m bitter and angry sometimes. I get moments of “why did that happen to me?” or “why did the doctor give me that toxic crap?” or “why didn’t I just research Abilify first?” But I don’t ruminate on them, or weep over them anymore; I let them go. Whether this ability aided my recovery, or was born from recovery, I’ll never know. But I’m very grateful it’s there.

    We can’t change the past, but we can hold out hope for the future. Sometimes that hope is literally all we have, and it’s hard to call it up when we need it most. But we can do this. Our brains are wonderfully complex, plastic things designed to heal damage and compensate when they need to, by the grace and design of God. Long-term damage is NOT the same as “permanent damage.” I know it’s hard to get that worry out of your head–we always wonder if we’re the one person in 7 billion who just can’t heal. But we can, we will, and many before us have.

    Remember: waves are the brain healing. Don’t fight them, but don’t let them pull you under, either. Just keep your head up and ride.

    Good luck and God bless.

  88. Chris Says:

    Nice article. It will be very helpful for people taking Xanax.

    • di Says:

      Thank you for the article, going there now. I just read the article here and all the responses. Thank you all very much. I cut my Prozac in half, felt good for six weeks, then the symptoms started. I went back on normal dose two weeks ago. I feel like I have the flu. All of your stories have helped me so much, thank you! I thought I was going crazy or had some illness

  89. krystyna Says:

    Hi, I was put on varies antidepressants to treat the anxiety that i had developed suddenly. I tried zoloft, proxac, and countless others too no avail. I ended up taking effexor for two and a half months along with 0.05mg of clonazepam to mask the ill effects of the drug. When i saw another doctor, he told me to wean myself off the drugs in 2 weeks. Not knowing how dangerous these meds are because i had never been on anything other than the odd advil my entire 51 years of life, i did just that. My fourth day off i ended up in the emergency room, could not stop vomiting for 4 days. Thereafter i felt terrible for 6 weeks after. As soon as i started to feel better i got insomnia and pulsatile tinnitus. I had never had a problem sleeping my entire life, now the sleep clinic tells me i wake up 60 times a night and the ear specialist tells me that the pulsatile tinnitus will go away once i figure out the sleeping disorder, yet i have read that there is no cure for it. I am getting no help from any doctors. This all happened march of this year when i got taken off the meds, it wasnt until may that i got the insomnia along with the tinnitus. My question is it has been 8 months and nothing is getting better, should i go back on the effexor to try to stabalize this and get weaned off properly, or is this a permanent thing. Help, i truly dont know the right answer .

  90. Lorna Says:

    I’m re -reading this artice again to try and help rationalize my obsessive thoughts post sertraline withdrawal. I have been reducing my 50mg dose to 10mg now since March last yr (so 9 months. I have been taking for nearly 15 years!) but its hard to keep the faith when I get lots of obsessive thoughts during a big wave. I have never. experienced these thought processes before.

  91. Luiz Says:

    Hello! Is it normal the anxiety appears after 11 days? Is this a withdrawal problem? Thanks!

  92. Luiz Says:

    Hello! Is it normal the anxiety appears after 11 days off withdrawal? Is this a withdrawal problem? Thanks!

  93. Mt444 Says:

    I’m so glad I stopped taking this crippling drug. Day 2 was enough for me! I’m naturally a very shy person. Normally too shy to even look people in the eye. On lexapro, I could walk into a room full of people and worry about what color the walls were. As great as that sounds, it was not sincere. Something just didn’t feel right. I looked at people in my family and felt totally indifferent. When I looked in the mirror, I felt as though I was looking at someone else. It was odd. Luckily, I only took 2 so my withdrawal was quite temporary 😛 After 24 hours, my opinions and feelings returned. It felt like a wave of life washed back over me. I looked in the mirror and could finally see myself! I don’t know how some people can just take anti depressants like candy and not feel something terribly wrong in their spirit. I’m staying as far away from SSRIS as POSSIBLE. I believe that science hasn’t come far enough to understand all this.

  94. nikki Says:

    An amazing and enlightening piece of writing… made so much sense and had so much relevance to what I’m going through withdrawing from citalopram. .. well done.

  95. Abhishek Gupta Says:

    I have taken Anti depressants(SSRIs) for 2 months and now i feel that i have lost my feelings of love and romance.What can i do now to bring back my feelings of love and romance? And how much time does it take to fade away the Side effects?

  96. Tristan Collins Says:

    I took Zoloft for about 8 years, I started when I was 6 and ended when I was 14. I was prescribed it because I had Tourettes and it was supposed to help. I’ve been off of it going on almost 4 years now. When I first quit, I was fine for about a week, but after that everything just hit the fan. In 1 day I became extremely tired all the time, sleeping 12 hours a day, it felt like my brain was incased in a brick wall on all sides and I couldn’t remember anything anymore, and couldn’t take in any new information. I went from being an A and B student to failing half my classes and scraping by with D’s and a few C’s here and there. I am very paranoid all the time and have small fits of just pure terror for no reason. I get headaches fairly often too, though I’ve managed to get rid of most of those headaches recently thanks to meditation. All in all… 4 years after quitting Zoloft… I’m thinking about getting back on it. My symptoms haven’t gotten any better, maybe even worse, and I see no reason to continue dealing with all these terrible conditions.

    Has anyone else had Zoloft withdrawal symptoms for upwards of 3-4 years?

    • Mike F Says:

      I’ve been totally of off Lexapro for over 3.5 years and yes, still having protracted withdrawal that includes tight band-like headaches, muscle issues, feeling like I have to yawn, anxiety, anhedonia and just the inability to handle stress effectively. I’m trying to be patient but it’s getting really old. My family doesn’t get it and it tough.

      • Tristan Collins Says:

        Yeah, I would stay off of it and try to wait it out but I have quite a bit of pressure with my senior year coming up, and this inability to concentrate and memory loss is really hurting my grades. I need to pass. I think if I start back on the medicine again, it will build back up in my symptoms and all the progress I’ve made these last few years will basically reset. I mean the symptoms will go away eventually right?

        • Mike F Says:

          I wouldn’t go back on that crap. It’ll take more time for us, but it’ll happen.

          • Tristan Collins Says:

            Weirdly, the whole brain not being able to remember anything and me being slow goes away sometimes. Like, I will be sitting down reading news articles online, or playing a game, or doing anything really… and suddenly it just, opens up. I can remember stuff, think clearly and fast, and I’m suddenly not tired anymore. It lasts for around an hour to four-ish hours normally, and then goes away. It doesn’t happen often though, maybe once every 2-3 months. It makes me wonder though, how come it goes away but comes back? and what causes it to do that? Hopefully it will go away one day and just stay away. That would be great.

          • Mike F Says:

            The coming and going of symptoms is classic protracted withdrawal.

          • tristandcollins Says:

            Good to know, thanks.

          • Tristan Collins Says:

            Hey, do you think that me starting the medication when I was 6 years old would make the withdrawal symptoms any worse and/or last longer? I mean the medication affects the brain and the brain develops a lot during that time. I’m not really sure how it all works. lol

          • Mike F Says:

            Wouldn’t be surprised. 6 is really young. To me, ridiculously young.

          • tristandcollins Says:

            Lame, I also went cold turkey on the medicine, I just stopped one day. My doctor said it was fine. I later learned just outright stopping the medicine is a no no. I guess I got the bad end of every stick huh.

          • di Says:

            Everyone’s story here has helped me immensely, thank you all so much. I missed a few doses, felt good so cut my Prozac in half, huge mistake. Symptoms hit 5 or 6 weeks later. I upped the dose two weeks ago, I feel awful, headaches, lethargic, no motivation, just awful. I pray I can improve

  97. Mike F Says:

    It’s all par for the course.

  98. Dominic Says:

    I googled “how long do withdrawal effects from citalopram last? And thankfully found this Blog . I would truly like to know the answer Please.
    This is my experience so far and so far its been a really positive thing to do. Sorry its drawn out but it helps me to document it (So its 1.20am my insomnia is getting worse which is making my anger later in the day worse)… It has been 6.4 weeks since I took my last pill of Citalopram. Due to my new geographical location (Manila) I was unable to get my prescription and did not want to try the local version! so I cut down with what I had left .. from 40mg to 20mg until it ran out. I had wanted to stop the 40mg per day for a while. At first no problems whatsoever but its only now I’m really feeling the withdrawal effects THAT NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT…. It was the ANGER that showed itself first, then the obsessional OCD type behavior with a little emotional thrown in for good measure. I do realise that it’s only natural but it’s really strange.
    Having read all the comments it has been nice to know I’m not going mad, I was always a little crazy in a good way. However I am willing to go through these phases to become clean of citalopram. Like most people with common-sense say… come off slowly but I was unable to as I had a very limited supply left. . I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK ON THEM as In general I am fine but the bouts of the symptoms really are noticeable and I know it’s the withdrawal but I cannot control them. I’m generally a very jolly person. So I guess what I’m trying to say is.. DO THE SYMTOMS GO AWAY? I eat well and stay generally fit. I’m trying to function normally and have achieved so much since I came off Citalopram and it is so so nice to feel myself again. I am Hoping im not damaged for good! and the cure is not overly complicated. I do stop and laugh at my current behavior! And luckily I live alone with my dog Stan the Beagle who thinks I have turrets syndrome now!. I will be heading home to London in 3 Months – September and feel very grateful I have used this time to get clean off this very powerful drug a drug I was so keen to get on and did not ask too many questions when I was subscribed it for depression.
    It surely can only be a good thing not to have this mind altering drug in my system anymore but it sure is fighting for a second chance! Anyway I genuinely feel for other people going through this as it can be torture. Just hoping to find the comment that says “IT WILL ALL BE OK AFTER A WHILE AND YOU HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING, WELL DONE!. That’s is for now and this is my first ever blog about anything! Take care all, be well and peace!

    • Mike F Says:

      Sorry you’re going through this. Everyone’s different. I took Lexapro for almost six years. I had a way too short taper and have been off the poison over three and a half years. My protracted withdrawal’s not done. In fact, I’ve been in a bad wave since getting the flu last December. It’s showing signs of letting up but it’s been a real bitch. Hopefully, yours won’t last too long.

      • Dominic Says:

        Thanks Mike I will ride this out. Stay strong as mt444 says I don’t know how some people can just take anti depressants like candy and not feel something terribly wrong in their spirit. I’m staying as far away from SSRIS as POSSIBLE. I believe that science hasn’t come far enough to understand all this.

    • Lilian G Says:

      Hi Dominic,
      Hang in there…it will get better. I was on anti-depressants for 20+ years – latterly on Citalopram. I tapered quickly over a few weeks, prior to changing drug. But in the intervening drug-free ‘washout’ week felt so much more like ‘me’ that I stayed off meds.
      My first weeks were very like yours.
      I’ve now been of Citalopram for 17 is possible as I’m sure others will tell you.
      My biggest ongoing issue is being over sensitive and emotional. But that is getting less and the gaps inbetween ’bouts’ getting longer.
      There were times when I was tempted to go back on meds and have even had a prescription dispensed….but then I realsed how far I had come. Even the emotional bouts are nothing compared to the zombie like person that I had been for years.
      I hope that you can find the strength to keep going.
      God Bless

  99. rose swan Says:

    It’s really helpful article and it boosts me
    My doc prescribed me escitalopram 10 mg just for a little stress saying that it will stabilize My mood due to exam stress. He totally assured me it’s safe with no side effects and insisted on taking it.
    But I didn’t find it at all useful. I slept for many hours, didn”t care about anything, was angry al the time. I thought it must be just me under stress or it was just some adjustment of my brain
    But later on reading on web I realized the drug is harming me more than helping and decided to withdraw after a month use
    Even after 4days on withdrawing I can’t find words while speaking,I am in rage and have no motivation to study
    I feel like crazy, it’s not me like I was before the drug
    Just want to know have I done some permanent damage to brain and when will this all go away

  100. rose swan Says:

    I was completely normal before not at all depressed
    Just the usual stress and fear of exams
    It was my doc who told me it was completely fine

  101. Darlene bechthold Says:

    This article is the absolute best thing I have read about this issue. I have taken myself off of medication because it was not helping me at this point. I like how you described waves and windows. That’s exactly how it is. I have been off of antidepressants….paxil to be exact…and mentally and emotionally I feel great…physically…kind of yucky. In waves as described. Sometimes dizzy…sometimes anxious…sometimes sweaty….but I am going to continue because I know in my heart…it’s time to stop. Despite the symptoms…I’m very excited. I am happy that I can actually feel again.

  102. Anand Says:

    Dear James and Fellow Commentors,

    It feels really comforting in a way to read all of your comments and experiences with this nasty meds. Not that I would wish that on any of you. Here I would like to share my experience may be someone may recognize it in them myself and find comfort knowing that they are not alone.
    My experience with Lexapro started off in Apr 2007 then I was 22 years old. Prior to that I had severe exhaustion, muscle tiredness for several months and one day I freaked out. After a serious of Dr’s visit I finally met a neurologist who gave Lexapro 10 mg and then Clonazepam. I remember asking my doctor about side effects and dependency on these drugs. He said it can be handled dont worry you just take. So I started taking my meds and bam within few weeks I was in cloud nine I felt energetic, I could concentrate, feel happy and nasty jaw tightness and neck stiffness went away.
    I was abroad in 2008 and then I ran out of meds so I had to visit a neurologist to get the prescription ; He asked me to stop with the meds but didnt say how, ignorantly i went cold turkey . After 2 months I started feeling the withdrawal symptoms. To be honest till today I am wondering whether it was withdrawal or relapse of my condition. Because I start to feel these symptoms 2 months after I stopped it. My stomach was nuts, extreme fatigue, return of anxiety, constipation , libido problem and severe mood swings. Yet I managed almost 8 months without meds and thats when I moved out another country for education. My stomach and other problems just went bonkers as I was in a stressful situation. So I started taking only escitalopram 10 mg. I start to feel like I can manage my condition. But I never completely recovered from all of it. I use to have frequent hunger, alternative episodes of constipation and diarhea, hot burning feets and legs, frequent urination, dizziness. With this condition I had to do my PhD. after 2 years in the meds I felt like I could stop the meds as my situation was not improving neither it was deteriorating. I stopped it and after 2 months I start to have the same symptoms come back.
    I have tried to stop lexapro and every time after 2 months I start to feel crappy and my condition just deteriorated down the road. Recently 2 months ago I came off from 2.5 mg of lexapro and as I am writing today I start to have some of the symptoms back. This is when I read your post on withdrawal symptoms of lexapro and it shed a new light about my condition. I could well be going thru the withdrawal symptoms over the couple of times I tried to stop meds;

    I wanted all of you to know one more important information. While I was trying to find out what is happening to me I came across Reactive Hypoglycemia (RH); Its a condition where the blood sugar drops after a heavy carbohydrate meals; All the symptoms I described so far can also be due to RH. Only way to find out whether you have RH is by doing a Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for 5 hrs. They give you 75 gms of glucose to drink in the morning on empty stomach and then take the blood sugar reading every 30 minutes. It will show if you go through low sugar. And you can also experience all these crappy symptoms during the episode. Also make sure you do HB1 AC test which gives average of your sugar readings over the past 3 months if they are not normal then it can also be RH.

    I read that Lexapro can cause our sugar metabolism to go bad as well; Thats also the reason we may feel very hungry after coming of Lexapro. In any case I am still confused what I am going through is withdrawal symptoms or RH. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me or share similar situation. Like for example I am forced to eat every 2 to 3 hours otherwise I feel very weak and down.
    Sorry for the long post, I feel this is the solace I have right now i.e. sharing it with people who actually understand the situation. Thanks for reading.

    • Mahmoud Go Says:

      I have same issue after the 4th month off lexapro !!!!
      I still searching to solve this problem

  103. joanna Says:

    I was on sertraline for 5 years after my second child and having post natal depression. I came off slowly as I felt the side effects were getting worse and anxiety was creeping in. I have now been off them for exactly 3 months but am having lots of waves and windows – every day I wake up thinking how do I feel today!? as every day is different. Most of the time I feel it’s just me and I’m going to have to live with this for the rest of my life, then I feel really sad and just want to be back to my old self.. I never suffered before with anxiety and was always a happy go lucky girl. I have two boys and a hubby and all the time I keep thinking I have lost 5 years and more of my time with them and still feel absolutely awful. Since coming off 3 months ago I get terrible crying sessions, anxiety, negative thoughts and some days feel like I’m in a bubble. Then I have really good days of feeling that normality. I’m really now not sure whether to go back on them! I’m worried as I don’t want to as come this far. Not sure what to do!

    • steven Says:

      Ill keep this brief! After 7 yrs on setraline i slowly weened off the tablets….despite the slow weening off process i went through 6 months of horrible depression and anxiety attacks…..its been about 1 year since my last tablet and i can honestly say i feel like a new man…strong….like ive been through a dark tunnel and crawled through to the light at the end of it. To anyone considering going back on these things….try your best to persevere….its gonna be hard for sure, im not gonna lie…but im living proof that it can be done. Peace and hugs to you all

      • joanna Says:

        Thanks so my has Steven

        I cant help thinking its just me though especially negative thoughts Not withdrawals. I feel lost and confused. How can a drug give you such long withdrawals. I understand a month or two but 3 months is madness. Thank u so much for advice.

      • joanna Says:

        Hi steven its now 20 weeks and still having major ups and downs. Not sure i can carry on. Had three really good weeks then this week tears negative thoughts cant cope well tired. People say can take a year. Help. Not sure whether go back on them

  104. Peggy Says:

    Wow! I cannot believe I stumbled onto this! So very helpful.

    I weaned off Zoloft after taking it for nearly 20 years to try Bupropion. My symptoms now include anxiety, intrusive thoughts (at night), extremely low frustration tolerance, outbursts of pure rage, extreme irritability…..and, naturally, frequent brain quivers.

    I couldn’t decide if these symptoms were a side effect of the Bupropion or withdrawals from the Zoloft. From what I have read here, it sounds like they are probably symptoms of withdrawal.

    Does anyone know if Zoloft and Wellbutrin can be taken together? Or if I could reintroduce the Zoloft at a very low dosage every other day for a while (like 6 months and eventually reduce it to every 2 days and so on)?
    Calling my doc tomorrow, but thought I’d see if anyone, here, has tried it or knows any details regarding the combination of the 2.

    Thanks again, James. My 15 year old son really thought I had gone crazy…and so had I!

  105. Sana Says:

    Thank you so much for the post it really helped me understand.. But I am a little worried now, since I have been off my drug for about 2.5 years but still face the issue with not able to check my anger, sleepless nights (that is everyday). I keep dreaming all night and remember all my dreams in the morning. more like ruminating.. Do you know if the symptoms have stayed that long?

    • Mike F Says:

      Sorry to see that, Sana. Unfortunately, it can. I’m almost 4 years out with annoying symptoms that occur & reoccur. Nothing debilitating but annoying just the same. Good luck to you. Time will help.

  106. Jamie Says:

    I am new to this site but I just want to thank all of you for being so brave and commenting your situations. It feels so good not to feel alone! Sad part is I am not alone, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I used to be crazy over. Wonderful family and a wonderful is devestating to me that SSRI’S took those feelings away. I was first on prozac then lexapro 10 mg after a bad break up 3 years ago..then dr. raised it to 20..things started to go down hill ever sense. Been off lexapro for 16 days and I am scared, will I ever feel normal again? ANY help as to how long until the brain restores would be greatly appreciated!! 🙂


    • Barb Says:

      I’m replying to you a month later than this post so I don’t know if you’ve succeeded in significant recovery. What I can tell you is that in withdrawal I also was devestated to find I had no feelings for my wonderful family and pets. I’m still in protracted withdrawal but my feelings have returned.The best place I know to find out what you can or should do is to go to the website There’s extensive knowledge and support for withdrawal from SSRI’s. I wish you well.

  107. Wade Says:

    I had serotonin Syndrome so I had to abruptly quit my Viibryd 40mg (New SSRI). I had 8 trips to the ER before i finally stumbled across the syndrome on the internet. I took it back to my Dr. who agreed with my diagnosis (Nice seeing 8 different doctors and I had to diagnose myself) . I abruptly stopped all meds. I have felt HORRIBLE and been to every doctor there is. I felt like I was dying , heart racing etc. and started going to the ER frequently for high Blood pressure, confusion, chest tightness, depersonalization etc. I am a psychologist and finally had my own “DUH” moment and diagnosed myself again with panic attacks. I realized this as I started writing down my symptoms and they suddenly became very familiar. So I went back to my Dr. who then agreed again on my own diagnosis (after meeting with every specialist I could) and he gave me Xanax which instantly relieved many of my symptoms. I have all the things mentioned above , especially bowel issues, dizziness, confusion, irritability. Ten years of College and the many studies on all drugs and the only thing I every heard about Long Term use of SSRI’s was that there wasn’t enough data or it appears that there is no long term problems from taking them (except a few anecdotal stories). Well I guess i am one of those anecdotes as are we all. I am very grateful to read this. I just met with my neurologist last week who is now referring my to a Psychiatrist. Honestly I am feeling like i won’t be going as more drugs don’t feel like the answer. I have been riding it out. had a good week last week and though i was finally through all this but today had massive panic attacks off the chart and felt very discouraged. I am much more encouraged about what I am reading here. Also anyone else no longer able to take pain med without total dysphoria and panic? I cant take pain meds for my chronic neck pain anymore and that has also been miserable.

    • Chris Says:

      I stopped taking Lexapro/ Escitalopram 12/31/14 after 5 years. I had been wanting to get off of it for a while. I had a sever cold that put me in bed for four days and during that time I hadn’t taken the Lexapro. I figured since I was already experiencing the brain zaps I may as well continue. After a month the brain zaps subsided and I though that was it. Three months later I started feeling dizzy/ lightheaded, brain fog and severe panic attacks. I originally was prescribed Lexapro for a massive panic attack that came out of nowhere. I used .25 xanax as needed to get through the panic attacks. I was given xanax in year 2 of Lexapro to deal with bad panic attacks that occasionally came on during Lexapro use. Here we are in September 2015 nine months after discontinuation. I am dizzy every day, have bouts of brain fog and focus/concentration issues. My GP won’t listen to me and won’t admit or doesn’t know about SSRI withdrawl. I went to an ENT thinking maybe an inner ear infection. All tests are negative and a clear MRI. I was never informed of what could happen after long term use or discontinuation of SSRIs. I don’t know how long these effects will last or if they will ever go away. I’ve lost almost 50lbs, walking 2 mi a day and changed my eating habits substantially. I’ve taken supplements as listed by other sufferers all without any relief from the symptoms. After daily searching, I’ve basically accepted that I am in fact suffering withdrawl like many here and all over the internet. What all of this has forced me to do is confront my anxiety/panic and power through it. For every step forward, there is a step back, but I feel I’m a stronger person for it. I’m also much more careful of what I put in my body now, including what a doctor may tell me to do. I don’t have a lot of faith in most doctors because of the sheer lack of concern or interest in really treating a cause of a condition because treating a symptom is easier and more lucrative. I have hope that we may all find a way out of this and a life free of the withdrawl effects of these drugs. It’s a constant battle and really the only thing you can do is push through it with faith and hope. We may all emerge better and stronger on the other side.

  108. Wade Says:

    I have been off now for 8 months and the waves and windows are changing in the right direction.

  109. Claudia Says:

    I was in paxil almost twent years i tried to taper in 1,5 years got severe depression and the doc swichted me to imipramine 4 months ago but i have severe brain fog could i be withdrawel from paxil ? I have had a few minutes and 1 day the brain fog left and i felt like my old me but the next day it was back ! What to do ?

  110. Jennifer Says:

    Wow! This has helped me tremendously …I was on Prozac for a little over a year and tapered off . Today is 8 weeks off And I don’t reconize myself. This gives me hope. Thank you ❤️

  111. Kelly Rodgers Says:

    Reading this information has been extremely relieving to my path of healing regarding the antidepressant withdrawal I am experiencing from Fluoxetine generic for Prozac. I started taking Prozac after I was experiencing severe postpartum depression from the birth of my son. A year later I was diagnosed with hypo-thyroidism which also causes severe depression. I started on 20 mg and quickly increased to 40 mg and took my last dose on August 28, 2015. My husband and I are missionaries in Nicaragua and about 4 weeks after I stopped the medication I experienced some major GI issues which I attributed to having a parasite. I was extremely constipated and had cramping so I started the process of laxatives and suppositories thinking this would help the parasite process along. During my whining of the drug, a dear friend and nurse practitioner started me on 400 mg of 5-HTP, however, during my so diagnosed parasite problem I stopped taking the tryptophan and hit the wall. My wonderful and patient husband recommended that I may be experiencing withdrawals and after visiting several medical and non-medical websites I learned that I am experiencing every symptom of withdrawal from mental, emotional, physical, and neurological. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I would never have believed or thought that (1) I am addicted to Fluoxetine and (2) withdrawing from this drug is equivalent to detoxing from heroine or meth.

    I am currently in week 5 of a total body detox (no step-down medication) and my AWARENESS (though fuzzy at times) is more clear and I am actually feeling awake for the first time in 7 years. I am not exhausted and needing over 8 hours of sleep a night and then a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I also believe that my GI tract is in shock and is finally starting to work correctly. The way God designed it work!

    I have experienced every detail that has been shared on this helpful page… That being stated, my recovery and healing will be fully dependent on God. I refuse to identify myself as someone with depression, anxiety, antidepressant withdrawal disorder, OCD, etc. The truth of my identity is in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I can choose to sit here and wallow in my pain and suffering or move forward to treating my body as a temple for the Holy Spirit! God has revealed His treatment plan, for such a time as this in my life, and I feel compelled to share it and pray that it comforts you.

    1. Prayer and meditation on the word of God for everything!
    2. Asking my family and friends for love, grace, and accountability as my mental and emotional state re-establishes.
    3. Choosing to let myself feel the pain and suffering and inviting others into praying for me. I can not do this alone!
    4. Asking God to HELP me… squash my pride, eliminate the critical thoughts and tongue, teach me to take ownership of hurtful emotions and words, repent and ask for forgiveness, etc… Just because I am experiencing these enhanced emotions does not mean I am not responsible for the things I say and do.
    5. Choosing healthy and natural foods… those high in tryptophan, B vitamins, and other nutrients to support my mental health and physical health. There are some great lists on the Internet.
    6. Exercising but not obsessing if I miss a day, or two, or three.
    7. Working with natural medical professionals who promote natural health. But, having awareness that these individuals can not heal me. Jesus is the only healer!
    8. Prayer and meditation on the word of God for everything!

    I pray for each of you as you heal from this unspoken and undiscussed disorder and receive peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

  112. philosophrenic Says:

    Wonderful approach to a difficult problem. Il keep coming back to this. Thankyou x

  113. wren Says:

    Would you be able to advise if dizziness wears off. I was on sertraline 15 years. Tapered off slowly over 6 months. After a month off them started experiencing dizziness. Its awful leaves me very tired. At times makes me feel so down. I ve had it about a month now. Is there anything that could help stop this dizziness.i feel as if it will never go 😦 :(. Please help

    • Claudia Says:

      I also have dizziness like Brain fog cor ayear now and iTS like its never going to end !

    • Jenn Says:

      Can you describe your dizziness? Mine changes but right now it’s like a vertigo where I am living life through a shaky camera lense – fun stuff! I’ve also had lightheadedness where it feels like your head is floating and generally just off balance.

  114. Suz Says:

    Has anyone experience shakiness/tremors going off of fluoxetine? My hands shake and I have even noticed my head will “bobble” back and forth when I am sitting still. I switch from one generic of fluoxetine to another and that through my body into withdrawal. I decided to taper off and get off the medicine. The GI issues I had went away. The shakiness/tremors have gone on for 3 months.

    • Jenn Says:

      Suz: I’ve had shakiness/tremors both on and off the medication. They wore off after about a month for me but now they seem to be back. Just one of those things that will disappear over time. I too notice a bobble head, and also when I’m sitting still my whole body will feel like it’s swaying just slightly back and forth.

      • John Says:

        Hi Suz and Jenn. I have been experiencing exactly what you have described since I got off prozac nearly 3 months ago. The only difference is that it seemed to start a few weeks before I got off the drug cold turkey (the tremor in fact was the reason I stopped taking prozac in the first place). I have been quite disturbed by the persistence of the tremor these past few months. Did these symptoms get better over time for either of you? I am really quite worried about this at this point. A reply with your experience in the last few months would be greatly appreciated.

        • Suz Says:

          Hi John, Unfortunately, my symptoms took a turn for the worse in November 2015, three months after stopping Prozac. The tremors developed into internal shaking, which I still have today. I have also develop numerous other symptoms. I feel like I am in one big wave and I keep praying for a window to feel better.

  115. Jenn Says:

    I’ve been off Celexa for 5 weeks now. Was on it for only 3 months but it never worked well for me and the side effects were getting worse. I weaned off of it slowly but have had severe withdrawal symptoms. The one that is the most annoying is the vertigo/dizziness/feeling like I’m constantly in motion. The question I had was if anyone has experienced vertigo in the sense that when they walk or move their head, it seems like the world/room is shaky all around them – it seems like objects are actually moving! I’ve had the spinning vertigo too, but this is almost like you are living life though a shaky video camera. My legs are wobbly and off balance. Any shared experiences would be appreciated. I think it would help if we could define the vertigo feeling we are experiencing. I actually went to the hospital last night and had a clean CT scan. Doctor said it’s just vertigo.

  116. Reroy Says:

    I tapered off 10 mg of Prozac at this schedule: 10 to 7 immediately, 7 one month, 6 one month, 5 one month, 4 one month, 3 two months, 2 one month, 1 one month, .5 couple weeks.

    Was this too fast?

    Just curious.

  117. Hope McCullough Says:

    Hope says:
    Dec 12th, 2015 at 7:45 pm

    I have been off celexa now for 1 year after being on antidepressants for 23 years and it has been really hard. I have had protracted withdraw even after being off for one year,I have had brain zaps,not being able to get off the couch,felt lonely,Isolated,tired,moody, had stomach issues and felt very emotional. Feeling rather fragile the whole time and feeling like I should go back on the horrible meds, feeling very desperate at times. I found a web sight called POINT OF RETURN which is a company out of the States. I have been taking it now for two weeks and am feeling much better. I just got back from a one week trip in Cuba and when I got back was very tired and emotional. But am resting and feeling better. I cannot begin to express what these drugs have done to me except say they have taken 20 years of what could have been a lot happier. I am still married to the same person and have really put him through a lot. I have brought up 3 kids and wish they could have had a happier Mum, and wish I was the person I was before these drugs, I have lived in a fog for years. I’m 57 and started on antidepressants when I was 34 after loosing a Baby 4 days after birth and going through a Divorce from my first husband. I had suffered depression at 25 and ended up checking into a phyiciatric ward and was quickly diagnosed with scitsophrenia and given meds,were I literally was crawling the walls and paseing back and forth for two weeks and very ill. My Mother came to see me and all I said was I need to get out of here I am literally going crazy. She could see that I was desperate and she picked me up and we through out the pills and I never went back. There really was nothing wrong with me except feeling down from a bad relationship and I remember being very unhappy I was also a very shy women. Life isn’t easy for a lot of us but getting off meds can be done, I still have a way to go but am determined to do the best I can. I have had a hard time staying with jobs, have taken various courses in healthcare but also found the work hard. I am very creative and love to paint and find it comforting, it has been a form of therapy for me. I am trying now to find out who I am after all these years of being mediated. So everyone out there keep up the good work.

  118. Melinda Says:

    Fourteen years ago, I began the process of weaning myself off Zoloft (which I had taken for about 7 years). On the advice of a doctor, I took a full year to go from 25 mg to nothing. I experienced a few minor withdrawal symptoms for a few days each time I decreased the dosage, but on the whole, it was a lengthy but easy process. One year later (12 years ago), I resumed a vigorous exercise program. I felt wonderful for about four months, then everything went to hell. I experienced a return of the classic withdrawal symptoms in full force. Others have described them, so I won’t go into detail except to say that it took about 8 months for the worst symptoms to subside. Three years later, I decided to try biking to work, a distance of about a mile. Again, after several months I began to experience symptoms, especially a feeling of being chronically overstimulated and intense insomnia. I have mostly stayed away from vigorous exercise since then, limiting myself to dog walking. However, for the past 7 months, I have been doing some strength and flexibility training, gradually working up to about an hour 3-4 times a week. I have been OK, and I would very much like to resume more strenuous cardiovascular exercise–running or biking–but needless to say, I’m fearful. For the past 12 years, I have taken no other prescription medication, I eat a healthy diet, and I generally feel good, but I still have the feeling that this may never really be over. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced a return of withdrawal symptoms after such a long time off an SSRI drug and/or a recurring reaction to vigorous exercise.

  119. Waves and windows  | dailymomentsblog Says:

    […] Google searches ( won’t be able to see my therapist until 1/19 blah). And I  found this article about ssri […]

  120. Natalie Says:

    What a fantastic article. I really appreciate the detail and description. Thank you

  121. therheumaticrollercoaster Says:

    I quit Cipralex 20 mg cold turkey 3 weeks ago, still have pretty brutal nausea but taking Gravol like it’s my job. I was able to quit cold turkey, and only experienced 2-3 days of flu like symptoms. Wanted this drug out of my body asap after being on it for close to 5 years and learning natural ways of treating my body. Not a fan of pharmaceuticals at all anymore.

  122. changingwithchat Says:

    The article was really encouraging! Thank you! I tapered down from lexapro 20mg to 5mg very slowly. I did ok until I got to 5. After 3 weeks of being on 5 milligrams I got deeply depressed. My doctor decided to switch me to 100 mg of Wellbutrin as she thought that might be easier for me to come off of. The most terrifying symptom I have had is tingling. I get it mostly in my left leg and left side of my neck but I have had it on the right side as well. Sometimes it might be this ” zap” that everyone talks about. I’m not sure. It usually doesn’t laSt long and it seems like it’s getting less frequent( I have been doing accupuncture). This is the most terrifying thing I have experienced and when I type it into google it takes me to a new level of desperation. Does anyone seem to have this symptom from discontinuing lexapro/ starting Wellbutrin??? I did get it a few times when I got down to 5mg but I got much worse when I swapped to Wellbutrin.

  123. Charlotte Says:

    I just wanted to let people know that I am now free from SSRI antidepressants after 24 years of use. The withdrawal process has been very difficult but as a 54 year old woman who had been left on the tablets since giving birth to my son, I said to myself I was no longer going to be left in the hands of psychiatrists who never ever suggested withdrawal because of their monetary gain. Not only this, I have learned how dangerous the tablets are and I do not wish to have a shortened life span. Keep in mind that withdrawal is possible. Take it ever so slowly. Be kind to yourself. Make time for yourself and take yourself away from any situations which could cause distress. I find breathing exercises extremely beneficial. After so many years on medication I cannot say that withdrawal was at all easy, and at times I still felt in the grasp of the medication, but I tried to focus pictorially, on a time in the future when I would feel free. I just wanted to reassure all those people who are having a tough time. Please remain positive and resolute. You WILL get the place you are looking for. I wish you peace, clarity and a fresh start.

  124. Charlotte Says:

    Following my post yesterday, I just wanted to add that deciding to withdraw from Citalopram after 24 years has proved to be one the best things I have ever done. It is absolutely criminal that psychiatrists are continually working to create new ‘disorders’ for antidepressant treatment such as ‘hair pulling’, ‘alcoholism’, ‘anorexia nervosa’, ‘gambling’, premenstrual tension’ to name a few, thereby creating even more dependency as well as a danger to one’s health and a shortened life expectancy, not forgetting, of course, the huge financial gains between the pharmaceutical companies and psychiatrists.

  125. Sarah Says:

    I absolutely love this, I think it is brilliant and a very important read!

  126. Jessica Says:

    I have been off of mine for almost a week . I have dizziness a lot , anyone else have the same problem , or if had , knows how long It will last for ?

  127. Kirsten J Says:

    Thank you for this article. It really was helpful. I have been on holiday and forgot to renew my prescription before I left so decided to go cold turkey, but I risked losing my job once before because of the “anger”! Cannot do that again, so I’m glad I found your post, so will reinstate on a lower dose and continue weaning.

  128. Phillip M. Says:

    Is there anywhere I can go for help? 30+ months since I went off it, venlafaxine/effexor,and still terrible withdrawal. The doctors here at the VA are not helpng me, I will go anywhere in the country.

    • The Swede Says:

      I wish I could help 😦 Im still experiencing it after 24 months. Though its gotten better, but not at all good.

    • crayfish Says:

      HI Phillip, Hang in there – it does get better. I was on effexor for 6 years and went cold turkey (before I found out all the info) and had terrible withdrawal. This was in Jan 2012. I am now almost symptom free and feel great. I forget most of the time about it and very occasionally (maybe once every 3-4 months) have a wave come over but it is very mild in comparison and short lasting. I was in the midst of terrible withdrawal (til about 3 1/2 years) and then suddenly it seemed to dissipate. All i can say is hang in there. It was the worst thing I have ever gone through but so worth it in the end. I tried everything – fish oil, vitamins (B, magnesium ++++) and all sorts of other things. Still find coffee is a really bad trigger for a relapse but other than that I am back to normal. Good luck – wish I had an easy fix for you.

  129. Kevin j cassidy Says:

    Took luvoux for 25 years . I went to methodist hospital in houston to detox. The nggr dr. Took me off it cold. A year and half latter I am now permanently psychotic with no recovery ever in site. Also developed a rare pancreas tumor, gi problems and major akathesia.

  130. Yvonne Says:

    I have spent a long time trawling google for answers to withdrawal symptoms for citalopram. I am 4 weeks post my last dose and struggling with dizziness and nausea..I can handle everything else..the loose bowel motions and crying, but the dizziness is terrible..there doesnt seem to be many answers out there about what to do about this..just alot of posts describing similar experiences. Does anyone have something to say that helps with the dizziness? I have yet to see any posts where someone says ” I made it through” and give details or do they all get on with their lives and not revisit these sites. My Gp now has me on omega 3, St Johns Wort, vitamin b complex, magnesium and zinc.
    Does anyone have an answer ..something to help me and does anyone out there want to post about how long ti took to get through this.
    Has anyone tried hypnotherapy?
    I need to hear from someone who has got through the withdrawal symptoms..please

    • Yvonne Says:

      Is there any good in reintroduction of a different anti d that is easier to withdraw from? I am looking for answers…I am at risk of not being able to work..and need this dizziness to be gone..desperate

      • Bechard Yvonne Says:

        its May 24th 2016 and i have returned here as I wish others would, to give an update. My doctor asked me to have a glucose tolerance test, so i fasted, stopped everything, all the vitamins and pills I mentioned above and had the test. I had reduced St Johns wort to one every day as it upset my stomach.That was on the Friday. i didnt recommence the vitamins etc as I noticed my bowel movements had improved.small improvement but it felt good not to think about being near a toilet all the time. By Monday i was experiencing windows of clarity, reduced dizziness and nausea. I saw my docotr at the end of that week and received the news I was not diabetic which was a relief, that all the tests i had endured were conclusive that I was healthy. Today I still experience slight dizziness if i close my eyes and tire very easily but nothing like i was at the start of April. I was preparing to reintroduce a small dose of citalopram, to try to grab some improvement as my job was on the line and to be honest, i was getting tired of it all. I also booked into to see a counsellor, which helped.
        The doctor and I discussed what had happened..and admitted she couldnt explain it other than ‘enough time had passed”. I believe moving to St Johns Wort helped…it gave my brain what it was crying out for…for a while…and withdrawing from that was easier. I still have fatigue..and last week was a crying week…but that has reduced. It was dangerous driving..i experienced incredible ambivalence and felt suicidal at times…so I stayed close to home…close to bed…and took life very slow.

        I drank alcohol on the weekend to celebrate and will never drink as much as I used to.. Citalopram..any antidepressant creates a buffer..if its not there, drinking alcohol is a direct route to depression as it is a depressive. i am still taking a multivitamin and probiotic to keep my digestive system healthy…exercise…good diet and will continue to see a counsellor..develop some strategies for negative self speak and depressive thoughts….and try be kind to myself.
        My counsellor suggested i ask for part time work as a consideration from my employer..and these days, psych should be given the same consideration as physical injury…it never occurred to me to ask…as it turns out I am pressing on.
        I am still angry, that there is no support for those of us trying to withdraw from a legally prescribed drug..there is no guidance, the doctors are clueless and if it werent for forums and blogs such as these, there is no one to hold your hand….i visited three docotrs before I found my current one..they all advised me to reinstate the drug…look for a supportive doctor, investigate the rest of your health..withdrawal can make you glucose intolerant, can affect your hormones and menopause….the pills we take get into every single cell of our bodies, not just our brains.

        So for all of you still on the road…saying it will end ..well it didnt help me…i didnt want to know that..i wanted to know WHEN!…and what kept me going, was seeing my doctor, seeing a counsellor and cancelling out possibilities one by one..took the focus out of my head and the quest became a project…and a diversion. i promised my doctor I would come back here and advise of what happened. take care of your body…make damn sure you are healthy..drink water..lots of it….and talk to someone who will listen…

  131. Margo Says:

    Hi. Has anyone suffered from nocturnal panic attacks 6 to 7 months post Paxil withdrawal. I never had any panic attacks in my life, and now am very sensitive and have to monitor myself all the time. I have had unrelenting insomnia and when I finally started to sleep a bit, I now awake after 1 and a half hours sleep in a panic. Then every time I start to doze, the fear sets in and I cannot get any more sleep. I am really suffering.

  132. key2000 Says:

    What those drug companies does not want you to know that they have idea the lasting effects of discontinuing antidepressants and antipsychotics. Even after years of being off the meds, my brain us rewired and little things can trigger the effects as if being on those meds. If all possible share that it’s not the answer.

  133. Vanessa Says:

    I just wanted to say that I was kept on antidepressants for 24 years in the UK but managed to withdraw from them early this year. At no time did any doctor advise withdrawal. It has been difficult but I wanted to give hope to anyone going through withdrawal, or considering it. I have been drug free since February this year and am feeling very much better now. Please remain resilient and strong minded and say “I can do this”. Wishing you all perseverance and great health.

    • Alex Says:

      Hi Vanessa,

      How long did it take you to stop your meds and what were you taking?


      • Vanessa Says:

        Hi Alex, I was taking 30mg Citalopram in the UK. I’m not sure what it is called in the USA. I made sure my withdrawal was extremely slow over a course of 5 months. I started withdrawing by taking 30mg one day and 20mg the next for 3 weeks. Then I took 20 mg every day for the same period. Then 20mg followed by 15mggradually reducing like this until I was left with my 20mg tablets which I cut into halves and quarters. When I had reduced to taking a quarter for 3 weeks I stopped completely. I was tablet free at the end of February 2016 and my head zaps have long disappeared and I feel healthy and well now and this is after several difficult months when I have had many things to deal with. Please keep strong and determined and I am sure you will be able to withdraw from the drugs. Thinking of you and wishing you the very best, Vanessa

      • Vanessa Says:

        Hi Alex, I have just re-read my reply and notice I said I continued withdrawing until I reached ’20mg’ every day, but meant to say ’10mg’. When I had reached 10mg I cut the tablets into halves and then quarters. I said to myself everyday that I was not going to be ruled by anti-depressants or the pharmaceutical companies any more. And as I had reached the menopause decided that if I didn’t withdraw from the Citalopram, then it might be impossible if I left it any longer. It isn’t easy as you know and the anxiety is very unpleasant but you will manage if you persevere. Be kind to yourself. I have been taking assertiveness classes too and now feel a lot more positive than I ever have. My best wishes to you, Vanessa

        • Alex Says:

          Thank you for your reply Vanessa, it’s very helpful and nice to speak to someone who ha Been through the same experience.

          I am actually from the UK and was taking cipralex 15mg

          So my situation is after taking the meds for a about 8 years, my therapist thought I don’t need them and would infact feel better without them. However, I was not stable at that time when I tapered down and I thought I should try and see if I feel better be getting rid of the cipralex. I was actually stable for a long time. and all of a sudden in March this year my anxiety came back again strong which is when I began seeing a therapist and did some EMDR.

          I have now been off cipralex for more than a month and have only been feeling worse. My Doctor feels I need a low dose of 5mg still as I might have tappered too quickly. I tired to stick it out for a long time but the pain and suffering is so much, I can’t even explain it…I simply can’t function. The worst symptoms now is depression and anxiety. Most of the others have gone or are manageable.

          After much research on other people’s experiences I have decided to go back on a low dose of 2.5mg and if that does not work then 5mg until I feel stable and taper very slowly like yourself over a period of months. I think for most of us these medications have to be tapered very slowly. I am a little disspointed that I have to go back to this but on the positive side I’ve come a long way by cutting from 15mg and when I was on 5mg I was feeling a lot better so perhaps I have to stay on 5mg for a little longer. I was also taking Wellbutrin which I successfully stopped so o think that is an accomplishment. I also take 2.5mg diazepam in the evening.

          If you have any comments or advice, I would love to hear it. Many thanks, Alex

          I am now taking 2.5

          • Vanessa Says:

            Hi Alex,
            It sounds as if you have come a long way. Try not to feel disappointed you are going back onto a very, very small dose in order to feel better. You can try tapering again when you feel stronger. I had several attempts before I was able to withdraw. 2.5mg or even 5mg is a very small dose, so please don’t beat yourself up over it. Depression and anxiety is really very horrid and I am really sorry you have this to deal with. Please try to be as kind to yourself as possible. Take care, Vanessa

          • Alex Says:

            Thank you for your kind words And valuable advise, I really do appreciate it and agree with you Vanessa.

          • Vanessa Says:

            I do hope you feel better very soon Alex. Best wishes Vanessa

  134. Alex Says:

    Hi James,

    Your posts have been very helpful to me and I can see for many others, so thank you.

    I need some help!

    I tapered from 15mg cipralex/lexapro to 10mg for about 2 weeks then 10mg to 5mg for 3 weeks then I took the drops for 10 days from 5mg to 0mg by doing 5 for 2 days, 4 for 2 days, 3 for 2 day and 1 for 2 days then stopped. I managed the withdrawal for 1 month but it got unbearable so I went back on 5mg for 2 days but that created more anxiety so I took it down to 2.5mg for 1 day and that didn’t work either so I stopped again. It has now been 7 days and I feel horrible. Lots of anxiety and depression.

    I am really confused as to what I should do…should I go back on a low dose of 1.25mg or 2.5mg or 5mg or ride it out, although it is becoming increasingly harder to ride it out everyday. It’s a double edged sword I know but I can’t handle this for another month. I think I tapered too quickly accordingly to my Doctor. Whatever decision I now make I need to stick with it. I would really welcome your thoughts??

    I am also taking diazepam 2.5mg per night and supplements like magnesium, fish oil, vitamin D and inositol…they were helping before when I was cutting down and the side effects were manageable at 5mg but now they are very difficult.

    I know if I start back I need to give it a few days or weeks to subside these withdrawal effects but not sure what to do?

    Also the fact that I started baxk on 5mg for 2 days and 2.5mg for a day, does that mean that the symptoms start from the beginning again and I should expect another 4 weeks for them to get better?

    Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.


  135. Kathy Sole Says:

    I was liked the scenario of the supermarket, trolley in the isle etc……
    I have recognized the “rise to anger & other emotions in similar situations.
    Looking at withdrawal symptoms as ” waves” is exactly what I am experiencing. The nausea, vomiting, sweating all seem to get worse if I am standing, moving around for too long, comes & goes in “waves”. Stopped taking this last SSRI after only 2 weeks due to severe side effects but have been on this class of drug for 18months along with other strong pain meds.
    I was appalled, shocked to read that the manufactures of these drugs do clinical studies for only 8 weeks, no prolonged monitoring as to regards to cessation. As usual it’s always about the $$.

    • Vanessa Says:

      It is truly shocking that clinical trials/tests in respect of withdrawal from SSRI’s are only conducted for 8 weeks. In my opinion the pharmaceutical industry is motivated purely by money. In the UK GP’s prescribe these powerful drugs far too readily because talking therapies are not readily available, not only this, they’re far more expensive. I was left on ‘medication’ for 24 years. I am angry with myself and furious with the medical system. It was very difficult for me to withdraw from SSRI’s after such a time and the ‘waves’ of anger, dreadful anxiety, shakiness, dizziness and sweating was terribly hard to deal with, however after 3 attempts to withdraw I am now free from ‘medication’. I was completely driven by the desire to be free from the drugs. After 8 months without the drugs I am feeling very much better. There is sometimes an odd moment when I have waves of dizziness, but this has become infrequent now and I am prepared to put up with this to be drug free. The motivating force behind all this was down to the fact I didn’t want to enter the last stage of my life on these powerful drugs.

  136. Pia Colère Lenau Says:

    I’m down half dose to 5mg Cipralex . In 20 days. I tapered 2.5 and then 2.5mg. Terrible withdrawal symptoms the first 2 weeks. Dizziness, diarrea, , unsteady walk, exhaustion, waves and hardly any windows. I feel very sensitive. Yet I hardly cry anymore or have any suicidal thoughts since tapering off. In the beginning I kept telling myself that it was withdrawal that was giving me such a hard time and that really helped. Thanks to this site and James comments I am doing fine so far. The last 5mg I will taper even smaller shards but I am nervous. I told my doc I was weaning off and she said stay on the 5mg another 3-4 weeks. So I’ll do that. They say the last leg is the hardest. I’ll wait till the new year. I still get waves but really I feel much better than when I was on full dose. I can actually smile at life without having to think and doubt whether there is anything to smile about. I’m acutally enjoying life and feel much better in control and don’t have terrible mood swings. I also want to have my golden age without drugs. I have been on these particular drugs for more than 2 years. Later I will wean off the last smaller dose anti-psychotics. Absolute rubbish.

  137. Megan Says:

    What an excellent article! I’ve been searching the web for days on how to best cope with my withdrawal symptoms, how long they’ll last, etc. This is the first article I read that actually gave me hope! Thank you!

    • Pzen Says:

      Hi everybody,

      I am a person that has suffered from protractee withdrawal syndrome for about 3 years now. The journey has been long and really painful. I have tried lots of remedies (about 15 different things including probiotics, antifungals, low dose lithium and all assortments of vitamins), but nothing has worked. So as a last experiment, I decided to try CBD oil and decided to write down my journey in diary form. You can find it at Surviving Antidepressants ( which is a very nice community full of supporting people with the same problems as us.

      I have been having really interesting results with CBD, so follow my journey and dont hesitate to ask questions if you have any.

  138. Clare Baker Says:

    Absolutely excellent article this has definitely kept me going over the last few weeks. Thank you ☺

  139. Charlie Says:

    Exactly what I needed to read.

  140. sheeniac Says:

    This has been helfpul. I’ve quit Cymbalta 120 mg (on for 10+ years) cold turkey about 7 weeks ago. My physical symptoms have greatly subsided, but my emotional symptoms are killer. I’ve started taking a couple of different amino acids which have helped.

  141. something Says:

    I just recently quit agomelatine (Valdoxan) CT after have used it for about a year, and it’s been hell (the drug is being marketed as “withdrawal free”, so I thought why not). Blurry vision, weird sensations in the head, diarhea, nightmares, memory problems and so on. Think really hard before trying “modern” medicine, they all are the same. 😦

  142. Brad Morrish Says:

    Far and away the best article I’ve read about the struggles of quiting a ssri.
    Quiting lexapro has been a real bitch for me, but this gives me new hope!

    • Gladbandit Says:

      How long were you on lexapro and how long have you been off of it? I only took i once and a very small dose at that. 2.5 mg to be exact. Horrible withdrawal.

  143. Dstew Says:

    Here’s my story…. Was on Paxil about 6 years ago for 10 months (I think 40mg), and decided I was tired of feeling like a robot, drifting through life emotionless!! So,I attempted to quit cold turkey … WONG! Was back on Paxil within a week!
    Talked to my doctor and did a taper, still experienced WD, but more manageable, and within 2 months was back to myself… Swore I would never get on another SSRI…. FAST FORWARD 6 years later… I was still dealing with my GAD, but seemed to be holding up pretty well for 6 years, THEN work stress increased a lot (i.e. weird schedules, travelling every week, 25-35 hr shifts!!!), so guess what!? After my 2nd ER visit for the year I reluctantly went on Lexapro 5mg, which seemed to help in the first 2.5-3 months of taking it. But, I started getting the side effects (nausea, low libido, lack of emotion\passion…etc…), so being the impatient person I am, I decided to cut it cold turkey, I mean it’s only been 3.5 months at the lowest dose, what can go wrong ?? First two weeks were okay, had the brain zaps, but I was used to that due to dealing with Paxil withdrawal before, the third week is when the fun really started for me (currently ending week 3), talk about a rollercoaster! Feeling like myself one minute, then bawling crying the next! Sometimes this can occur 10 times within an hour! Anxiety off the charts (it’s worst first thing in the morning), insomnia, trying not to rush myself to the ER for the 3rd time this year!! Nausea, hopelessness… I guess this is the windows\wave phase? It does seem the windows portion is occurring more frequently..
    I’m trying to hang in there, but sometimes it feels extremely unbearable!!!

    • Brad Morrish Says:

      Week 3 of quiting lexapro; basically chewing my arm off at times. Going to warrior through thsee hard times and come out clean on the other side.

    • Margo Monroe Says:

      Dstew, I started taking Paxil in 2000 because of terrible muscle spasms in my neck….I saw a commercial…big mistake. I have tried to quit 3 times.Once cold turkey, was very sick, but made it 5 months, before the rage set in…went back on. Second time, tapered very, very slowly. Lasted 5 months, then depression, pain, and high anxiety put me back on. Meanwhile I was diagnosed with TMJ disorder that had gone undiagnosed for years because my jaw didn’t hurt, only my neck, shoulder, and arm. I tried again late winter 2015. This time I tried going on another antidepressant, big mistake. I made it 8 months suffering panic attacks, alternating depression and high anxiety, relentless insomnia and ended up physically dependent on Ativan for sleep which might get me 4 hours. When I realized I could no longer live like that I begged to go back on Paxil. My brain is altered forever, I’m on for life. Thank you Big Pharma for pushing something you didn’t understand. If only my TMJ had been diagnosed. But that is water under the bridge.

      You are the only one that can make the decision, but don’t suffer endlessly. I wish the best for you.

  144. Terri Says:

    I was on Prozac and amitryptyline for 25 years the last three of those Xanax was apart. A year and a half ago I was in such bad shape , thought I was dying. Mainly from Xanax interdose withdrawals. I started taper of Xanax but I checked myself into a rehab drug detox center as my doctor at the time wanted to add more drugs etc. the center stopped Xanax and Prozac cold turkey . They put me in neurontin to prevent seizure. Needless to say I was in worse shape. Horrific withdrawals. And sensory overload . A few months later I stopped amitryptyline. But couldn’t cope. So I was put in lexapro. I was on that the whole time through withdrawals, paws, discontinuation syndrome. Due to side effects if lexapro I tapered off lexapro last February . Which was another horrific withdrawal. It’s been 5 months now without any drug and I’m a mess. My brain is toast. I can’t even type correctly half the time . I feel so physically sick, depressed, anxious etc. I can’t do anything , can’t read a book, which I always did, I am physically wasted. Can’t do much of anything. I’ve lost friends , family, my life! I have no support. I am a shell of who I used to be. Each day I wake up in panic, can’t breath etc. will I ever get better, will I ever be normal or sane again, drs say I have to go back on the drugs. I fight it every day. But I’m so alone and afraid . The damage these drugs have done to me is horrific and no one, I mean no one helps me or understands. I feel crazy. I am so afraid of the future and just how much damage has been done to my brain and body physically and emotionally. I am 64. I’m not young any more. Will this horrific nightmare end?

    • John Dahl Says:

      It took me over 3 years to feel mostly recovered from only being on drugs for about years. Considering how long you were on them, it may take you even longer to heal. Trust me, it’s a long, drawn out process that I wouldn’t wish on anyone! But time can and will heal the damage.

  145. Jeff Blondin Says:

    I was on SSRIs for 10 years. Along with anti-psychotics and whatever else they could think of. Last 4 years or so was on just Celexa. 20, 40, 60 mgs at various times. Tapered off over two months and have been off of them for 3 months and I am going through hell. Constant fatigue is my biggest complaint but have every other withdrawal symptom related to this poison. It never did help me, it only dulled me and now it makes me suffer. I have no life and am socially isolated. I am so angry and frightened as to how long I will be like this. My heart goes out to all of you who have to suffer from Big Pharma using us like this. These post help to know I am not alone. We have to take it one day at a time like the article says. I am going to see my psychiatrist in a couple of weeks and I shall have a lot to say about this and the way they are the agents of the pharmaceutical companies. Peace to all of you.

  146. Jeanne Strunk Says:

    I quit lexapro cold turkey, because it just was not helping me. I didn’t feel sad but I never was happy either & I had frequent bouts of anxiety. I felt “numb” about most things & I couldn’t cry at a friend’s funeral, so I just up & quit taking the pills. It’s been 6 months now & not over yet but I am better & better each & every week! It wasn’t an easy withdrawal but each symptom didn’t last really long, they changed with each day. Some days I was sad, some anxious & some are almost nirmal now. I walked as much as I could , to be outside in the air & sun. I had trouble with sleeping & waking up early in the mirnings & not being able to go back to sleep. I also had so much sweating & hot, cortisol flushes, I still habe them but not as bad. It gets better each day is different & you learn to cope, mistly one day at a time! Good Luck to all who try to get off of these drugs, it is so worth it & you can do it! You will feel better than you did before. Your brain longs to be healed & be off of these foreign chemicals & to do what it is meant to do! You will not regret a day of your healing journey!!

    • Molly Says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. I have quit lexapro within the last month form 20 to 10 to now nothing. I have read about severe side effects lasting for years, possibly for forever and I am so scared. I wish I had realized that I was taking poison for 8 years. I would have never started if I had known. I am hopeful that it will get better.

  147. Khiz Says:

    Waves after waves that kills me
    You are 100% correct waiting for that day

  148. Cerberus Evanidus Says:

    I cannot tell you how much your bug has brought me peace you rock

  149. Emmalee Says:

    Thank you for this article.
    Kind regards emmalee

  150. Ayyad Says:

    Will the brain heal after all

  151. lifeofjulietta Says:

    Trank you so much! Your words are so true and explains exactly how I feel. I hope one day we all can look through the window for ever!

  152. Molly Says:

    Thank you so much for this post. It has given me hope and helped me in my journey. Saving it so I can always re-read.

    • dbeecooks Says:

      Hi Molly, Not sure if you will get this response but I stopped Celexa 6 weeks ago after slowly tapering. Some days I feel like this vicious cycle will never end so was happy to come across this today. I noticed your email is recent so was hoping to touch base with someone who is going through what I am going through right now.


    I got off fluoxetine,escitalopram and clonazepam cold turkey after being on them since over 15 years.It is 9 months now,and I have been experiencing the waves and windows .Thankfully my waves have shortened and the windows have lengthened ever since the last 3 months.The only problem that lingers is digestive. The medications I was on have brought about some metabolic problems like irregular hunger and thirst pangs. I stopped all sugar and sugar based food since 9 months.Blood glucose was slightly high but the last 3 months I get normal results.Does any one have a clue regarding the course of digestive problems and how long this is going to last.


    Please notify.

    • Mike Says:

      I’ve been off Lexapro for 7 years and I still get bouts of irregular hunger. Everyone’s different, but GI issues can last a loooong time, unfortunately. Good luck!


    Thank you,Mike for your feedback.

  156. Tony Says:

    I don’t a very silly thing and got off citalopram cold turkey after taking it for 10years and soldiered through the withdrawal symptoms, but a year later have been feeling those exact symptoms, having a ct scan soon just incase something else, but has anyone felt these symptoms for that long after stopping taking them? I would be very grateful if anyone can reply, to tell the truth I’m terrified what the results are going to be from my ct scan and if I’m going to have these feelings for rest of my life, thank you

    • Beth Says:

      Yes. It is called protracted withdrawal. I too went cold turkey and experienced symptoms for 4 years. The symptoms do get better though so please hang in there.

    • Margo Monroe Says:

      Not at all uncommon. I have been on Paxil since 2000. Have tried to stop three times. The longest I have lasted was 8 months. Terrible anxiety and panic attacks, unrelenting insomnia. Then nocturnal panic attacks starting after sleeping for an hour and a half, then unending alerts for the rest of the night. Research found many people with insomnia 10 or more years after stopping. These drugs change your brain if taken for an extended period of time. I’m on it till I die. Sorry…..

  157. Gladbandit Says:

    Thank you! I took only 2.5mg of Escatalopram one day. That’s all. During that one day I was already experiencing what I now know are the windows and waves of withdrawal. I decided to not take it again. I have been experiencing windows and waves since day one off of it. Today I had a longer window than yesterday. Today is day 4 off of the medication. Again. i only took it once and the dose was very small. I didnt realize I was so sensitive to SSRIs.

  158. Andrea McCarthy Says:

    Excellent information !! I’m encouraged as I’m in a ‘wave’ now after a four month ‘window.’ Thank you !!

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